Admins, S mods, edit as you please.
Okay then, y’all know the drill by now I HOPE. So, then, here are the rules for the art forum.
1) Attachments are not big enough to hold art files.
Don't even try because the server will not let you. Not even a sprite could pass the size limit.
To post your picture, link to it from another server via the http:// link. It is preferred that you do not post the picture as an image but rather link it because if your picture is too big, it will not be very fun to load for those with slow connections, so exhibit some common courtesy and please direct link your images instead of showing them as the image itself.
You may use gallery services such as Deviantart but please link by url and not your gallery url.
If you need a place to upload your files that is reliable, try the following websites:, Webshots, Photobucket
More will be posted, as they are proven reliable. The minimum services on all three sites are free.
2) Artistic nudity is allowed under certain conditions. Always note that there is a difference between "artistic nudity" and "pornography".
Artistic nudity is basically a picture that idolizes the body, perhaps in a drawing of a pregnant Pokemon. This can be showing beauty in artistic form.
Pornography is showing off of private areas rather mindlessly that doesn't have much artistic value and aims rather to, er, arouse someone rather than give them eye candy. Generally these are also questionably positioned a well
Also, the "direct link your images" rule in artistic nudity is a MUST. The reason for this is if someone accidentally clicks on your link and right there in their face is a picture of nudity, which would be especially bad if they were underage and of course some people may feel offended.
A small warning to say it contains such artwork would also be advisable, just in case. If you are unsure if your artwork would be acceptable for view, just pm a mod and we’ll clear it for you soon as possible.
3) Stealing is bad, even ILLEGAL and will not be tolerated.
It is no excuse if it's art from someone's site, art done by a friend, or just stolen and lied about. Don't even post art from a friend you got permission to. If they want to post their own art, they can sign up and post it themselves. A picture falls into the stolen category if you basically claim it as your own or don't give credit for it.
Stealing from someone will monger you an instant warning and possible ban if you are notorious for crime in the art forum.
Tracing and coloration of a picture is sort of an iffy subject. We don't mind if you trace a drawing to make it look better or color a scan from a manga or something.
Just PLEASE give credit to the original artist/site or it will be considered stolen. Myself, I've traced and colored pictures before, and given credit after asking permission. Just... remember to get credit because as stated, theft is not taken lightly.
4) DO NOT POST SAYING "wow that is the best art ever 10/10!!!" I cannot stress this enough. You can think that you're helping the artist but you're really not.
An example?
"good job vibrant colors this deserves 9/10 "
No. That's not how comments are supposed to be. Do you know what that's considered? Right, spam. So don't do it. This is your LAST warning, because we are SO SICK of deleting all those comments. So if we see spam, we're going to
1) Delete it
2) Warn the author
3) See if they've spammed more so they can get their second warning and be banned for a week
What you need to do: NOT USE THE NUMBER RATING SYSTEM. Unless you've given at least a paragraph, or a few sentences, of criticism, we don't want you posting (Unless you're posting art, of course). We'd like to keep this art forum nice and clean.
Artists usually like hearing feedback and criticism-- saying "good job i love it best pciture vevar!!!!1" doesn't cut it, either. So please, think before you post or you may find yourself being banned for a week.
An example of a good critique procedure is as follows:
1. What they like about them
2. What needs to be improved on the artwork
3. What the artists needs to do to improve his/her art abilities for the future
These three sentences will help the artist improve his/her art abilities and gain confidences to do it. Also it'll help to know the art vocabulary or at least go to art school to learn how to do constructive criticism.
The number system only works if you actually take the artwork apart, grade each and every part of that artwork and including the paragraph of why you give it that grade, and then average them up to give the final score with the final word. - Dr. MECha
Below this post you will also see an Advanced Critique guide, there to help YOU.
5) "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
Flaming of art is unacceptable. If you dislike a piece of art, you can say so in a polite way why you dislike it (and the reason had better be good), or you can not say anything at all. Heck, flaming of ANYTHING in art warrants a big warning. You're all big boys and girls, you should know better. Being constructive and flaming the hell out of artwork are very different.
6) Try to stay on-topic.
Self-explainatory. Try not to ask someone "how they made a picture" or if the topic has digressed, don't keep it going by adding on. Get back on topic because we don't want to have to do a mass deletion of stupid posts.
7) Mod-whoring/Mini modding is looked down upon.
That's right, you heard me. Let the mods do their job and you do yours. We know that your heart is in the right place when you tell someone "you spammed!" or "your picture is illegal!", but posting in that manner is, believe it or not, considered spam. Contacting a mod to take care of the problem ASAP is the best option you have.
Use the "Report Post" button if you think there is something wrong with it, or if trouble begins to brew and there's no mods around to assist you. If you want a quick fix, you can even swing by the chat and ask for one of the active Mods, S Mods or Admins to help.
8) Contray to popular belief, non-Pokemon pictures, original fan art, whatever, any sort of art are allowed to be posted.
Don't hesitate to post your new Final Fantasy fan art, or your new Dragonball Z sketch. We won't turn down pictures that don't relate to Pokemon.
9) Use your common sense.
If a post or situation is questionable and not listed here in the rules, think about it for a moment. If you don't know whether to post something, think: "does it contribute to the artist?" "is it beneficial to the forum?" and other sorts of questions. See things from both sides, and from others' perspectives.
If you think people will react with hostility towards your post or you are unsure if your post is spam, it most likely is/will be. If you're still DYING to post though you're unsure of it and are afraid of breaking a rule, contact a mod about it and see if it needs corrections.
10) Do not request in a place that is meant to showcase art.
Yeah, you heard me. I've gotten a complaint and that's the last straw. Guys, really, if the person doesn't blatantly say that they are taking requests, don't request. The forum is to show your art and receive comments, not to request.
There is a subforum for that. So basically, if you wanna request but that person doesn't have a thread in the proper forum, then PM them. It's just been getting a bit out of hand.
We've seen this, and it shouldn't even happen, so CUT IT OUT.
I am afraid that photography is NOT allowed in the fanart area. The reason for this is thee is another area called Digital media where it can be placed for view; it also makes it far more likely your work will be noticed.
Well, that's about it. If you have a question, a suggestion, a whatever, post here and we'll deal with it. ^_^
All edits done by Zephyr Flare
Okay then, y’all know the drill by now I HOPE. So, then, here are the rules for the art forum.
Beneath the second post on this thread is another post about general artwork
I advise it is read as it is informative and could prove useful.
I advise it is read as it is informative and could prove useful.
1) Attachments are not big enough to hold art files.
Don't even try because the server will not let you. Not even a sprite could pass the size limit.
To post your picture, link to it from another server via the http:// link. It is preferred that you do not post the picture as an image but rather link it because if your picture is too big, it will not be very fun to load for those with slow connections, so exhibit some common courtesy and please direct link your images instead of showing them as the image itself.
You may use gallery services such as Deviantart but please link by url and not your gallery url.
If you need a place to upload your files that is reliable, try the following websites:, Webshots, Photobucket
More will be posted, as they are proven reliable. The minimum services on all three sites are free.
2) Artistic nudity is allowed under certain conditions. Always note that there is a difference between "artistic nudity" and "pornography".
Artistic nudity is basically a picture that idolizes the body, perhaps in a drawing of a pregnant Pokemon. This can be showing beauty in artistic form.
Pornography is showing off of private areas rather mindlessly that doesn't have much artistic value and aims rather to, er, arouse someone rather than give them eye candy. Generally these are also questionably positioned a well
Also, the "direct link your images" rule in artistic nudity is a MUST. The reason for this is if someone accidentally clicks on your link and right there in their face is a picture of nudity, which would be especially bad if they were underage and of course some people may feel offended.
A small warning to say it contains such artwork would also be advisable, just in case. If you are unsure if your artwork would be acceptable for view, just pm a mod and we’ll clear it for you soon as possible.
3) Stealing is bad, even ILLEGAL and will not be tolerated.
It is no excuse if it's art from someone's site, art done by a friend, or just stolen and lied about. Don't even post art from a friend you got permission to. If they want to post their own art, they can sign up and post it themselves. A picture falls into the stolen category if you basically claim it as your own or don't give credit for it.
Stealing from someone will monger you an instant warning and possible ban if you are notorious for crime in the art forum.
Tracing and coloration of a picture is sort of an iffy subject. We don't mind if you trace a drawing to make it look better or color a scan from a manga or something.
Just PLEASE give credit to the original artist/site or it will be considered stolen. Myself, I've traced and colored pictures before, and given credit after asking permission. Just... remember to get credit because as stated, theft is not taken lightly.
4) DO NOT POST SAYING "wow that is the best art ever 10/10!!!" I cannot stress this enough. You can think that you're helping the artist but you're really not.
An example?
"good job vibrant colors this deserves 9/10 "
No. That's not how comments are supposed to be. Do you know what that's considered? Right, spam. So don't do it. This is your LAST warning, because we are SO SICK of deleting all those comments. So if we see spam, we're going to
1) Delete it
2) Warn the author
3) See if they've spammed more so they can get their second warning and be banned for a week
What you need to do: NOT USE THE NUMBER RATING SYSTEM. Unless you've given at least a paragraph, or a few sentences, of criticism, we don't want you posting (Unless you're posting art, of course). We'd like to keep this art forum nice and clean.
Artists usually like hearing feedback and criticism-- saying "good job i love it best pciture vevar!!!!1" doesn't cut it, either. So please, think before you post or you may find yourself being banned for a week.
An example of a good critique procedure is as follows:
1. What they like about them
2. What needs to be improved on the artwork
3. What the artists needs to do to improve his/her art abilities for the future
These three sentences will help the artist improve his/her art abilities and gain confidences to do it. Also it'll help to know the art vocabulary or at least go to art school to learn how to do constructive criticism.
The number system only works if you actually take the artwork apart, grade each and every part of that artwork and including the paragraph of why you give it that grade, and then average them up to give the final score with the final word. - Dr. MECha
Below this post you will also see an Advanced Critique guide, there to help YOU.
5) "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
Flaming of art is unacceptable. If you dislike a piece of art, you can say so in a polite way why you dislike it (and the reason had better be good), or you can not say anything at all. Heck, flaming of ANYTHING in art warrants a big warning. You're all big boys and girls, you should know better. Being constructive and flaming the hell out of artwork are very different.
6) Try to stay on-topic.
Self-explainatory. Try not to ask someone "how they made a picture" or if the topic has digressed, don't keep it going by adding on. Get back on topic because we don't want to have to do a mass deletion of stupid posts.
7) Mod-whoring/Mini modding is looked down upon.
That's right, you heard me. Let the mods do their job and you do yours. We know that your heart is in the right place when you tell someone "you spammed!" or "your picture is illegal!", but posting in that manner is, believe it or not, considered spam. Contacting a mod to take care of the problem ASAP is the best option you have.
Use the "Report Post" button if you think there is something wrong with it, or if trouble begins to brew and there's no mods around to assist you. If you want a quick fix, you can even swing by the chat and ask for one of the active Mods, S Mods or Admins to help.
8) Contray to popular belief, non-Pokemon pictures, original fan art, whatever, any sort of art are allowed to be posted.
Don't hesitate to post your new Final Fantasy fan art, or your new Dragonball Z sketch. We won't turn down pictures that don't relate to Pokemon.
9) Use your common sense.
If a post or situation is questionable and not listed here in the rules, think about it for a moment. If you don't know whether to post something, think: "does it contribute to the artist?" "is it beneficial to the forum?" and other sorts of questions. See things from both sides, and from others' perspectives.
If you think people will react with hostility towards your post or you are unsure if your post is spam, it most likely is/will be. If you're still DYING to post though you're unsure of it and are afraid of breaking a rule, contact a mod about it and see if it needs corrections.
10) Do not request in a place that is meant to showcase art.
Yeah, you heard me. I've gotten a complaint and that's the last straw. Guys, really, if the person doesn't blatantly say that they are taking requests, don't request. The forum is to show your art and receive comments, not to request.
There is a subforum for that. So basically, if you wanna request but that person doesn't have a thread in the proper forum, then PM them. It's just been getting a bit out of hand.
We've seen this, and it shouldn't even happen, so CUT IT OUT.
I am afraid that photography is NOT allowed in the fanart area. The reason for this is thee is another area called Digital media where it can be placed for view; it also makes it far more likely your work will be noticed.
Well, that's about it. If you have a question, a suggestion, a whatever, post here and we'll deal with it. ^_^
All edits done by Zephyr Flare
Last edited by a moderator: