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I won't give up!
You're certainly strong enough to beat it. I suggest linking Pikachu's Thundershock and Thunderwave. Maybe teach Eevee Attract. When you're facing Articuno use Attract ( if you have it ) and then keep using Eevee's Helping Hand.


Well-Known Member
Try to do the following:

- Bring as much Reviver Seeds as you can.
- Try to link all four moves with each other, for both Pikachu, & Eevee...
- Level Up!
- Use Oran Berries if you are about to faint.
- Try to include some Status Condition attacks, like Thunderwave, and etc...
- Use Max Elixars if you are about to run out of PP.

Hope I helped.

~ Lapras_Lover
Keep going through the side cavern (Forgot what it's called, you know, the 3 floor one before you actually enter the dungeon, when you have a choice of where to go.) Train a bit, then get any seeds/berries while you're there. You may find a Link Box too.

As for the actual battle, start off by throwing a Gravelerock/something other than an orb, or a Stun/Sleep Seed to begin, then hack away from a distance if possible. Whatever you do though, attack at will! Bar the amount of damage Articuno's attacks do, and guess when you should use berries, take risks sometimes too.

~fuzzy out~


Zigzagoon luv
It would have been really easy if you made pikachu only use thundershock and thunderwave, But oh well, Guess it's to late.


Well-Known Member
the best and fastest way is have a fire pokemon with u as ice dont resist fire and have the fire pokemon use smogscreen or combine it with a fire atack to win the fight faster....


1. He's already got passed it.
2. How the **** could he have fire pokemon? He's on the Figutive Part.