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Aruseus Fic Help


The Best of the Best
I was thinking of writing an Arueus fic. It would not be that long, kinda like a movie. But I kinda need help with it. Can one of you help me?

The stars would be(credit for sprites to PurioandChopper of Showcreator Forums)


Hes the main villian of the stroy and the hero Aruseus's brother. He turned from righteousness and soled his soul for the ultimnate dark power.

Aruseus(you'll know what he looks like) Oh and he is the main hero of the story.


Hes the son of Aruseus, very immature but destined to become like his father. Darkseus so despises him and is set on getting rid of him to get at Aruseus.

These guys,

Randon backround heroes and a villian in this story.


Aruseus's right hand man and most loyal follower.

More later, just kindly can someone assist me with this?

Salgross, hes a servant of Darkseus. The other two, Mewbii and Mewthree are random characters in the story. They arnt evil but they do not fight against it either.
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Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
.... and normal pokemon are a bad idea why? Seriously, Absoleus? What is he, the love child of Aruseus and Absol?... wait nvm saw the description.

And Darkseus? A combo of Darkrai and Aruseus? A horrible mesh if I say so myself, atleast that sprite is.

I'd hate to see how you'd describe it.

I'm sorry but pretty much all of your characters are .. horrible meshes. And are probably gonna be cliche as instead of describing their personalities, you explain their most basic, cliche spots, and roles in the story, and use sprites.

Very, very badly done sprites.

Just, my advice is to give up now if you can't even think up a plot for yourself, can't describe your own characters, can't give them personalities, or write this out for yourself.



The Best of the Best
.... and normal pokemon are a bad idea why? Seriously, Absoleus? What is he, the love child of Aruseus and Absol?... wait nvm saw the description.

And Darkseus? A combo of Darkrai and Aruseus? A horrible mesh if I say so myself, atleast that sprite is.

I'd hate to see how you'd describe it.

I'm sorry but pretty much all of your characters are .. horrible meshes. And are probably gonna be cliche as instead of describing their personalities, you explain their most basic, cliche spots, and roles in the story, and use sprites.

Very, very badly done sprites.

Just, my advice is to give up now if you can't even think up a plot for yourself, can't describe your own characters, can't give them personalities, or write this out for yourself.


-_-, I got a plot basics, I would just like a partner to help me sort it out and make it as good as possible. I didnt make those sprites, I just used them because they are what I would like some characters to look like. Truthfully, I didnt want to use regular Pokemon because they are just plain, and we basicly know a lot about them already. Using combos, I can sort of create a story for each character. I have some difficulty with keeping things organized, so I would just like some assistance with this so I can work everything out and make it the best story possible.

I didnt get everything worked out just yet, just the basics. I can easily describe their personalities. Also, this is a fanfic, so it doesnt really have to be completly tied to the Pokemon world we know from the series. I fully intend to make each character unique.

EDIT: Early Character Personality IDEAS(May change)

Mancario: Very intollerant of anyone to insult Aruseus and not nearly as forgiving. Since he was rescued from Darkseus as child by Aruseus, he has faithfully served him. He longs to prove to Aruseus that he is worthy to be his right hand servant. Despite Aruseus already giving him much respect, Mancario still longs to get stronger and to eliminate Darkseus and his followers.

Abolseus: A rebeluous son who could care less about his father or anyone of his followers for that matter. He seeks adventure and longs to travel. He has befriended quite a few friends during his many mischievous acts. He usually gets himself into a lot of trouble and usually is bailed out by his father. Despite this, he never shows any gratitude to his father and is slowly walking into Darkseus's trap.
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Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Then how about first: you describe them, instead of relying on crappy sprites.

And yes, pokemon fics don't have to be tied to the anime, games, and etc, but people will start wondering htf there are Fionriou and Manaphycario's running around. Why a Sheimi looks Jirachi-ish, how an Absol is the son of the pokegod Aruseus, and why.

... oh and Mewthree is so original. I know a person that has atleast put EFFORT into making Mewthree look original. No, several. One where he was a psychic/dark, one where they'd gone for a more mew like one. One even combined with HUMAN DNA!

That is why you limit yourself with these ... sprites. With these.. splices. How did they happen. Why? You can make normal pokemon interesting, or did some random big bang go boom and suddenly pokemon are spliced with others? Is it cause of Darksus? or whatever.

And you didn't say in your first post you want a partner to help you make it the best as possible.

All I see is a thread procaliming you have an idea, and a bunch of shoddy sprites. That are barely original.

You wanna score points? DESCRIBE YOUR OWN CHARACTERS- and make them different crosses, explain how they came to be, or hint it's a twist in the plot as to why they aren't pure pokemon :/


The Best of the Best
Then how about first: you describe them, instead of relying on crappy sprites.

And yes, pokemon fics don't have to be tied to the anime, games, and etc, but people will start wondering htf there are Fionriou and Manaphycario's running around. Why a Sheimi looks Jirachi-ish, how an Absol is the son of the pokegod Aruseus, and why.

... oh and Mewthree is so original. I know a person that has atleast put EFFORT into making Mewthree look original. No, several. One where he was a psychic/dark, one where they'd gone for a more mew like one. One even combined with HUMAN DNA!

That is why you limit yourself with these ... sprites. With these.. splices. How did they happen. Why? You can make normal pokemon interesting, or did some random big bang go boom and suddenly pokemon are spliced with others? Is it cause of Darksus? or whatever.

And you didn't say in your first post you want a partner to help you make it the best as possible.

All I see is a thread procaliming you have an idea, and a bunch of shoddy sprites. That are barely original.

You wanna score points? DESCRIBE YOUR OWN CHARACTERS- and make them different crosses, explain how they came to be, or hint it's a twist in the plot as to why they aren't pure pokemon :/

Thats all in there. Ok, here is what happened, and Ill explain it. When the evil Aruseus betrayed his brother and soled his soul, he upset the balance of the Aruseus Kingdom. Those who were unfortunate enough to be in the least protected levels of the kingdom at the time had their DNA seriously messed with and they morphed into Splice Pokemon. Aruseus's son was among those. Aruseus isnt really a god in this story, but rather, he serves a greater being.
So basicly, when Darkseus was born, he temporary messed with the balance of the Aruseus Kingdom(a kingdom ruled by Aruseus, not everyone is an Aruseus) and some unforunate beings had their DNA messed with.

That work for you?
You really do not have to do this if you really dont want to. I just used those sprites cause they were the best way I could think of to describe the characters. Also, I did not make the sprites.

EDIT: Another thing I believe that I should address, Absoleus's mother, was indeed an Aruseus. However, she died in the aftermath of Darkseus's betrayal. She was protecting the kingdom. She managed to absorb the most deadly aftereffects, thus saving everyone else in the kingdom from death. However, she could not stop all the aftereffects, and thus, many of the pokemon's DNA got messed with and they became "spliced" pokemon.
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Chaos Sneasel

Sneasel of Chaos
You really do not have to do this if you really dont desire. I just used those sprites cause they were the best way I could think of to describe the characters. Also, I did not make these.

If those.........monstrositites......were the best description you could do, drop your pen[cil], back away from the keyboard slowly, and go watch some tv or something. Please.
I mean, really, come on. You can't describe characters [which is only one of the most important parts of a story.....besides the plot, obviously], so you do....that?
That's even lower and less creative than when people start out their fics by someone getting signed up for something and they have to say their features out loud, or when they just come out and blatantly say everything [I've even seen people have their mary-sue characters go up, meet, and say "wow, I love your *insert long list of clothing* and how it goes with your *insert physical features here*].
Back to the drawing board, unless you magically learn how to describe characters properly.
Don't whine or say I'm mean or anything, because it's just something you'll need to learn sooner or later if you ever want to write a quality, successful fic, I'm just trying to help you understand that.

~Chaos Sneasel ;215;
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The Best of the Best
If those.........monstrositites......were the best description you could do, drop your pen[cil], back away from the keyboard slowly, and go watch some tv or something. Please.
I mean, really, come on. You can't describe characters [which is only one of the most important parts of a story.....besides the plot, obviously], so you do....that?
That's even lower and less creative than when people start out their fics by someone getting signed up for something and they have to say their features out loud, or when they just come out and blatantly say everything.
Back to the drawing board, unless you magically learn how to describe characters properly.

~Chaos Sneasel ;215;

Exactly what kind of description are you looking for? I did not draw them. I just used them because they reflect what I want the characters to look like. Ok, so they are far from perfect, but I cannot draw, nor make proper sprites(if someone can make them better, please do. I would appreciate your help)
so really, thats the best I could do. I wanted this to be like a movie, where everyone had somewhat proper descripts of what the characters looked like before hand, so I could go deeper into the story.


Jello Pokéballs
Truthfully, I didnt want to use regular Pokemon because they are just plain, and we basicly know a lot about them already.
Plain is not always awful. Sometimes plain can be your best bet because people can picture the pokemon better anf you can make their character anything you want, their type is not a limiting thing :). I mean, everyone knows alot about, say, dogs. Does that mean that every story that could star a good dog character has been done? Of course not!:)
If everyone would stop trying to make their fics about the 'OMG, rarest, one of a kind pokemon that ever lived." Maybe we would get more fics written about more common pokemon underdogs that never get fics centered on them :)
I mean my story may be about pokémorphs, but even then the plot centers around, mainly those of the Zubat line. Grounding even the most fantasic story with common characters is always a good idea so that you do not drive away your readers with too much un-realistic plotting :)
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Chaos Sneasel

Sneasel of Chaos
Exactly what kind of description are you looking for? I did not draw them. I just used them because they reflect what I want the characters to look like. Ok, so they are far from perfect, but I cannot draw, nor make proper sprites(if someone can make them better, please do. I would appreciate your help)
so really, thats the best I could do. I wanted this to be like a movie, where everyone had somewhat proper descripts of what the characters looked like before hand, so I could go deeper into the story.

'Tis called writing a prologue.
Maybe you've heard of the process?
Hello, this is what they were invented for.
If you want to use pictures, go make a comic.
If you want to make a fic, you actually have to write and can't fall back on crappy images and expect people to go by that.

~Chaos Sneasel ;215;


The Best of the Best
'Tis called writing a prologue.
Maybe you've heard of it?
Hello, this is what they're for.
If you want to use pictures, go make a comic. If you want to make a fic, you actually have to write and can't fall back on crappy images and expect people to go by that.

~Chaos Sneasel ;215;

Than why dont you make me quality images? Or write me a prolougue? This, thats why Im asking for a partner. Someone to help me work out those things, maybe you didnt get the point of this thread. The point of this thread was not to just advertise a fic, but to GET A PARTNER. So, what I want, is someone to write me either a prolougue, or create what you believe, to be quality sprites. I chose to not use regular Pokemon because I wanted to do something, different. Really, if you think that it is so bad, assist me in making it better. Thats why I needed some help.
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Chaos Sneasel

Sneasel of Chaos
Than why dont you make me quality images? Or write me a prolougue? This, thats why Im asking for a partner. Someone to help me work out those things, maybe you didnt get the point of this thread. The point of this thread was not to just advertise a fic, but to GET A PARTNER. So, what I want, is someone to write me either a prolougue, or create what you believe, to be quality sprites. I chose to not use regular Pokemon because I wanted to do something, different.

Maybe you don't understand that in a fanfic, the point is that you need to WRITE.
You can't just have pictures- I couldn't care less if you dug up Picasso and had him make them.
You can't just pass this off as not having a partner, and say "oh, he'll do it". You can't have someone else do the dirty work for you, writing the prologue, creating characters.
A 4-year old could write dialogue for a story if he had everything lined up for him.
The whole point in writing a fic is the actual writing process, something you should pride yourself on, not get someone else to do.
Doesn't work like that.

~Chaos Sneasel ;215;


The Best of the Best
Maybe you don't understand that in a fanfic, the point is that you need to WRITE.
You can't just have pictures- I couldn't care less if you dug up Picasso and had him make them.
You can't just pass this off as not having a partner, and say "oh, he'll do it". You can't have someone else do the dirty work for you, writing the prologue, creating characters.
A 4-year old could write dialogue for a story if he had everything lined up for him.
The whole point in writing a fic is the actual writing process, something you should pride yourself on, not get someone else to do.
Doesn't work like that.

~Chaos Sneasel ;215;

First of all, who said these characters are good looking? How do you know they arnt ugly as heck and look like those poor quality sprites? Who says I want everything lined up for me? I got most of the story planned out, and who says Ill just have PICTURES. Those pictures were just to present what the characters looked like and a bit about them. They will not be used in the story. They will just be used to give an IDEA as to what the characters look like. They arnt meant to tell the story. And by looking at them, you get an IDEA of what the characters look like, so you can somewhat imagine a better quality picture of what they look like when you read the story, and I dont have to waste time writing a ten page essay describing each character. I'll do all the heavy work, I just want a partner to help me with those final details, such as character description. The bulk of the work will be done by myself.


Always Friends
Goodness, he knows how can't write too well, that's why he made a thread, ASKING FOR HELP, not rune critisism. Gosh, dude, I'll help you. ^^ Just PM me, and we'll go over all your ideas.

Chaos Sneasel

Sneasel of Chaos
Goodness, he knows how can't write too well, that's why he made a thread, ASKING FOR HELP, not rune critisism. Gosh, dude, I'll help you. ^^ Just PM me, and we'll go over all your ideas.

If he can't write too well, he should take my "rude criticism" seriously and go read advice for aspiring authors and maybe some successful 4 or 5 star fics to see how this should be done properly.
I'm not telling him to outright stop, I was just giving him advice on how to improve and how things should be done.
Really, that wasn't rude criticism at all, that was just the blunt, honest truth.
It's just that people are used to everything in their world being sugarcoated and toned down, so they assume it's rudeness.

~Chaos Sneasel ;215;


Well-Known Member
Geez no one likes my sprites. You know this thread isn't about the sprites it's about the fic, so if you are not reading it, giving useful ideas, or good comments just ignore this thread.


The Best of the Best
Geez no one likes my sprites. You know this thread isn't about the sprites it's about the fic, so if you are not reading it, giving useful ideas, or good comments just ignore this thread.

I know, thanks. Really, this thread is not about the sprites. The sprites are not being used to tell the story, they are just being used as very rough ideas of what the characters will look like. This thread is basicly about someone to assist me(Patchiiru, thanks you so much) on the fic itself, the sprites were just used to basicly give a rough idea of the characters and story. Thats it.


The Best of the Best
Beta reader? I guess thats it. I got plenty of plans for this story, the ideas arnt that hard, its just getting them into words that I have trouble with. Hopefully Patchiiru can help me.


Well-Known Member
You'll have to be careful, Judai. I gotta tell you that what I'm seeing so far seems rather gimmicky. Trying to mold a story around character ideas alone is how the Pokémorph genre got so maligned--too many people said "Pokémorphs! Cool!" and thought a story would be able to stand on the idea alone. That seems to be what you did when you saw those sprites.

You see, as it stands right now, there's no reason for any of these characters to be what they are. They could have just as easily been regular Pokémon or human beings, for example. I mean, look, from what you have given as far as general plot direction, it'd be like reading The Lion King: Pokémon Edition and nothing more.

I know you've said the purpose of this thread was to find a partner writer, but if you want a partner writer because you're having trouble with ideas rather than just wanting to collaborate and mesh writing styles, some warning bells should be going off in your head.