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Aruseus Fic Help


The Best of the Best
You'll have to be careful, Judai. I gotta tell you that what I'm seeing so far seems rather gimmicky. Trying to mold a story around character ideas alone is how the Pokémorph genre got so maligned--too many people said "Pokémorphs! Cool!" and thought a story would be able to stand on the idea alone. That seems to be what you did when you saw those sprites.

You see, as it stands right now, there's no reason for any of these characters to be what they are. They could have just as easily been regular Pokémon or human beings, for example. I mean, look, from what you have given as far as general plot direction, it'd be like reading The Lion King: Pokémon Edition and nothing more.

I know you've said the purpose of this thread was to find a partner writer, but if you want a partner writer because you're having trouble with ideas rather than just wanting to collaborate and mesh writing styles, some warning bells should be going off in your head.

Trust me, this will be the farthest thing from the Lion King. Cause this time, its a ferocous battle where the planet is at stake. Also, why judge a story before you even read the first chapter? Thats a bit unfair to me, that you guys judge a story based on preliminary outlines and not its actual premiere.

Differences from the Lion King: Unlike the famous disney movie, the son is not the hero of this story, Aruseus is. Unlike the lion king, the villian here is actual a threat and doesnt need to use trickery to take down his enemy, he is perfectly capable of doing it on his own, unlike the lion king's cheesy ending, the villian will not meet his end by HIS OWN ARMY. Sorry, but those are only the obvious details that currently separate this from the lion king, there will be much more, and you will eventually see that this story is nothing like the lion king, it may actuallly use elements from the original Pokemon series, but the only thing this has in common with the lion king is the main villian being the main heroes brother.(look Shaman king must be a Lion King Ripoff true, wait, that had nothing in common with the Lion King, oopse, my bad) I think judging a story at its preliminary stages is just unfair to the writter,saying how he cannot make anything intresting happen, at least wait until the first chapter is up before you judge the story, and see how unique it really is.
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