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Ash & Hikari Meeting:Fate or Coincidence


Ashfan for life
We know that Pikachu was separated from Ash when he got to Sinnoh and Pikachu managed to be found by new comer trainer Hikari.Hikari bike was destroyed and afterwards Hikari helped Pikachu find Ash. I think that whole meeting each other was a big coincidence. What is your opinion?


Well-Known Member
I think it was not fate but merely an act for the writers


Yeah, ok!
Was Misty fishing Ash out of the water fate?

Was May meeting Ash in Littleroot town fate?

Please, you're looking too deeply into this.


Thunder Pokemon User
It has to b fate. Because every time Ash's Pikachu destroys some girl's bicycle they end up travelling along with him. Thats not a coincidence since it happens every season.


Turnabout Pokemon
It has to b fate. Because every time Ash's Pikachu destroys some girl's bicycle they end up travelling along with him. Thats not a coincidence since it happens every season.

It's not fate. It's just that the writers keep repeating the same bike running gag everytime a new series starts. ^^;


Ash fan girl! Cute!
I'm going to say fate :p


Feraligatr Master
Let the kid dream...nothing wrong believing Pokemon has some kindda depth.
Despite the fact we all know is a trademarketted to death and holds little to no plot/story.




Too lazy to pick a pic
I think it was not fate but merely an act for the writers

Well, actually this is the true reason. But we might considerate this like "fate", after all, the two main character of the same season would meet each other more soon, more late.


Well-Known Member
It has to b fate. Because every time Ash's Pikachu destroys some girl's bicycle they end up travelling along with him. Thats not a coincidence since it happens every season.

the bigger question is why dose Pikachu have a compulshion to destroy cute girls bikes!!!! lol

Mirai Mirai

rabid kitten
the bigger question is why dose Pikachu have a compulshion to destroy cute girls bikes!!!! lol

It's a running gag.

That, or Pikachu hates bikes.
It's a running gag.

That, or Pikachu hates bikes.

Can't be or else he would of killed all those bikes in the bicycle gang episode.

Chopper and Tara would NOT be happy about that.


Is Back Finally!
um its a TV SHOW lol they could make ash meet a talking snowman for all they care lol
um its a TV SHOW lol they could make ash meet a talking snowman for all they care lol


If you don't get this, than you are a moron."]
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