Night Avenger
Rust In Peace
Really, what's stopping him? Why couldn't he get a Hikozaru at all? Don't go like:
Gary got Prof. Oak's Squirtle, this didn't stop Ash from getting his own Squirtle. Besides he could get one that is like... A stealing Hikozaru, that gets into houses at night and steal shiny things and bla bla bla... Then Ash would capture it and teach him not to steal. Then Hikozaru would overcome the same transformation as Squirtle, turning from a burglar to a responsible and caring pokemon. Then at the Sinnoh League, Ash's Hikozaru could pwn Shinji's Goukazaru, therefore teaching Shinji that power isn't everything in pokemon and caring for them matters too and bla bla bla...
Well, the not-evolving Hikozaru is possible right? And then Ash could turn into a monkey trainer! Yay! And get Primeape back! More Yays! Heheh, joking about the Primeape thing... Well, discuss!
So what??ZOMG!!1!11! CUZ SHINJI ALREADY HAS ONE U n00b!!!!111!!!oneeleven!!!11!!
Gary got Prof. Oak's Squirtle, this didn't stop Ash from getting his own Squirtle. Besides he could get one that is like... A stealing Hikozaru, that gets into houses at night and steal shiny things and bla bla bla... Then Ash would capture it and teach him not to steal. Then Hikozaru would overcome the same transformation as Squirtle, turning from a burglar to a responsible and caring pokemon. Then at the Sinnoh League, Ash's Hikozaru could pwn Shinji's Goukazaru, therefore teaching Shinji that power isn't everything in pokemon and caring for them matters too and bla bla bla...
Well, the not-evolving Hikozaru is possible right? And then Ash could turn into a monkey trainer! Yay! And get Primeape back! More Yays! Heheh, joking about the Primeape thing... Well, discuss!
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