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ash ho-oh bragging?


christian 4ever
why does ash brags to everybody that he has seen ho-oh if he know nobody will belive him


Well-Known Member
He doesnt brag about it and hardly brings it up at all. Why the hell do you keep on making threads like this? You are almost my rank and you act like a beginning trainer. WAKE UP ALREADY.


Scuffle of Legends
yeah the only time i remember ash brining it up was with Prof.Oak over the video phone thing.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
yeah the only time i remember ash brining it up was with Prof.Oak over the video phone thing.

[spoil]There are instances in the future where Ash mentions it again, like in the first Brandon episode.[/spoil]

Silent Conversation

Chart obsessed wanker
Ash? Brag? I don't believe he's ever done it [/sarcasm]

You know, Ash does sound like the bragging type.


He kept repeating it in that episode? Well, it has been a while since I've seen it, but I don't recall him actually BRAGGING about it.

Morty: This picture here is a Ho-oh.
Ash: Oh, I saw that once.
Morty: And this is a Suicune.
Ash: I saw that when I first got to Johto.

Although, my memory is a little foggy, I believe that was the gist of it. XD


7th Shichibukai
what about the morty episode...he keep repeating it it was annoyng

Well first off its because its the site of the Ho-oh shrine...so why not say that he saw it. Plus morty did seem interested as much as Morty's friend. Its not like he goes to every person he sees and says, "Guess what I've seen Ho-oh!"
Well first off its because its the site of the Ho-oh shrine...so why not say that he saw it. Plus morty did seem interested as much as Morty's friend. Its not like he goes to every person he sees and says, "Guess what I've seen Ho-oh!"
For the record, his name is Eusuine. And he barely brags.
He didn't brag. He said he saw Ho-oh and that was that. End of story. He might brag if Ho-oh came down and did the Hula dance right in front of him.


Izit cuz I is black?
Ho-oh has something crazy going on with it. How come nobody except Ash, Ash's Pikachu, Ash's friends, Ash's less important friends, and Ash's pet snail Gurty has ever seen Ho-oh?

BTW, Gurty may have not appeared in any episode, or been mentioned in any language by anyone up until my invention of him in this post, but trust me- the true secret to the show's success is Gurty. You wait 'til the last episode, then you'll know his true divinity!


Natsu no Maboroshi
Ash saw Ho-Oh when he saved Pikachuu way back in the first episodes, I think.