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Ash keep getting grass starter 4ever?


christian 4ever
would Ash get the grass starter everytime..im so tired of him getting grass starters.....


Well-Known Member
And? What do you want us to do about it?


King of pirates


Well-Known Member
No. Most of his Grass pokemon got personality. Bulbasaur had some,Bayleaf had some,Sceptile was total PWNAGE. I dont think theres anything wrong with it.


King of pirates
he shoul have got the water starter.


Well-Known Member
yeah but they should keep it ramdom so that it can be funner

Well he didnt have much of a choice in sinnoh anyway. Hikari needed a cute pokemon so she got Pochama, Ash already had Aipom so they couldnt give him another monkey like pokemon leaving ash with Neatle. Your going to have to live with it.


King of pirates
naetoru is strong so not another grass type?


Too lazy to pick a pic
What problem with this? Besides, grass starters are more cool than the other grass pkm of a generation, different of the water or fire non starter pkm. I have no problem with this.


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
What problem with this? Besides, grass starters are more cool than the other grass pkm of a generation, different of the water or fire non starter pkm. I have no problem with this.

Neither do I.

The grass starter is usually the best one out of the three anyway.


Emperor Coordinator
Who cares? Remember that he has also had squirtle, charmander, cyndaquil, and totodile. Him getting the grass starter only just started in the Advanced Gen.


Well-Known Member
Have you noticed how there have been Bird Type Starters since Advanced Gen? And the Female Trainer always starts with it?

I think next gen the Female will get the Grass-type Bird Type, so Ash will have the Water/Fire type Starter.

Fiend Ryu

Title Pending
What's the big deal? Does it really matter what starter he gets? It's honestly no big deal, and as it's been said, the show is extremely repetitive already.

What, you want him to get every starter like in Kanto and Johto?