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Ash & May! Heated Battles In Hoenn! (397)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Ash & May! Heated Battles In Hoenn!

It's the eve of the Grand Festival in Slateport City and with both the Grand Festival and the Hoenn League around the corner, Ash & May recall their toughest Gym & Contest Battles in Hoenn

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Well-Known Member
It sounds good. Let's just hope there's no cheesy puns that'll ruin it.


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
Well, i hope they show all battles even the ones that they lost...i'd love to see them again :D


Battle Pyramid Champion
Are you sure it's not a real episode? Meh, I don't know, but it sounds cool.


Yeah, ok!
Is there any new animation in this episode? Meaning, do we see Ash and May talking to each other about their past battles, and THEN see flashbacks? Or is the whole thing just one big clip show with no new scenes at all?


Well-Known Member
Was there any information revealed about the upcoming Grand Festival/Hoenn League?


Frustrated Elf
If the episode was packaged with a Pokemon Trivia Quiz, the regular opening, the regular eyecatch, and the regular ending theme, then yes, it is a regular episode.

Golden Darkness

Spikeshell Trainer
Yeah, the "episode" had all that.

Having watched it, it's a pure clip show. No new material, I can detect. The narrator was definately busy though, continuously narrating the entire thing.

First half of the clip show consisted of Ash's Hoenn League journey, looking at his past Gym battles (except the 3rd and 4th ones apparently, just a mention he got those badges). Second half was basically all of May's Pokemon Contest attempts.
Golden Darkness said:
Yeah, the "episode" had all that.

Having watched it, it's a pure clip show. No new material, I can detect. The narrator was definately busy though, continuously narrating the entire thing.

First half of the clip show consisted of Ash's Hoenn League journey, looking at his past Gym battles (except the 3rd and 4th ones apparently, just a mention he got those badges). Second half was basically all of May's Pokemon Contest attempts.

So no ash, max, may and brock talking then showing clips? What was the point? Well I doubt this will be dubbed!


Battle Factory Champion
Well since it fits the description of a regular episode, and thus makes up the AG series, there's no reason why 4kids should ban it. Although in reality, money's the big thing to these guys, if they don't think it's relevant in any shape or form for the pokémon fans of America, they wont bother, seeing as the KidsWB! schedule seems pretty tight and competitive anyway.

Golden Darkness

Spikeshell Trainer
neopolis3 said:
Yeah, if it had some new scenes it'd sorta make sense...

Yeah, it wasn't like Yu-Gi-Oh's clip show, where there were new scenes seperating the different clips. It was apparently worth their while for 4Kids to dub it and KidsWB to air it.
Golden Darkness said:
Yeah, it wasn't like Yu-Gi-Oh's clip show, where there were new scenes seperating the different clips. It was apparently worth their while for 4Kids to dub it and KidsWB to air it.

I remember that clip show it was good because they were ta;ling and then they showed clips! That was good! But I bet the won't dub it!


This episode is of absolutely no interest to me other than for the fact that Roxanne, I assume, appears. Even if it is in a clip. :p Oos should be happy about Brawly, too.


Champion Scientist
I think its sounds great, I can't wait to see what battles are used and what the new footage is like