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Ash or Hikari?


Well-Known Member
Who would you rather have the Shinou season based on? Ash or Hikari?

For me Ash, because i think it would be sad for all of them to go.


Well-Known Member
Hikari b/c Ash won't do anything worthwhile like winning the Shinou League


Ashfan for life
I perfer Ash because his story his continuing to be a pokemon master and I'm tired of people bashing Ash all the time.


Well-Known Member
A new girl who just showed up, or a guy who's been on the show for 10 years as the main character. I think I'd choose the guy, since I'm just used to it.


Yeah, ok!
They should have had Hikari start her own journey in a new series but continued AG with Ash and May. Yep.

You know, like everyone originally thought before we found out there was only one show.


Anime-wise, I'd like both to be focused, but I'm leaning a little somewhat more towards Hikari. Because well, game adaption-wise, she's supposed to be there. Face it, just because they recolor Red's FR/LG clothes by adding some color from Kouki's clothes and putting it on him doesn't change the fact that's it's still Red's clothes. You know where I'm getting at. Satoshi's game icon hasn't been in the "game" since G/S/C (there, he wasn't even the main protagonist anymore) and if the anime were more faithful to the set of games it's based on, then they would've ended Satoshi's journey somewhere in Kanto/the Orange Islands and made a 3 year gap, making Kenta the main character. Yes, he's named after the creator of Pokemon, but during the G/S/C games, "Red" seemed like a legend in those set of games. A character named after the creator, being a "legend" seems fitting to me (besides, think of the badass cameos :0). Besides, it makes me sad how dragged out his journey is. :,|

Well, that mini-rant aside, yes I want the Diamond and Pearl anime to revolve around both of them (seeing as they added Hikari into that text with Satoshi that introduces the Pokemon anime in the opening, which they never did for Haruka. Makes me think they'll treat her as a main character, the same "level" of main character as Satoshi). Though it being revolved around Hikari and Kouki seems more fitting, in my opinion. *shrugs*

And yeah...spoilers.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, this is a tough one. Ash will always be my favorite character, but I'm alread such a Hikari fan (and it would be nice for it to be revolved around a gril). I'd say both, because the writers, in a sense, 'practiced' with may by giving her her own plot & story arc. Why not take it all the way now knowing that fans will enjoy it? Using Ash for this long makes it obvious that he is and always will be the main character.


...Can people PLEASE stop posting threads about Shinou in Pokemon Anime Discussion? It's a spoiler that Hikari is in the series, and D/P hasn't aired in America yet, so it belongs in spoilers.

Suzuna is gonna get seriously ticked off. :<

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
Ash was a cliched, two-dimentional protagonist from the moment the show began, and after having him as main-character for almost 500 episodes, I'm just plain sick of him.
Hikari on the other hand, is fresh, cute without being too much of a milk-sop, and brimming with potential. So Hikari, obviously.


living in a dream
Ash for sure. I mean, I like Hikari, and I want to see the both of them on this show. but if I had to chose, I would chose Ash. it's really simpel, Hikari's been on this show for 4 episodes, Ash for I don't know how long. his story has developed a lot over time, and it would be a waste if it would all be thrown away (and most likely forgotten).

'that's it for now, ask me again after another 8 seasons ;)


Helloween Rocks!
The anime would be horrible if ash stopped being the main character i think a lot of people would stop watching the anime...ASH RULES!


Hikari, but only if they had sufficiently wrapped up Satoshi's story before moving on.

On that note, I'm quite pleased with the direction DiaPearl seems to be taking, though I probably would not be if Shinji weren't there.


Yeah, ok!
Hikari, definitely. Because Ash starting yet another "quest" is becoming redundant.

How is that any more redundant than Hikari being another coordinator?

What they're doing with Hikari is essentially rehashing the Contest arc from square one. If anything, Ash is simply continuing his quest, while Hikari, despite being a new character, brings nothing new to the series besides a rehashed story arc.

Pretty dresses and a lesbian rival barely help to hide the fact that they're writing another girly girl coordinator after we watched one for 191 episodes previously.

Only because I haven't been watching D/P. I'm just going to wait till it comes out in the U.S. So I've really haven't seen much of Hikari anyways. So I can't really say that I 'like' her. I mean, she's a cool looking character. But I don't know much about her yet.