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ash pokedex


christian 4ever
why dosnt ash catch more pokemon at the beggining he wanted to catch any pokemon that appears but know..............................hes pokedex has like a really low raiting?why wont the writters give him more pokemon?


Because they want to avoid giving him more unused reserves that early? Remember in the beginning of the first anime, when they made him catch misc. Pokemon outside the current formula we have now and he went over the 6 Pokemon limit? Most of those Pokemon were used very rarely.

Low rating? I don't think the recorded number of Pokemon he catches in his Zukan really matters, since in the anime continuity the Zukan already has the information for all the Pokemon up to the current region. >_>; Let him catch whatever he wants.
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An old PS luva!
Yeah, what would you rather have? Ash have a few pokemon that get quite a few appearances in general and battles (most anyway) or loads of pokemon you never see...then we would get more "Why doesn't Ash use XXX pokemon??" like we get with most of his Johto pokemon!

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Okay, let's see what happens if Satoshi does capture every wild Pokémon he sees, shall we?

- By the end of the Kanto region, he has well over 100 Pokémon, but he barely gets to use them at all because he's constantly swapping them around (and if he didn't, he'd never use some of them and he would have caught them for no reason)
- None of his Pokémon ever get any decent screen time or character development because there are so dang many of them
- Add to this the Jouto and Houen regions, and Satoshi has over 300 Pokémon that he's continually trying to swap and transfer in order to give them all equal experience, which negates the attempt in Houen to give the Pokémon real fleshed-out personalities (something that can't be done if the Pokémon only appears in one or two episodes)

Now, that seems pretty stupid, doesn't it?


- Add to this the Jouto and Houen regions, and Satoshi has over 300 Pokémon that he's continually trying to swap and transfer in order to give them all equal experience, which negates the attempt in Houen to give the Pokémon real fleshed-out personalities (something that can't be done if the Pokémon only appears in one or two episodes)
Now this is what urkes me most about people complaining about Satoshi not catching every single Pokemon he sees. Now, I know most of the game players will admit that almost 90% of the Pokemon they catch, they leave rotting in the PC. They don't know that this is exactly what would happen in the anime, but instead of rotting in a PC, most of them would be roaming Ookido's laboratory doing abolutely sh*t in the anime.


Is Back Finally!
i know he has like 58 or somthing already and thats a pretty big number if u think about it. But yah i could of seen him catching a few more last region, but not to much because like everyone said they would just rott at Oaks


Old Coot
If Satoshi caught every Pokemon he ran into, he'd have the world's largest collection of Spear. ;\


Well-Known Member
Because if he did then none of his pokemon would stick around to have a personality