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Problem magnet
Hikari-no father
ASh-no father
take the hint there half brother and half sister
his father we meet him he wears a white lab coat and hates to work in a lab...
Misty had no father either. Does that mean she is related too?

Well at least them being related would shut Shippers up, or create weird incest shippings o_O;


Super Gamer
Tracey- No Father
Gary- No Father
Morrison- No Father
Shinji- No Father
Misty- No Father

No Mother's either. Side characters dont really have any family (exception of Misty & Brock)



Thank you, SPPf! :)
So you mean Ho-oh must be all their fathers, then? :p
On the side note Misty and Gary have shown family (Daisy, Lily and Violet + Oak) so we know they must of been born somehow rather than dropped off by the Stork or made from Ho-Oh.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Everyone knows Dittos give birth to people in Pokemon.

The parent(s) draw a picture of what they want their child to look like, one Ditto transforms into it, and then another Ditto mates with it to give birth to a human baby, which bares resemblence of the transformed Ditto.


Problem magnet
Hey ok well misty has no mother either and all of Ash's friends that travel with him (excluding Tracey that is a run away) have a family and Misty's parents I think there was a episode where they showed them but they were shadows. ASh's dad just gets around he is a trainer right
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