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Ash to get another style change?

Will Ash get new clothes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 92.9%
  • No

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters


Unknown Trainer
do you think Ash will get new clothes? I think it is very likely for Ash to get another style change sometime after Shinou


christian 4ever
of course every season he gets one


Contaminated KFC
It's pretty much confirmed to be an ongoing trend now methinks. So hopefully the guy gets something with a hint of Salmon. Because only real pokémon trainers wear pink!
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Well-Known Member
duh! well if there's something like the battle frontier, he probably won't tho.


Well-Known Member
Was I the only one who was reminded of the rockman.exe games/animes when I read the title? ^^;

I bet he gets a cape in the next saga. AND wears a beret just to piss whiny little kids off.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Yes, a Cape. Everyone loves a cape flapping in the wind, but that presents a fire-hazard in the hugging of Charizard.

He should ditch the hat entirely, and make his hair a new color, like maybe green.

I mean, for gosh sakes, people with green hair can't be beat! They can SCREW THE RULES, and get away with it. He needs goggles as well, because I said SO!

Ash's shirt should be a belly shirt, because that is damn hot. It should be red, since the next region is based of Soviet Russia, and Korobooshi will KILL him if not.

Finnaly, he should wear NO PANTS. Give him a dress, why?

.....................you know good and well why!


Yeah, ok!
Don't you its about time the show ended and focused on a new cast entirely by the 5th gen?

I wouldn't mind at all if Ash's story wrapped up for good with the D/P series.


Ash should get an outfit that normal people actually would wear. The closest outfit to "normal" he's ever worn is his AG gear. I suppose part of the problem is the omnipresent hat, but still.

Unless we midwesterners are complete weirdos when it comes to the fashion of the world. :(

The Ashley idea is fully endorsed, though.

Don't you its about time the show ended and focused on a new cast entirely by the 5th gen?

I wouldn't mind at all if Ash's story wrapped up for good with the D/P series.
But Cybercubed, the new protagonist would doubtlessly be a mere clone, doomed to do Gyms, get a team the same five types plus a variable, travel with a female and a useless sidekick, and go through newbie mistakes just like Ash did! Why replace him with someone who will do the EXACT SAME THING? Why, it's mindboggling! And to think that you, the same person who decried the mere thought of replacing May for someone who would do the same thing, would support this!

...yeah I never saw the point behind "Ash should leave already dammit >/" opinions. Will the show magically become better because we replaced him or something? His longetivity(ten years!) combined with the fact that he's the MAIN CHARACTER points more towards staying than leaving at any rate. And if you thought the uproars over the main females leaving were bad...
Have him stay in his Apple outfit.

I wouldn't mind that. ^_^ It would be a truely humorous sight to see...

But to answer the real question, Ash will deffinately be getting a new wardrobe. The writters of Pokemon have very small imaginations, so they'll be doing the same general ideas forever.

(And I find it quite funny that while I'm the thirteenth person to post in this thread, I was only the fourth to vote in the poll. Weird, isn't it?)


Yeah, ok!
But Cybercubed, the new protagonist would doubtlessly be a mere clone, doomed to do Gyms, get a team the same five types plus a variable, travel with a female and a useless sidekick, and go through newbie mistakes just like Ash did! Why replace him with someone who will do the EXACT SAME THING? Why, it's mindboggling! And to think that you, the same person who decried the mere thought of replacing May for someone who would do the same thing, would support this!

Well considering people don't seem to have a problem with Hikari simply retreading all the same ground we watched May do over the last 4 years, I'm wondering why you would have a problem with a new character doing Gyms.

If you can sit through a rehashed quest of another coordinator, then by that logic, you should be able to sit through a rehashed quest of another guy who does Gyms.

If you're fine with one but not the other, then there may be something worth noting about yourself.

...yeah I never saw the point behind "Ash should leave already dammit >/" opinions. Will the show magically become better because we replaced him or something? His longetivity(ten years!) combined with the fact that he's the MAIN CHARACTER points more towards staying than leaving at any rate. And if you thought the uproars over the main females leaving were bad...

To be fair, I think some people wouldn't mind Ash's story wrapping up because:

a) By the time D/P ends, we'll have over 500 episodes. Honestly, that's a good number to end at. Ash is great, but after 500 episodes, it would be a nice time to pass the torch to someone else.

b) They want to get rid of Team Rocket.

If Ash goes, Jessie/James/Meowth go too, and thus we'd have a new show entirely.

In any case, it's quite embarrassing and ironic that people want to sit through another female doing Contests, but they don't want to sit through another guy doing Gyms.

Ah, I love this fandom. It's depressing yet entertaining at the same time.


Ace Trainer
I kinda wished Ash got a better outfit than this one in Shinou. I liked the one he had in Hoenn because it was so different from his first outfit. But this one is kinda odd because he looks like he has on the same pants.


Perverted Ash fan
He should walk around naked >(

Since I have no idea if D/P is the final season of it all or not, then I can't say. Just GOD FORBID they'll make a "let-jump-into-the-future-to-see-if-everyone-achieved-their-goals-or-not"
[insert Brock still a virgin]
^I had to include that, y'know.

His D/P outfit is a mix of his Kanto/Johto and AG outfit so hopefully if he were to get something new, let it be... NUDITY!
Okay, I'll stop it now o_o

Meowth! That's right!

Cat Pokemon Trainer
Well considering people don't seem to have a problem with Hikari simply retreading all the same ground we watched May do over the last 4 years, I'm wondering why you would have a problem with a new character doing Gyms.

If you can sit through a rehashed quest of another coordinator, then by that logic, you should be able to sit through a rehashed quest of another guy who does Gyms.

If you're fine with one but not the other, then there may be something worth noting about yourself.

To be fair, I think some people wouldn't mind Ash's story wrapping up because:

a) By the time D/P ends, we'll have over 500 episodes. Honestly, that's a good number to end at. Ash is great, but after 500 episodes, it would be a nice time to pass the torch to someone else.

b) They want to get rid of Team Rocket.

If Ash goes, Jessie/James/Meowth go too, and thus we'd have a new show entirely.

In any case, it's quite embarrassing and ironic that people want to sit through another female doing Contests, but they don't want to sit through another guy doing Gyms.

Ah, I love this fandom. It's depressing yet entertaining at the same time.

We can't get rid of Ash! He's been there all along! We've watched his adventures for 8 years! If they got rid of him it just be the same thing all over again with some random new guy who don't even know or have any emotional attachment to! What's the point of that? That's the reason I never bothered to watch the new generation of Digimon....


Yeah, ok!
We can't get rid of Ash! He's been there all along! We've watched his adventures for 8 years! If they got rid of him it just be the same thing all over again with some random new guy who don't even know or have any emotional attachment to! What's the point of that? That's the reason I never bothered to watch the new generation of Digimon....

Again, by the time D/P ends, Ash will be here for 500 episodes, and the show will be on for 13 years. 13 seasons and 500+ episodes is PLENTY of Ash and Team Rocket.

I've grown up with Ash too and he's a great character, but honestly, isn't it better his storyline has a definite ending rather than being dragged on and on?

And LMAO at the emotional attachment aspect. Obviously new characters will take time to warm up to, but then you'll like them just as much as the old ones.

Do May/Max, and Hikari ring a bell? They weren't here from the beginning, yet people eventually loved them. And once again, if people have no problem sitting through another girl doing Contests, then they should have a problem sitting through another guy doing Gyms.


So hot he's on fire.
We can't get rid of Ash! He's been there all along! We've watched his adventures for 8 years! If they got rid of him it just be the same thing all over again with some random new guy who don't even know or have any emotional attachment to! What's the point of that? That's the reason I never bothered to watch the new generation of Digimon....

And we already had an emotional attachment to Ash when the series started? Whoa. Psychic.

I just want Pokemon: Paris 1832 Generation. Kick Ash off. Bring in Marius.
