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Ash vs Red


Pokemon Trainer
This is a new poll to know who is better

Ash (From the Anime Series and Electric Tale Of Pikachu Manga)
Red (From Pokemon Adventures Manga and in Red/Blue/Green/Yellow/FireRed/LeafGreen)

I say Red because he is cool and has a really cool name though

The Poll starts now


Well-Known Member
Ash>Red ^-^


Active Member
Red no doubt about it.

He is a genious when it comes down to Pokemon Strategies. He is actually a leauge champion *cough cough* Also, he has taken on the three legendary birds, also when they were combined. Hes taken on Lugia and Ho-oh. He has recently teamed up with mewtwo to take on Deoxys.

I wish the Pokemon Manga was made into an anime.


Procrastinate Today!
Red all the way.

He looks cooler, has a cooler name (I'd take his name), and is a much better trainer. It's basicly more exciting to watch his story rather than Ash's.


Well-Known Member
This isnt much of a poll since you cant vote. Red is way better

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Red is better in every way IMO ( and in other people's opinon too, it seems).


ooo, what's cooking?
I don read the manga, so i like Red, Ash is so wierd, he always dances before he gets a badge, wth is wring with him...