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ashes change?



doesnt it seem like earlier in the series ash was the kind of person that would get in a fight over anything or just snap back at people for no reason?he doesnt do that much anymore.maybe its just age and experience.


Battle Factory Champion
Well again it's part of the change in the animé structure itself. The writers have decided to breed a new set of pokémon fans since the fans of the old generation have grown up and got into other things so they've decided to create a new series called advanced generation with new ideas.

Ash now plays the role of the mentor (to others like May and Max) instead of the one who was being mentored. Changing his character was all about refreshing the animé really.


Yeah, ok!
Ash is very different in AG then in Kanto.

Ash is now more aggressive, more assertive, and isn't as clueless as he used to be. (Except when it comes to girls, that part hasn't changed, lol)

He's also a mentor to May (and Max), as they're here to learn from him as he's an experienced trainer.

The writers have done an excellent job advancing Ash's character. It shows that those 5 seasons of Pokemon weren't for nothing, and in Advance he's actually a very good trainer. He's also not as happy-go-lucky as he used to be.

♥Princess Ketchum♥

#1 Ash Satoshi Lover
i think ash is more cuter then ever XD Now and grown since the 1st sereis


Elite 4 Champion
Ash has grown quite alot and in my opinion for the better. I mean for ex: he got his A** kicked by Prima of the Elite 4 when he faced her in the orange islands. Then he faced Drake of the Elite 4 and i admit he lost but grovyle was at a complete disadvantage and was facing an elite 4's altaria but still it wasnt like grovyle got hit and lost, no Grovyle kept coming back for more and ash had just caught it in that region for Drake could've had altaria for years so what im trying to say is that if ash keeps training his pokemon he'll be even better and i might be able to see a rematch of altaria vs. Grovyle (drake vs. ash)lol. Then he faced agatha and almost beat her and was surprised to hear that she was an elite 4 member. So definetely he has grown alot.


Ash is different in AG then in Kanto or Johto, he has matured, and is a much better trainer now then back then.


Volcano Trainer
hendrix88 said:
doesnt it seem like earlier in the series ash was the kind of person that would get in a fight over anything or just snap back at people for no reason?he doesnt do that much anymore.maybe its just age and experience.
Huh? While I agree that Ash has matured in experience as far as being a trainer, he is still a hothead, and maybe even more so than in the past! Before he mostly lost his cool to other trainers who were dissing his battle experience. Now, it seems like any little thing sets him off. He was ready to take on all those Breloom in that one episode late last season, and he was ready to beat the crap out of Tory in the 7th movie simply because he bumped into him!


CyberCubed said:
Ash is now more aggressive, more assertive, and isn't as clueless as he used to be. (Except when it comes to girls, that part hasn't changed, lol)
I don't think AG Satoshi is more aggressive, I think he's a bit nicer than he was in Kanto-Orange Islands. o_O;

IMO, the writers wanted the new generation to be different from the previous generation, so they made all the personalities Satoshi had change from hotheaded to mature, to seperate Pokemon Advance Generation and Pokemon. Even though they are still in the same universe, the writers just wanted to make it more realistic and change Satoshi's personality to fit all the lesson's he's learned in Pokemon, so they made him more mature.

Personally, I liked Satoshi's original character, his thick-headed-ness brought comedy to the show and gave it more style. But I think Satoshi's change of personally was a good move, Satoshi's not the over-confident punk kid who used to pick fights with random trainers anymore, now he's mature and smart. I think the writers changed his personality because he learned alot of lessons in the previous series.


Haunter Hunter Sohrab

Johto Champion
Well I know one thing. Ash still won't let himself get pushed around just like that. Most recent example I can think of is in Destiny Deoxys when Tory pushes Ash.


Yeah, ok!
Satoshi said:
I don't think AG Satoshi is more aggressive, I think he's a bit nicer than he was in Kanto-Orange Islands. o_O;

I disagree, some people already said some examples above.

Ash wanting to beat up a bunch of Breloom with his bare hands? Ash grabbing Tory by the shirt and ready to punch him in the Deoxys movie? Ash taking on every single trainer in Petalburg City to prove that he's stronger than them all, and owning every single last one of them while still being ready for more? Ash [SPOIL] wrestling with Rukario in Movie 8 [/SPOIL].

Not to mention during actual battles Ash looks a hell of a lot more intense and aggressive than he used to look. I was watching a lot of Ash's Gym matches in Hoenn, and in a lot of them especially the Winona match he looked really pissed off during almost the entire battle.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
Ususally he doesn't look more intense in battles but more level headed. He's actualy thinking and adapting to his opponents tactics. He shows true signs of being a seasoned trainer.

Lil Brother

Just kinda there.
AscendingLatios said:
Huh? While I agree that Ash has matured in experience as far as being a trainer, he is still a hothead, and maybe even more so than in the past! Before he mostly lost his cool to other trainers who were dissing his battle experience. Now, it seems like any little thing sets him off. He was ready to take on all those Breloom in that one episode late last season, and he was ready to beat the crap out of Tory in the 7th movie simply because he bumped into him!
Well, every kid his age is like that. *shot*

Ash was just being normal when the Breloom attacked. Any 13/14/15-year-old boy would of attempted to fight back. And Tory was a little brat in the movie, he deserved to be threatened. Darn you, peace-loving May, I wanted Tory pummeled. Ash is really tolerant now-a-days. It seems like he doesn't really care about Team Rocket stealing PoD or Pikachu. Except for the time he got really protective of that random Clamperl. o.o


CyberCubed said:
I disagree, some people already said some examples above.

Ash wanting to beat up a bunch of Breloom with his bare hands? Ash grabbing Tory by the shirt and ready to punch him in the Deoxys movie? Ash taking on every single trainer in Petalburg City to prove that he's stronger than them all, and owning every single last one of them while still being ready for more? Ash [SPOIL] wrestling with Rukario in Movie 8 [/SPOIL].
Like Lil Brother said, Satoshi is alot more tolerant than went he was back in Kanto-Johto. Besides, Satoshi tried to beat up people/Pokemon in hand-to-hand combat too whenever he got angry in the early Kanto days, him trying to fight Rocket-Dan when his Pigeon and Pikachu were unable to battle, trying to fight Myuustuu in the first movie, etc. but I guess he's less scronny than he was in Kanto, now, his blows actually hit people now. o_O; IMO, his aggressiveness whenever he's angry never changed, it's just that he's a lot more physical now. :p

Satoshi's a lot more friendlier than he was in the old days, in my opinion.



I think his new look was to show how far he's come since the beginning of the show and how he's grown as a person. He's learned so many things throughout his journeys. For all the places he's been and people he's met. Who wouldn't grow from that?


Glacier Trainer
PokeTrainer7783 said:
I think his new look was to show how far he's come since the beginning of the show and how he's grown as a person. He's learned so many things throughout his journeys. For all the places he's been and people he's met. Who wouldn't grow from that?
Thank you for mentioning that. I also think that was the reason why the artists/writers decided to change his clothing as well. Ash is growing, mentally. Hes faced quiet alot in is years are a trainer (minus the movie stuff) and to quote you "Who wouldn't grow from that?". I like Ash alot better now than I did before, his personality/morals are renewed and he even teaches May and Max some things they need to know when the time comes. Ah... I think Imma draw a picture about Ash now... I really feel to.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Satoshi's character development was necessary as the show progressed. He couldn't remain the overconfident little dimwit he was in the early Kanto era. I can't even begin to envision the Houen era Satoshi doing some of the things that Kanto era Satoshi did (sending Kyatapii to fight Pidgeon, not catching on to who Natsume's father is, getting so many badges through pity, etc.).

Haruka may be the novice now (or at least she was when AG started), but at least the writers didn't baby her the way they babied Satoshi. If she lost a contest, then that was it - she lost that contest. That's one of the positive qualities of "Advanced Generation". The writers have not only devoted themselves to fleshing out the characters more, but they want to try their best not to screw up those characterizations. Satoshi got a lot of badges in Kanto for proving his bravery or devotion rather than winning a battle, and that kinda hindered his skills as a trainer (hence, why Lizardon wouldn't listen to him and ultimately cost him the Indigo Tournament). Haruka doesn't get a chance to earn a ribbon for free, and that makes her realize her coordinating flaws and try to fix them. [SPOIL]Granted, she lost the Grand Festival too, but at least it wasn't due to her ineptitude as a coordinator - she was just up against opponents that were stronger than her.[/SPOIL] Satoshi's previous mistakes aren't those of Haruka.

Wow, that really drifted off-topic towards the end there...I guess once I get going, it's hard to stop.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
I think you have it backwards Jesse. May is the one who's been skating through. Ash got a baptism by fire in Kanto having to fight many of the gym leaders again. Not mention the writers weren't afraid to have everything (and I mean everything) stand in his way.

Yet May has been pulling one lucky win after another and despite having been around for three years still seems to depend more on luck than skill to see her through her contests. Ash didn't luck (if anything he had plenty of bad luck) and even when he got a stroke of luck a refused to continue the battle.

I'm also tired of how people talk about pity badges. The only true pity badge was Cerulean. Need I hammer it out.
Pewter- Ash proved that he was an honorable trainer when he refused to attack Onix because of the sprinklers going off.
Cerulean- A pity badge and cop out by Misty's dimwit sisters.
Vermillion- Ash was forced to make a tough decision with Pikachu and learned much about being a Pikachu trainer. Granted he won fair and square but it was still a learning experience.
Saffron- This one is shakey but I think Ash was more interested in saving Brock and Misty than getting a badge at that moment. Not to mention his jaw dropped when he did win.
Celadon- Ash risked his life to save a Pokemon for people who had assaulted him, belittled him, and humilated him. He showed courage and compassion.

After that, the gyms were just overglorified battles for the rest of the series. Except Brawly's where Ash had to learn discipline. Then his willingness to give back the Dynamo Badge because Pikachu was "altered" was a sign of the honor he had shown all the way back in Pewter.

So don't go bashing the Kanto gyms because that's were Ash grew most as a trainer. I just wish they'd put that much effort into the [SPOIL]Battle Fronteir.[/SPOIL]


Volcano Trainer
Ash is still short tempered

Yesterday's space-themed episode is a perfect example of how Ash is still a hothead, if not even moreso:


He looks like he's about to beat up Max simply because Max wants to visit the space center and he's so gosh-darn bent on getting his next badge. And here he's not even angry about Pokemon being mistreated or his skills getting insulted. He's just being a bully because he knows he can get his way with implied threats. (Check out that clenched fist.)

Lil Brother said:
Ash was just being normal when the Breloom attacked. Any 13/14/15-year-old boy would of attempted to fight back.
I wouldn't have when I was that age. If a pack of dogs were chasing after you (which are a lot less intelligent and less strategic than Pokemon) you mean to say you would stop in your tracks, turn to face them and try to take them on with your bare hands? Brock's reaction was the right one; Ash's was just plain psycho.

I stand by my statement that Ash is more short-tempered than he was before, and certainly a lot more compared to how he was when he first started the Hoenn region. It's almost as if he's slowly realizing that his silly attempt to recapture the magic he experienced when he first set out in Kanto by dumping all his Pokemon at Oak's lab isn't quite as "magical" as he had hoped it would be and it's frustrating him.

Having said that, I'm not bashing Ash - in fact I welcome his short temper. It gives his character a flaw which makes him more interesting than an all-around do-gooder would be.


Battle Factory Champion
The only the thing I like about his new direction are his clothes, much more baggier rather than his silly late 90's hoisties and skinny jacket he used to have!