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Ashs and Hikari Shinou Starters


Yeah, ok!
Yes, maybe, yes.

Hikari's Pochama will go all the way. It has Treecko's pride and we know where he went. Plus May's Torchic went all the way and nobody expected that.


Yeah, ok!
I don't think Pochama will evolve until 50-60 episodes into Shinou.

Treecko battled hard and didn't evolve for a long time.


Champion Scientist
Tre44, you are obsessed with evolving Pokemon.

And grass starter has a name, its Naetoru.


Champion Scientist
tre44 said:
yep their team would look so much more powerful
You really are clueless. No mater what Ash will have a team of smaller Pokemon with maybe one large Pokemon but not a team of them.

The Pokemon anime isn't about evolving Pokemon.


Champion Scientist
Kojiro said:
Sceptile, Donphan, Swellow...............................
Swellow is not really that large and Donphan is no bigger than Beyleaf. Sceptile counted as the one large one.

When I say large I don't mean fully evolved I mean Pokemon that are bigger than Ash like Charizard and Sceptile. The only series with more than one was Orange Islands.


Well-Known Member
The Pokemon anime isn't about evolving Pokemon.

Which has been proven time and again. It's actually been about the opposite on occasion, showing that the pokemon don't need to evolve in order to be strong.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Swellow is not really that large and Donphan is no bigger than Beyleaf. Sceptile counted as the one large one.

When I say large I don't mean fully evolved I mean Pokemon that are bigger than Ash like Charizard and Sceptile. The only series with more than one was Orange Islands.

Ah yes, I see what your saying now.

Personally, since Shinou is kind of heavy on evolving, I see Aipom evolving, Mukkuru reaching Mukkubird, and Naetle going all the way.
I personally see Mukkuru going all the way instead of Naetoru.

I mean, I can see Satoshi with a decent sized hawk. I can't see him with a giant Discworld reference.


Active Member
<span style="color:#000000;"><div align="center">Serebii's <a href="http://pokejungle.net/?id=other/pokepet">PokéPet<br /><img src="http://pokejungle.net/other/pokepet/trainers/gary.png" alt="" border="0" /> <img src="http://pokejungle.net/other/pokepet/Elekiburu.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a> <br />Sparks the level 80 Elekiburu!</div></span>


Champion Scientist
tre44 said:
<span style="color:#000000;"><div align="center">Serebii's <a href="http://pokejungle.net/?id=other/pokepet">PokéPet<br /><img src="http://pokejungle.net/other/pokepet/trainers/gary.png" alt="" border="0" /> <img src="http://pokejungle.net/other/pokepet/Elekiburu.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a> <br />Sparks the level 80 Elekiburu!</div></span>
What is this? SPAM in your own topic?
<span style="color:#000000;"><div align="center">Serebii's <a href="http://pokejungle.net/?id=other/pokepet">PokéPet<br /><img src="http://pokejungle.net/other/pokepet/trainers/gary.png" alt="" border="0" /> <img src="http://pokejungle.net/other/pokepet/Elekiburu.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a> <br />Sparks the level 80 Elekiburu!</div></span>

True, true. You have a point there.


Kyokudo <33
I thin naetoru will stop at hayashigame and maybe pochama will go all the way,but I just cant picture that