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Ash's current team...What path will it take?


Emperor Coordinator
Okay, this isn't a thread about what pokemon ash will catch or any of that. But the pokemon on ash's team have potential, so I want to know what you all think. A few questions:

1) Will Pikachu learn a new attack?
2) How much will mukkuru evolve? Ash has had 2 final stage "common fliers" but his pidgeotto left once it got to final stage. Will mukkuru make it all the way?
3) What path will naetoru take? Will it follow bulbasaur's route, and become strong despite being small? Will it take bayleef's route, evolving partially and then staying at that? Or will it follow spunky treecko, who evolved all the way into a MAJOR powerhouse?

Your thoughts? (Besides those of you who think this is a pointless thread)


I think his Naetoru will most likely not evolve. When you think of Ash's Pokemon, you don't think of giant turtles. And he's clearly bonding with it, like he did with Bulbadsaur, so it'll most likely stay a Naetoru.

Or so I think.


um, and stuff
1) Will Pikachu learn a new attack?-Yes Discharge
2) How much will mukkuru evolve? Ash has had 2 final stage "common fliers" but his pidgeotto left once it got to final stage. Will mukkuru make it all the way?-Yeas to Mukkubird that's it
3) What path will naetoru take? Will it follow bulbasaur's route, and become strong despite being small? Will it take bayleef's route, evolving partially and then staying at that? Or will it follow spunky treecko, who evolved all the way into a MAJOR powerhouse?-No clue


New Member
I'm thinkin that Naetoru will evolve once like bayleef. I don't know why I think that, though.
1) Will Pikachu learn a new attack?- Charge Beam or Discharge
2) How much will mukkuru evolve? Ash has had 2 final stage "common fliers" but his pidgeotto left once it got to final stage. Will mukkuru make it all the way?- Mukkuru will evolve all the way to Mukkuhawk
3) What path will naetoru take? Will it follow bulbasaur's route, and become strong despite being small? Will it take bayleef's route, evolving partially and then staying at that? Or will it follow spunky treecko, who evolved all the way into a MAJOR powerhouse?- I personally think it'll evolve to Dotaitos. I want to see Satoshi travel on its back.

There you go.


Emperor Coordinator
Good thoughts. I personally think that naetoru will become hayashigame and stay there, I don't know why. Mukkuru I could see being his "most improved" pokemon on his team, and pikachu should get something new, like anticipate. I think I forgot to mention aipom; I think that it will be evolving, then leaving to lead a group of monkeys.


Well-Known Member
We need some new ideas.

Pikachu will be stagnate like always.
The grass start will reach it's final stage, but having a personality change that will make Ash not recognize it.
The common bird will be incredibly weak, and make Ash not use it much, and then it evolves to it's final stage and is powerful, but doen'st want to battle much because it doesn't trust Ash much.


[Insert Wacky Title]
Pikachu would learn a new attack, thats for sure. It'll get old if Pikachu used the same old attacks.

It would be great if Mukkuru evolved all the way, but you never know. I'm not sure on this one.

Naetoru should evolve all the way, but this is up for debate. It might be as it is too, just like good ol' Bulbasaur.

Interesting how very few of Ash's pokemon actually evolved. Most just stayed at their base or middle stage.


Yeah, ok!
His flyer will evolve all the way. I imagine it'll reach its second form in mid/late Shinou and its final form before D/P ends.

Naetle will almost definitely evolve at least once. I'm not sure if it'll go all the way, but it reaching its second form should be a given.


New Member
The flyer's final form isn't really that big so there's no problem there.

I don't see a problem with Naterole evolving all the way. It's obvious that down the road Shinji's starter will evolve all the way along with Hikari so why not Ash's?

There's going to be showdowns between Shinji's and Ash's starters. Shinji won this round. Next time they battle it'll be secondary evolutions, and in the league it'll be final evolutions. I think that's the best way to take it.
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Well-Known Member
I think Pikachu might learn Discharge or Energy Beam.

Ash's FLying-Based Pokemon only evolved once, so Mukkuru might just evolve once and stay a Mukubird.

Naetoru reminds me of Bulbasaur, so its hard to tell if it will evolve and still have the "Bitting Head" Habit, or it will remain like bulbasaur.

Though it would be funny Naetoru evolving in it became bigger, then jumping on Ash's head.


Scuffle of Legends
1) i think pikachu will learn a new move. In hoenn it Learned Iron Tial. During BF it learned Volt Tackle. In Shinou it will learn....
2) i really am getting bored with Ash's pidgy alternatives. I hope he doesnt use Mukkuru and it doesnt evolve.
3) Unfortunatly i dought it will evolve, cause he already has a Sceptile, and i don thitnk Ash is ready to commonly use a pokemon large enough to have a tree on its ehad :p


Bring it.
I don't rather care for Pikachu anymore. Maybe the ones listed above, but really I don't care.

Mukuuhawk I imagine, just so he can match up against Murkrow's evo since I shinji will evolve it.

I pray he gets Dotaitos.
Dotaitos owns so much that they MUST have Naetle evolve all the way.
We'll probably see Pikachu get another move sometime soon. Because it's now customary.
Aipom will learn how to buttrape other Pokemon, of course.
Mukkuru will fail to obtain a personality, and somehow, that will be okay.
Also, Mukkuru will evolve all the way, because Ash needs another powerhouse team.
Dotaitos, Eteboss, and Mukkuhawk are almost certain to be on Ash's final team.
And if Aipom never evolves, the writers are obviously stoned.
I think Aipom will evolve and destroy EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE THREADS!
You people are forgetting something.

In Season 1 and 2, Ash had all Starter Pokémon. Where only one of the three evolved. In the Advanced generation however, Ash had only one starter, while his companions had the others. Here, all 3 evolved into their final stage (with the exception of Marshtomp).

In Season 4, Ash has a starter, his female companion has a starter and his rival has a starter. My prediction: Just like season 3, they will all reach their final stage. But only near the end.

Aipom WILL evolve. As a 4th generation Aipom evolution and his Aipom "accidentally" coming along can't be coincidence.

Mukkuru will likely evolve to his final stage. Just like the rest of Ash's "starter" birds did (Pidgeot, Noctowl and Swellow).

Pikachu might learn a new attack, but it will not be anything different than it always was.


Too lazy to pick a pic
1) Will Pikachu learn a new attack?

Yeah, but I don't know the eletric moves of DP. But yeah, pikachu have a great chance of learn a new attack.

2) How much will mukkuru evolve? Ash has had 2 final stage "common fliers" but his pidgeotto left once it got to final stage. Will mukkuru make it all the way?

At few episodes, mukkuru didn't receive a decent plot, only for sky searchs. But now, Ash stores his pkm, don't releasing it anymore. Mukkuru will evolve into mukkubird, and even it evolve to mukkuhawk, I don't think Ash will release it, only send it to Oak's (At Oak, Ash have 3 water types, 3 grass, 2 fire, 2flying...so he needs another pkm of the same type, to balance the things).

3) What path will naetoru take? Will it follow bulbasaur's route, and become strong despite being small? Will it take bayleef's route, evolving partially and then staying at that? Or will it follow spunky treecko, who evolved all the way into a MAJOR powerhouse?

I think Naetoru will evolve, to Hayashigame, at the end of Shinou. It isn't like bulbassaur, despite the "body guard" personality to solve useless fights. Dotaitos look like the Shinou's "venussaur" version, I doubt Ash evolve his grass type until the final stage, but it isn't impossible.
I think Neatoru should evolve all the way and still bite Ash.