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Ash's Dad

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Have they ever made any mention at all of Ash's dad in the Anime? I missed a lot of episodes so I have no clue but in all of the episodes I have watched I don't think they made any mention of him. So did they mention what happened to him and I just missed it?
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They mentioned Satoshi's dad very early in the anime. He's an unimportant bum who has never and will never be seen on the show.


Well-Known Member
Delia said he was in Veridian in the matter of 4 days. She told ash via phone that he would be ''the apple of his dad's eye,'' like he's gone or dead. So either he left or he's dead is my opinion. But seriously...why do people insist on making threads about Ash's dad? NOONE KNOWS.


Well-Known Member
Ash's father was mentioned more times than what you think...

The Omega Stalker Ho-Oh appears almost everytime the writers can't think of anything else to put, and the only reason why he stalks Ash is because he is Ash's father.

On one forum, I saw an icon of Deliah and Ho-Oh 'having' Ash... It was messed up. o_0
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