Yes, he is.I wouldn't like to see Geodude used in another anime gym battle, and Onix is a very overshowcased Pokemon, so I'd like to see the writers give him something else in addition to Zugadoisu that hasn't had plenty of exposure, like Rhyhorn or even Tatetops.
I see Pikachu being used again, but I wouldn't like to see him taking down Hyouta's final Pokemon like he did with Roxanne. Leave Zugadoisu or whomever to Naetle.
Using Aipom or Mukkuru...Ash isn't that stupid, is he? IS HE?
*expects a "yes"*
Singling out D/P when the entire series itself is repititve?I really hope they don't do that, but the D/P saga hasn't been know for its creativity.
Once they get to the Poketch city, they'll only be a town away.Anyone know how close they are currently to the town with the first Gym in the games?
I see them taking about 6-8 more episode to get to Kurogane City after DP10
all i know is ash should catch more pokemon this region...