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Ash's First Gym Battle in Sinnoh?


Ashfan for life
The first Sinnoh gym leader uses rock types. We know that Ash will obviously use Naetle has his star pokemon for that gym. I think Ash will use Pikachu because it knows iron tail or Aipom because it know focus punch. What do you guys think?

Korobooshi Kojiro

No, he better not use Pikachu again.

I definately hope Naetle clinches the win, and maybe they could have Aipom help out.

EDIT: Hyouta uses Geodude, Onix, and Zugaidosu in the games.
As long as Hyouta is smexy, and Satoshi doesn't use Pikachu, I don't care about anything else.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
I wouldn't like to see Geodude used in another anime gym battle, and Onix is a very overshowcased Pokemon, so I'd like to see the writers give him something else in addition to Zugadoisu that hasn't had plenty of exposure, like Rhyhorn or even Tatetops.

I see Pikachu being used again, but I wouldn't like to see him taking down Hyouta's final Pokemon like he did with Roxanne. Leave Zugadoisu or whomever to Naetle.

Using Aipom or Mukkuru...Ash isn't that stupid, is he? IS HE?
*expects a "yes"*
I wouldn't like to see Geodude used in another anime gym battle, and Onix is a very overshowcased Pokemon, so I'd like to see the writers give him something else in addition to Zugadoisu that hasn't had plenty of exposure, like Rhyhorn or even Tatetops.

I see Pikachu being used again, but I wouldn't like to see him taking down Hyouta's final Pokemon like he did with Roxanne. Leave Zugadoisu or whomever to Naetle.

Using Aipom or Mukkuru...Ash isn't that stupid, is he? IS HE?
*expects a "yes"*
Yes, he is.


Yeah, ok!
Let's hope this Gym battle is not a complete and utter rehash of both Brock's and Roxanne Gym battles.

Why is a Rock type Gym the first Gym in three regions? And all three Gym leaders have a friggin Geodude? GameFreak, a little creativity much?

This is one of the ways the anime can improve upon the game, and actually switch up the Gym leader's Pokemon with something better. Seeing Pikachu take down a boring Geodue and Onix would be beyond retarded, not to mention taking down a Geodude in three rock type Gyms in a row just sucks.

I really hope they don't do that, but the D/P saga hasn't been know for its creativity.


Power of the mind
It's gonna happen, Ash is gonna face Geodude, Onix and Zugiadosu, but hey that's the writers for you people.

Oh and since in this topic someone mentioned that Aipom knows Focus Punch I'll predict on the battle set up


Neko Godot

Hey! Listen!
Actually, instead of ticking off all the fans by having a complete rehash of the Brock/Roxanne battles, the writers can go back to their Kanto ways and have the gym leader give Ash the badge for doing some menial task, like saving the mine from a bunch of evil mining robots.


I'm a little Seedot.
Well, I hope Hyouta has the fossil PKMNs, Tatetopsu & Zugaidosu.


Is Back Finally!
all i know is ash should catch more pokemon this region...


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Sinnoh should be going about the same pace as Hoenn, which had its first gym battle at AG 16.


Be Wise, Tell Lies.
I could bare Onix more than Geodude. When's the last time we saw it in an official battle? I think it was Jasmine's sister wasn't it?

But yeah, Geodude has got to go. Seeing as it's the first Gym Battle, I can only see Hyouta with 2 Pokemon maximum, and one of them is obviously going to be one of the Shinou Fossils. What about the previous region fossils? Not so much Omanyte, as that's been more showcased than Geodude. But have we actually ever seen Kabuto in a battle, or seen Lileep/Anorith for more than 5 seconds?
I agree that Onix will probably be Hyouta's first Pokemon. Maybe Tatetops instead, but I doubt it. I hope Ash uses Aipom and Naetle. And that each gets a win. Zugaidosu vs. Naetle will be loads of fun.
On an unrelated note, I bet the third gym is in the second D/P season, considering how long the gap between Gym 2 and Gym 3 is in the games.