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Ash's OTHER new pokemon?


Scuffle of Legends
Well i just realised that Ash could get more than just enough pokemon for his party.
Back in Kanto he caught Krabby, and Muk as well, and Tauraus, and he also caught a SNorlaz in Orange, and a bunch of other pokemon with Oak.

Do you think he will get Shinou pokemon that will go directly to oak?

The only thing is, we wouldnt be able to guess, theres no real theme other than 'powerfull', ex. Snorlax, Tauraus, Muk.


I thought Muk was caught to stop the smell but it came out the pokeball so it was oaked fast. Anyway on topic I hope he gets alot of pokemon so he can have a few extra to sub in for gym battles or other battles where a type may be not wise to use.


Well-Known Member
He doesn't seem to catch enough Pokemon in a generation to send any to Oak. Like the first one that was automatically transported was Krabby. I can't remember any after that.


Izit cuz I is black?
He doesn't seem to catch enough Pokemon in a generation to send any to Oak. Like the first one that was automatically transported was Krabby. I can't remember any after that.

Tauros (all 30 of them), and some were actually sent manually by Ash (like Muk, Heracross, Snorlax etc)


Monkey Master
I think he'll catch the sea slug-thing (cuz of lapras) and a magby whcih eh'll evolve into magmar-evo (in the league he will battle gary'S elekible with his buuburn)


Well-Known Member
Well, it's not sure if Gary's gonna compete in the leage, he doesn't want to be a Pokémon Master anymore, so why do it then? But Shinji's Elekid may also evolve into Elekiburu, so your suggestion does make sence.


Well-Known Member
I just hope he doesnt pull a Hoenn and only capture 5 Pokemon in 100+ episodes

Korobooshi Kojiro

Considering he has 4+ already, it wouldn't be that unlikely.

He could possibly send Aipom back later down the road (after it evolved) like he did with his Kanto guys in Johto.

Or, we might have a Heracross situation.
He will probably get something completely spontanious and unexpected. Like that skunk for example.

BTW Kojiro I wonder how long it will take for a thread about your sig to be created!


Monkey Master
Well, it's not sure if Gary's gonna compete in the leage, he doesn't want to be a Pokémon Master anymore, so why do it then? But Shinji's Elekid may also evolve into Elekiburu, so your suggestion does make sence.

yeah, didn't think about that. What do ya think of ash gettin the "new LApras-thing"


Active Member
i bet ash will capture the baby form of lucario and it will hang outside of its pokeball and itll be best friends with pikachu. then in some epic battle or something, itll evolve and afterwards ash will either let it go or send it to oak at oaks request so that he can study it.
I can't believe how many people think he will get Rioru. I hate the little thing. If Ash gets that I will be so surprised I think I will go suicidle again!


Scuffle of Legends
i bet ash will capture the baby form of lucario and it will hang outside of its pokeball and itll be best friends with pikachu. then in some epic battle or something, itll evolve and afterwards ash will either let it go or send it to oak at oaks request so that he can study it.

.......study it? i dont follow

please explain
I think this is a viable possibility. Though the pickings in Shinou are pretty slim.


Natsu no Maboroshi
He should catch a legendary, so his team will improve at least a bit.