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Ash's Strongest Pokemon


Beginning Trainer
Who is Ash's Strongest pokemon? Many will argue Pikachu...others will say Charizard. What do you think?

Personnaly i say Pikachu because of how long they have been together and his experience in battles.
Heracross, or Tauros #16


[Insert Wacky Title]
Yea, Pikachu or Charizard. Pikachu, because he's been with Ash the longest, and Charizard because it trains with all the other high level charizards.

Mse Ownage

Ur Going Down!
you fokes crazy ?? he spent al the time 3/4 regions with pikachu and he about almost always use it and its his best pokemon 4 life specaly charizard is strong to thats true but pikachu will be his best pokemon ever since he started!

Metapod!!!! Metapod is teh strongest!!!!1!!111!!!031!


Pikachu is the strongest. Everybody has seen its battle against legendary RegiIce. Pikachu has been with Ash since the first episode and has had hard training so is very powerful.

Second the strongest is Charizard.


Resident dragon
If you think about it realistically, Ash's strongest Pokemon should be Charizard. I mean, if you spent the better part of two and a half years (or longer) training your *ss off to get stronger and better your fighting technique, I should think that you'd be pretty strong, too.

But I'm talking as if the anime actually took note of stuff like that. Put simply, the anime phails at realism. You know, what with how Pikachu's strength level magically resets between regions and he nearly gets beaten by a newbie trainer with low-strength pokemon. D:

That said, I don't think Ash really has one pokemon that is "strongest." Doesn't matter if they're freshly-caught or one of his reserves; if you randomly put two of his pokemon against one another, the writers would make their battle look totally epic (or at least evenly-matched) for the sake of coolness.

Lid Boy

Diaruga Master
I think Charizard is his strongest.