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Ash's Team

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Pitch Black Soul
Ash's Team is always lame. He does have awesome pokemon, but he refuses to use them, wheres bayleef? Glalie? Charizard? Snorlax? Muk? How about Kingler? He has al these awesome pokemon,. but he uses, pikachu, and mukkuru, and aipom, and corphish!
Please post and diss ash with me! Even though his pokemon rule, he uses others


Yeah, ok!
does have awesome pokemon, but he refuses to use them,

It's a new series.

wheres bayleef? Glalie? Charizard? Snorlax? Muk? How about Kingler? He has al these awesome pokemon,.

In his roster.

but he uses, pikachu, and mukkuru, and aipom, and corphish!

It's retarded to ever think Pikachu would leave his team.

He JUST caught Mukkuru and only had it for 8 episodes, what do you want?

Corphish is one of the best Pokemon Ash ever had and one of his strongest as well.

Please post and diss ash with me!

LOL, some of us aren't in middle school anymore.


Well-Known Member
If you hate Ash so much... Why do you have him as your avatar???

ON TOPIC: I think Ash is cool. His pokemon are cute and tough.
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