The recreation of this club has been approved by PsiUmbreon via PM.
Welcome to Asian Pokemaniacs Alliance! Old Thread has been deleted, so no choice but to post here... ._.
This is the recreation of the original APA thread. THe Owner decided for us Co-Owner to be in-charge of the said club...
Rules: (originally from SpaceFlare) (with additions)
1. Post here to join. Either me, Jane (Sequoia) or SpaceFlare will approve.
Note: When posting here, be sure to state how you are Asian in a way to avoid the problems...
2. No racism. Please, even I don't want to see that...
3. No spamming or flaming. That includes replies to every single post of other members that doesn't relate to the club...
4. Try to be active at least...
5. You can talk about recent news about Pokemon and/or anything Asian related. Yes, I think it's time we had two concepts here.
Rules involving your posts in this thread:
1. Do not reply to this thread apologizing after people had told you your post is SPAM. Makes more SPAM on the thread.
2. Keep your posts more then four words and ON TOPIC! If not, it's considered SPAM.
3. If other members tell you that something is not right in your signature, but they went on topic, DO NOT REPLY TO THEM saying your thanks... -_-;;; Unless you yourself went back on topic...
4. If you break all these rules and you have been given 3 warnings, consider yourself BANNED from this club! -_-;;;
5. NEW RULE! All members who have made only one post in this thread will be given a PM asking whether they want to stay in the club or not. If you are one of these members, there are two conditions.
a.) If you don't want to, you be eliminated in the list.
b.) If you do want to stay, make sure you post here as much as possible, otherwise, you will be eliminated in the member list on the next member list clean-up.
Asian Pokemaniacs Alliance~ Members List:
Total Number of Members: 56
1. Owner - SpaceFlare
2. Co-owner - Sequoia
3. Co-owner - Avegaille
4. Rinrei
5. The Burnt Shadow
6. destiny~dragonair
7. Bart-kun
8. Master-Puru XD
9. Poke-Witchy
10. Comis Patronus
11. XXSapphireXx
12. SeanLuigi
13. Shadow Ichigo
14. PurEHearT
15. ~*~Marina~*~
16. Disco Dragon
17. Raden Surya
18. Arrow
19. Nicole May
20. Kanto Trio
21. ~*Rekkuza Ryuu*~
22. Commander Cody
23. hangad_bukaspalad
24. BLAIR_punkd
25. Maseki
26. pikadon92
27. Sägwä Säräm
28. ~Ch3Et@H~
29. xXwhuTxT3HxFlipXx
30. Torkoal
31. Scorpion
32. Hapless Hero
33. ~*Ho-oh ROCKS*~
34. cecil
35. What?
36. bauxchan
37. LBB
38. Kurai Winry
39. Ratiosu
40. The Eternal Wrecker
41. Hoshika
42. bass_forte
43. Demy
44. Espeon
45. Sarukarisha
46. SneakyHeretic
47. Amazingkiss
48. Aeromimus
49. blazemxx
50. The Thrashmeister
51. Musapion
52. aus_chocolate
53. Rheine
54. pooheadkid
55. Harry1227
56. Dramatic Melody
57. dead_man539
Contests' Current Status: CANCELLED
Winners of Last Caption Contest: View Them Here!
View Current Caption Picture here
Deadline of submission of entries: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 (GMT+8:00)
Pokemon Overworld Screenshot or Anime Caption Contest Rules: (by Avegaille)
1. I'll post in a picture for you guys to make up a caption of every week, particularly, Monday (GMT +8:00) (if I feel like it)
2. You can put in as many entries as you want, but not the same caption though...
3. You are given 3 days to make up a caption (5 days if there is a certain event on-going e.g. New Year's Eve or Christmas) for the picture and the last two days are for judging
4. Once the 3 days has ended, I will make a post of all the entries of the members, and each member shall be given a chance to rate each entry on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest. You cannot rate your own entry though.
5. After the two days for judging, I will tally the scores of the caption by averaging, and whoever gets the highest score shall be the winner.
6. Not much on the prizes yet, but it's good to know that you have won a caption contest.
Other NOTES to Members judging the Caption contests: (given by xXSapphireXx)
1. Don't give a lousy score to a person you have a grudge on. Also, don't give a terrific score to a person you are friends with. That is unfair. If the caption is good, you give it a higher score. If the caption is bad, you give a lower score. Don't be biased.
2. If you think someone's judging is unfair, just post and give valid reasons to why it is unfair. The Co-Owners shall look into the matter and may ask some members' opinions.
Picture Caption Contest Rules: (by Sequoia)
- 3 days to post a caption
- only 1 caption to be posted in each post
- don't argue with us when we announce the winner -_- that just makes you a begger
- make it funny ^.^
All right guys, you may now start posting here again!
Welcome to Asian Pokemaniacs Alliance! Old Thread has been deleted, so no choice but to post here... ._.
This is the recreation of the original APA thread. THe Owner decided for us Co-Owner to be in-charge of the said club...
SpaceFlare said:This club has been originally approved by Jasmine and Umbreon_07.
This club is for us Asians(by blood) to gather around and talk about stuff. STRICTLY NO RACISM. RACISM=KICK OUT OF CLUB AND REPORT TO MOD FOR BAN!!!
Rules: (originally from SpaceFlare) (with additions)
1. Post here to join. Either me, Jane (Sequoia) or SpaceFlare will approve.
Note: When posting here, be sure to state how you are Asian in a way to avoid the problems...
2. No racism. Please, even I don't want to see that...
3. No spamming or flaming. That includes replies to every single post of other members that doesn't relate to the club...
4. Try to be active at least...
5. You can talk about recent news about Pokemon and/or anything Asian related. Yes, I think it's time we had two concepts here.
Rules involving your posts in this thread:
1. Do not reply to this thread apologizing after people had told you your post is SPAM. Makes more SPAM on the thread.
2. Keep your posts more then four words and ON TOPIC! If not, it's considered SPAM.
3. If other members tell you that something is not right in your signature, but they went on topic, DO NOT REPLY TO THEM saying your thanks... -_-;;; Unless you yourself went back on topic...
4. If you break all these rules and you have been given 3 warnings, consider yourself BANNED from this club! -_-;;;
5. NEW RULE! All members who have made only one post in this thread will be given a PM asking whether they want to stay in the club or not. If you are one of these members, there are two conditions.
a.) If you don't want to, you be eliminated in the list.
b.) If you do want to stay, make sure you post here as much as possible, otherwise, you will be eliminated in the member list on the next member list clean-up.
Asian Pokemaniacs Alliance~ Members List:
Total Number of Members: 56
1. Owner - SpaceFlare
2. Co-owner - Sequoia
3. Co-owner - Avegaille
4. Rinrei
5. The Burnt Shadow
6. destiny~dragonair
7. Bart-kun
8. Master-Puru XD
9. Poke-Witchy
10. Comis Patronus
11. XXSapphireXx
12. SeanLuigi
13. Shadow Ichigo
14. PurEHearT
15. ~*~Marina~*~
16. Disco Dragon
17. Raden Surya
18. Arrow
19. Nicole May
20. Kanto Trio
21. ~*Rekkuza Ryuu*~
22. Commander Cody
23. hangad_bukaspalad
24. BLAIR_punkd
25. Maseki
26. pikadon92
27. Sägwä Säräm
28. ~Ch3Et@H~
29. xXwhuTxT3HxFlipXx
30. Torkoal
31. Scorpion
32. Hapless Hero
33. ~*Ho-oh ROCKS*~
34. cecil
35. What?
36. bauxchan
37. LBB
38. Kurai Winry
39. Ratiosu
40. The Eternal Wrecker
41. Hoshika
42. bass_forte
43. Demy
44. Espeon
45. Sarukarisha
46. SneakyHeretic
47. Amazingkiss
48. Aeromimus
49. blazemxx
50. The Thrashmeister
51. Musapion
52. aus_chocolate
53. Rheine
54. pooheadkid
55. Harry1227
56. Dramatic Melody
57. dead_man539
Contests' Current Status: CANCELLED
Winners of Last Caption Contest: View Them Here!
View Current Caption Picture here
Deadline of submission of entries: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 (GMT+8:00)
Pokemon Overworld Screenshot or Anime Caption Contest Rules: (by Avegaille)
1. I'll post in a picture for you guys to make up a caption of every week, particularly, Monday (GMT +8:00) (if I feel like it)
2. You can put in as many entries as you want, but not the same caption though...
3. You are given 3 days to make up a caption (5 days if there is a certain event on-going e.g. New Year's Eve or Christmas) for the picture and the last two days are for judging
4. Once the 3 days has ended, I will make a post of all the entries of the members, and each member shall be given a chance to rate each entry on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest. You cannot rate your own entry though.
5. After the two days for judging, I will tally the scores of the caption by averaging, and whoever gets the highest score shall be the winner.
6. Not much on the prizes yet, but it's good to know that you have won a caption contest.
Other NOTES to Members judging the Caption contests: (given by xXSapphireXx)
1. Don't give a lousy score to a person you have a grudge on. Also, don't give a terrific score to a person you are friends with. That is unfair. If the caption is good, you give it a higher score. If the caption is bad, you give a lower score. Don't be biased.
2. If you think someone's judging is unfair, just post and give valid reasons to why it is unfair. The Co-Owners shall look into the matter and may ask some members' opinions.
Picture Caption Contest Rules: (by Sequoia)
- 3 days to post a caption
- only 1 caption to be posted in each post
- don't argue with us when we announce the winner -_- that just makes you a begger
- make it funny ^.^
All right guys, you may now start posting here again!
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