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Ask the experts... at your own risk. (READ FIRST POST)

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Where's my fanfare?
This thread is for those who want to get their Move Sets and teams rated and aren't afraid to get brutally honest replies. Flaming in this thread will be allowed to a certain extent so long as it does not break any of the following:

1) Do not flame just to flame, post at least something to improve the team.
2) Do not reply to the flame with more flaming or complaining, remember, you posted at your own risk.
3) Those who reply to teams, don't use profane language, that won't be tolerated.
4) Do not post a reply just agreeing with another post without adding your own insightful tidbits.
5) Spam still won't be allowed so think before you post and if you have a problem with someone here, take it to PM. This thread WILL NOT turn into a flamewar and anyone who starts and/or continues any wars will most likely be banned.

The purpose of this thread is for people to get their threads rated brutally honestly. It also allows the experts a place to let loose with limitations. Do not abuse this thread or it will be permanently shut down.

HoundoomTrainer said:
Ok so we can flame once and then that's it. Cool.
I prefer it being brutally honest, but to clarify, feel free to say how much a team sucks, but be sure to say why and how to fix it. Also, as I said, keep swearing to 0 even if its censored.

One more thing, DO NOT post lame comments about the subforum in general or any bits of spam. Thou hast been warned.
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No kidding guys... we will be watching you ;D And also, I know some of you are fond of like less than 5 word sarcastic posts... lets try not to get into that ok?



Well-Known Member
Allow me to be the first one to ask for rating, will someone please rate this Ho-oh? Note: not an NB pokemon so no hidden power adjustments, no EV changes, etc etc. my hidden power is 56 flying (I know, isn't it great?[Sarcasm])

Ho-oh@Pataya berry
Nature: Rash (have to stick with that, from colosseum. not a bad one anyway for it's purpose)
EVs: 252 special attack, 252 speed, 6 attack
sacred fire (Note: I did use PP Ups on that move so low PP isn't a huge issue)
Sunny day

A standard sunnybeamer, and earthquake is there, despite me having few attack EVs, is there to cover fire types that are strong to my sunnybeaming moves. I mainly was inclined to teach it something physical due to it's really high attack base stat and it's 28-30 IV for attack.
Tell me what you think.
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Draconic Mage

Powerful_Blaziken88 said:
P.S. Allow me to be the first one to use this thread properly, will someone please rate this Ho-oh? Note: not an NB pokemon so no hidden power adjustments, no EV changes, etc etc. my hidden power is 56 flying (I know, isn't it great?[Sarcasm])

Ho-oh@Pataya berry
Nature: Rash (have to stick with that, from colosseum. not a bad one anyway for it's purpose)
EVs: 252 special attack, 252 speed, 6 attack
sacred fire (Note: I did use PP Ups on that move so low PP isn't a huge issue)
Sunny day

A standard sunnybeamer, and earthquake is there, despite me having few attack EVs, is there to cover fire types that are strong to my sunnybeaming moves. I mainly was inclined to teach it something physical due to it's really high attack base stat and it's 28-30 IV for attack.
Tell me what you think.

Now, I'm not too good at lUber rating, but this is what I have to say.

Fire pokemon don't make good sunnybeamers, due to lack of cloryphyl. I can see that you are going for a speical sweeper, and I guess that's fine. Most stuff that can out-run you can do alot of damage to you. But since this is CvC, you shouldn't have to worry about Jask or swellow OHKOing you with HP rock. Jolt, trode, Areo, and some others still pose a problem, but you can take them out, except areo, who will OHKO.


Where's my fanfare?
I will say this once more. This thread is for teams to get rated and such, not to debate on what's competetive and what's not.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about that, just I can't help arguing back sometimes when an argument is made specifically against me.

Anyways, back on topic: Draconic Mage, thanks for the honest reply. I know Aerodactyl/Jolteon can cause me problems, and Jolt falls under the earthquake coverage category. Aerodactyl, I know to switch. Electrode, I can't see beating a Ho-oh. it doesn't have enough Sp. Atk to damage my high Sp. Def (I know I have a hindering nature but the base stat is still way high) and the only rock attack it can learn is rollout, a total joke, especially on Electrode's absolutely horrible attack. Electrode gets PWNed by an earthquake anyway.

Jenna Haze

This is for in game wireless battling, just want to know what looks good/bad on it. So have at it.

-Dragon Dance

-Rapid Spin

-Calm Mind

-Focus Punch
-Ice Beam

-Mean Look
-Baton Pass
-Confuse Ray

-Leaf Blade
-Dragon Claw

Alexander the great V2

Replace scepie's agitlity with HP eletric/thunderpunch, and ull be doinn fine with that team

;006; ;003; ;009;

Hey Micky!

Well-Known Member
-Dragon Dance
Meh, you got nothing else to put in Return's place since Gyarados needs Hidden Power.

-I suppose Flail is an option, but it takes too long to get down to a low HP and make it usable.
-Thunder Wave is an option but leaves you ultra exposed.
-Body Slam is an option which fills as a sort of Return/Wave combo
-On NB, Hydro Pump is considered an option for covering Weezings/Steelixes, while Fire Blast is considered an option for Skarms/Forrys. If this is off NB there's no point in it though (and I'm pretty sure its off NB).

-Rapid Spin
Why do you wanna blow up your Rapid Spinner? >,<

-Earthquake > Toxic, if you're decent with prediction. You can surprise Fire types and Magnetons on the switch in.
-Rest > Explosion if you intend to keep Rapid Spin, otherwise Counter/Reflect/Light Screen > Rapid Spin. Spin & Boom are keepable on the same set but it's a bit ... >,<

-Calm Mind
Standard (well, 1 of them)

-Focus Punch
-Ice Beam

-Mean Look
-Baton Pass
-Confuse Ray
-Taunt > C-ray
-Wish is optional > Moonlight.

-Leaf Blade
-Dragon Claw
Meh, it's a fine ingame set (and could last Link Battles) but Sceptile can't stand up to the likes of 'zam since it can't get super effectives with ease. You definately need to ditch Agility for another Special Attack. A Special Hidden Power, thunderpunch or Pursuit are your best options.

If you can be bothered to breed:

-Leaf Blade
-Leech Seed
-Focus Punch / Toxic / Pursuit / *Support Special Move*

Seems to work pretty nicely. Seed something and just keep Subbing 'til you can get 1 up that remains there permanently. Focus Punch works with Sub pretty nicely to put a hurting on Blissey (though it takes a handful of EVs in attack), but that's redundent off of NB. Toxic works with LS in the sense that the work together to drain HP, Pursuit attacks things switching out of Seed and a support Special Move will basically aid you in offense (things like Hidden Power *Ice/Fire* are favourable for attacking Grass types who resist Seed).

If this is off of NB it looks fine for taking out friends


Well-Known Member
Jenna Haze said:
This is for in game wireless battling, just want to know what looks good/bad on it. So have at it.

-Dragon Dance

Fine. I honestly think taunt is pointless on Gyarados and to replace it with thunderwave or fire blast (Skarm/Forre) but it's fine.

-Rapid Spin

Like Whisper in the Wind said, explosion shouldn't be on the same set with rapid spin. Replace it with EQ and possibly toxic with rest or maybe even curse if it's possible.

-Calm Mind
Honestly I like ice beam over either roar or rest to cover it's common counter, Venusaur, but it's fine IMO. Especially if this is for stuff like battling friends and/or battle tower.

-Focus Punch
-Ice Beam

-Mean Look
-Baton Pass
-Confuse Ray

-Leaf Blade
-Dragon Claw

TPunch > agility. Sceptile doesn't need any more speed than it's already got.


This is a team (Or at least part of it) I am working on for Emerald, it isn't finished as I still have to bread to get some of the eggmoves. However when finished these are the moves I plan for them to have.

Iron Defense
Meteor Mash

Flame Thrower
Steel Wing (TM)
Ancient Power (Egg move)
Dragon Dance (Egg move)

Thunder Punch(Egg move)
Calm Mind


There is also going to me a Milotic and a Salamenc but I havn't chosen the moves for them yet.


Constipation= Fetish
Jesse said:
This is a team (Or at least part of it) I am working on for Emerald, it isn't finished as I still have to bread to get some of the eggmoves. However when finished these are the moves I plan for them to have.

Iron Defense
Meteor Mash

agility > iron defense... rather just boost speed and sweep then take hits and ko in the end... if this is for battle tower, explosion > psychic or earthquake (those damn weezing suck in battle tower w/o a sp attack =[)

Flame Thrower
Steel Wing (TM)
Ancient Power (Egg move)
Dragon Dance (Egg move)

aerial ace > steel wing; earthquake > ancient power

Thunder Punch(Egg move)
Calm Mind

id breed for fire punch > recover but its still good


substitute, focus punch, crunch, thunderbolt/rockslide

There is also going to me a Milotic and a Salamenc but I havn't chosen the moves for them yet.
UMA UMA UMA (damn you character limit)


no troll
I love Metagross, but I wouldn't put Iron Defense on it myself. It's a sweeper. Period. The end. Metagross is alot better at physical sweeping however, so Shadow Ball, Brick Break, and Sludge Bomb are all possibilities over ID and Psychic. You could also include agility on there to outspeed your opponents.

Charizard looks fine but use Rock Slide over Ancientpower.

Alakazam can't last long enough to use recover, give it another one of the elemental punches, maybe Ice Punch for a sort of weaker Bolt-Beam.

Dragon Dance>Screech. Use DD once or twice or Screech every time a new foe comes in? Hmmm... I wonder. Also, Hyper Beam=bad. You use it, then your opponent subs in someone with brick break and your through.

I've never used a Milotic outside of contests so I can't help you there.

Physical Salamence
~filler (somebody should know the standard move that goes here)

Special Salamence
Hydro Pump
Dragon Claw


Metagross is far from "a sweeper. Period. The end." It has good defenses, good typing, good defensive moves, and the attack to still deal out great damage without focusing on attack.

filler on salamence is either flamethrower or a rock move...


no troll
I was merely trying to get my point across that Metagross is meant to be an attacker. It can withstand quite a few hits, of course, that's what is so great about it. But Metagross's best stat is attack and I doubt anyone will argue that. I've trained many Metagross, I know what its limits are, I know what its strengths are. Iron Defense helps you against what, EQ? Hello Flamethrower and Overheat. Fire type attacks are common and Metagross can withstand EQ. But if its speed stat isn't high enough it can't finish off the opponent before the opponent finishes it.


...and I was merely trying to get my point across that Metagross can do other things very well, while your statement implied it was only good at one thing.

Yes Iron Defense "helps" you against earthquake... and makes you pretty much invulnerable to physical attacks.

Fire-type attacks aren't that common, and are meant mainly to target Skarmory and Steelix; Metagross shouldn't take that much with a few EVs in SpD and HP. STABbed fire moves are hardly a threat... fire types won't enjoy switching into Metagross's Earthquake complemented by Metagross's "best stat".


Well-Known Member
Jshadias said:
...and I was merely trying to get my point across that Metagross can do other things very well, while your statement implied it was only good at one thing.

Yes Iron Defense "helps" you against earthquake... and makes you pretty much invulnerable to physical attacks.

Fire-type attacks aren't that common, and are meant mainly to target Skarmory and Steelix; Metagross shouldn't take that much with a few EVs in SpD and HP. STABbed fire moves are hardly a threat... fire types won't enjoy switching into Metagross's Earthquake complemented by Metagross's "best stat".
Unless that fire type is Charizard, in which then you're screwed unless your metagross has rock slide, but I don't know anyone who has that for competetive battling. Mine has it in my emerald rom but I just use that to goof off...


I'm not interested in every little thing that beats a given Pokemon.


no troll
I haven't participated in competitive battling (other than against my friends) lately, so fire type attacks have probabaly become less popular since I last battled. But when I did nearly every team I fought had a Flamethrower, Fire Punch, Blaze Kick or Overheat.


... are you guys done... Besides if they switch out a fire type I'll just switch to Milotic shesh.
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