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if i wan to train my newly hatched pokemon's attack,izzit better to give it exp.share n use stronger pokemon to fight the elite 4 sidney onli?or fight wild pokemon that gives attack value after defeating it?
I think you should fight wild pokemon that gives attack value. You want to max out it's attack as early as possible and fighting Sydney will level you up a lot and you won't get a lot of EVs and you don't want that if you're EV training.

Heres a list of pokemon who give attack EVs:

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Unknown Shadower

Well if you exp shared and fought something high level it would get a few levels but not that many, you could do that

Off topic:whats EV?


training against the E4 first would give them EVs in the wrong areas, so full Ev-train first (against wild pokémon), then use the E4.


thanks guys,but can i fight wild poochyena first as the pokemon level is 2 low...


Well-Known Member
Yes, fight the wild Poochyena. Doesn't matter if it's a low level.


Pokémon Professor?
Poochyena gives 1 Attack EV. To max out a stat you need 252 EVs. So;

Without Support - 252 Poochyena
With Macho Brace or PokéRus - 126 Poochyena (Because it's 2 EVs)
With Macho Brace and PokéRus - 63 Poochyena (Because it's 4 EVs)


Pokémon Professor?
Well after you've reached the maximum of 510 EVs you can get an Effort Ribbon off one of the people in Slateport. But for a single stat, you can't really know if you're maxed out if you lose count as far as I know, unless the stat your training is the one that lets you reach 510 EVs.


If you lost count, just same your game and buy a whole ****load of vitamins (on the other stats) and count how many you feed your poke until it maxes out on the EV's. Or, you can keep feeding it berries that lower attack ev (in emrald) until you get the message that says it can't lower the attack anymore. Some simple addition/subtraction will get your EV within 10 of your actual EV. Remember that you should not save at any point while trying either of these methods.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Since the OP's questions have been answered, and there's an EVs/IVs sticky for a reason... :D

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