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Attacks Meant for a Certain Time?


Strawberry fields.
Do you think they should make certain moves exclusive for night and day? For example: You can't use Moonlight during the day, or you can't use Morning Sun during night. It would without doubt make the game a lot harder, but I actually think it's a pretty good idea.


Well, Moonlights power is halved in daylight, so... not really. That's like saying Surf shouldn't work if you not in the sea.


The Plot Thickens
No, i think it's fine how it is.


Leave my posts alone
What about Synthesis?
Yes, it's based off weather, but PHOTOsynthesis is only active during the day.


Cos that way some moves could end up overpowered and used too much, e.g saying Solorbeam can only be used in the day would prompt people to (maybe) have Sunny Day as a move too... which would mean no Solorbeam charge time which would mean overbeaming...
Not only that but if you had moves limited in such a manner, the choice of having only four moveslots would suck..... if you had moves that only worked at ngiht you'd be screwed at daytime... ok there will be mvoes usable during all times but nah, it'd complicate matters too much...
games =/= real life, the games could care less about logic, pokemon like venomoth who have wings can also be hit by earthquake, pokemon can surf on land, fish can battle out of water... therefore the time of day does not make a difference, yes it does cut things in half but it would never disable a move from a pokemon's moveset
Do you think they should make certain moves exclusive for night and day? For example: You can't use Moonlight during the day, or you can't use Morning Sun during night. It would without doubt make the game a lot harder, but I actually think it's a pretty good idea.

Nah i think it is fine...