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Attacks of Emerald's Pokemon

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Hive Trainer
I'm going to try and see if I can defeat each Frontier Facility in the game with the team that Emerald uses in the manga so does anyone know what attacks Starmie, Blissey, Rapidash, Alakazam, Phanpy, or Shedinja have used?

Blaziken master

I only know a few

Rapidash:flame wheel
Blissey:I'm sure it has seismic toss

I'll leave the rest for Coronis or someone else


In lucid awakening
They actually have these small stat shots of the pokemon when they are fainted (or we've seen them use all 4 attacks), so we know some of them:

Sceptile: Leaf Blade, Iron Tail, Leech Seed, Detect
Starmie: Thunderbolt, Surf, Icebeam, Psychic
Rapidash: Flamewheel, Double Edge, Overheat, Solarbeam
Blissey: Softboiled, Heal Bell, Seismic Toss, Rest

Haven't seen his Pyramid team attack yet, so no idea about them.



Hive Trainer
Thanks, that helped. Did they show natures or items with that or were they mentioned? That would be helpful too. I think it said somewhere that Blissey had a Bold nature.


Sorry for the thread-bump =p

Sceptile: Leaf Blade, Iron Tail, Leech Seed, Detect
Starmie: Thunderbolt, Surf, Icebeam, Psychic
Rapidash: Flamewheel, Double Edge, Overheat, Solarbeam
Blissey: Softboiled, Heal Bell, Seismic Toss, Rest

We knows that Emerald used Shednija, Cubone, Hitmonchan and a few others. Could you (coronis) please fill us their attacks and nature and items in please? I would like to make my Emerald Savestates with all of these pokemon Emerald used plus these rental pokemon that masked person stole. Geez, I really liked the BF manga sofar.


In lucid awakening
Unfortunately, the writers did not include such stat screens for Emerald's latest pokemons, so we really don't know what their full attack capabilities are.

Phanphy: Earthquake
Alakazam: Teleport
Shedinja: Shadowball
Hitmonchan: Fire Punch (not really sure, but fire comes out from its gloves during the punches), Sky Uppercut

Cubone never used any attacks, so we don't know about its moves. Phanphy presumably holds no items as it is used for its pick-up ability. The others are not shown to have items lately either. Sceptile probably kept its leftovers from before.



Gee thanks Coronis.

Oh sorry for off topic but can you please tell me what are the chapter list for Vol21? It have not been answered yet...


Coral Eye Trainer
Phanpy, Alakazam, Shedinja, Cubone and Sceptile (in Pyramid) shouldn't be holding anything as the Battle Pyramid doesn't allow it.


In lucid awakening
Jade said:
Gee thanks Coronis.

Oh sorry for off topic but can you please tell me what are the chapter list for Vol21? It have not been answered yet...

Oh, right, almost forgot about that.

250) VS Kyogre & Groudon XII
251) VS Kyogre & Groudon XIII
252) VS Kyogre & Groudon XIV
253) VS Regirock, Regice, Registeel I
254) VS Regirock, Regice, Registeel II
255) VS Spoink I
256) VS Spoink II
257) VS VS Kyogre & Groudon XV
258) VS Rayquaza I
259) VS Rayquaza II

Should be up on the site soon.



Should it be said

"Regirock, Regice & Registeel II"

We have entered our 79th chapter in RSE arc.

We prolly have 11 more chapter til its end Aye?
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In lucid awakening
Jade said:
Should it be said

"Regirock, Regice & Registeel II"

We have entered our 79th chapter in RSE arc.

We prolly have 11 more chapter til its end Aye?

Actually, following what's written in the manga, it should be VS Regirock . Regice . Registeel, there's no & in between unlike the other chapters.

I think the writers are aiming for 270 as well for the RSE finale. That would make RSE approximately the same length as GSC, though I find it funny how GSC managed to have 90 chapters in 7 and a half volume with that final half volume only being in one chapter. RSE obviously couldn't have that half-volume length finale in vol. 22 if there are supposed to be 11 more. Guess the RSE chapters are generally longer each compared with the GSC ones.



Actually, its 7 and 1/3 volumes.

Ruby and Sapphire arc took up 7 and 2/3 volumes or might be 8 volumes but who knows =P


Yup... It may consists of eight volumes... I really have nothing to post on now...

Yeah, and Coronis, the RSE Chapters were found to be the GSC Chapters.

And, coolie... Chapter 270 set as the Finale for the RSE Arc would be awesome! Generally, FRLG will have thirty chapters most likely be set as the mark for 300 Chapters.

Now yes! On Hitmonchan... He pwns.

Hey, but Coronis, would Hitmonchan and Cubone's attacks be the ones they used in GSC too, since they ARE Crystal's Pokemon and she lent them to Emerald. So, I'm curious about that.

Hitmonchan: Mega Punch and Mach Punch (GSC) Fire Punch and Sky Uppercut (BF) and maybe a few others I may have forgotten.

I can't remember Cubone's attacks at the present moment.


Bonerang, Bone Rush and Bone Club are all Cubone/Marowak signature attacks.
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