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(attention-grabbing title)

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Wants name change
Should this be in competitive? If so, I'd like it moved, thanks.

This here team is only consisting of Pokémon in the Sinnoh/Shinou Dex, so it has nothing like Erureido or Dainose, no Pokémon from previous generations that aren't in the Sinnoh/Shinou Dex (or any previous gen Pokémon at all, in fact), and it has no legendaries either.

Dotaitos @ Leftovers
Rock Cart
Wood Hammer

Contrary to the popular set, I use it as a sweeper rather than a Curser. Rock Cart makes this turtle just as fast as it needs to be in one go.

Rentoraa @ Choice Band
Fire Fang
Ice Fang

Generic Choice Bander.

Toridepusu @ Leftovers
Impish/Calm (or whatever I get on the first one I find)
Metal Burst

Stalls with Toxic and forces attacks to be countered with Metal Burst. Could put Rest on there somewhere.

Fuwaraido @ Salac Berry
Calm Mind
Shadow Ball
Thunderbolt (it does learn it, right?)/Psychic (if not)
Baton Pass

Baton Passer/special sweeper. 'Nuff said.

Dokurogu @ Life Orb (*shrugs* I just like it)/Leftovers (can't think of anything else/Something good for physical sweepers
Swords Dance
Poison Stab
Brick Break
Scissor Cross (bye bye 4x Psychic weak)

This guy is gonna be awesome. Sweet movepool, decent enough stats, the possibilities never end with Dokurogu.

Yukinooh...err...I have no idea. I definitely want it on my team though.

So, rate! And think of something good for Yukinooh.
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Its pretty balanced, but what r u gonna do against a really nice fire sweeper? Dodaituse will be chared and so will yukinooh, im not sure that Rentoraa can do the job.


That's true, fire will take down your team pretty easily. Maybe a Rapidash with Flash Fire (you get them early in-game, too)?

Rapidash @ Concentration Band
Adamant (max attack, speed)
Flare Drive/Flame Wheel
Poison Stab

It gets 3/4 of these moves just by evolving. :D Rapidash is OU now, too, with the special/physical split.



The King of Karp
It looks pretty solid, probably would beat me, though what are their levels?

Also, what does UU, OU, and STAB stand for? Thanks.



Adamant Nature
-Seed Bomb/Wood Hammer
-Ice Punch
-Ice Pebble

Yukinooh isn’t that great. Unimpressive stats and moves and a trait that hurts the rest of the team (it gets auto-Hail).


But what r u sing yukinooh for, like aragorn birds yukinooh is a sweeper with earth quake and woodhammer, not to mention the ice attacks, does the team need anther sweeper? meh i dunno. I was thining more along the lines of abusing the stab and hail more. Try swagger, ingrian, blizzard woodhammer. Get in there for the long run.
just my 2 cents.
Any nice fire sweeper can nail your team, this MIGHT work for an ingame team, but add Articuno, if your willing to go outside of Sinnoh. If not, here's a moveset.EDIT:for Yukinooh

Ice Punch
Seed Bomb


Try swagger, ingrian, blizzard woodhammer. Get in there for the long run.
just my 2 cents.

Eww, Ingrain? Hi Fire type, would you like a Free kill please?

And don't use Swagger, you'll be more at a disadvantage than the opponent.


Wants name change
I'm not sure whether people knew this, but I think I've heard that Hail makes Blizzard always hit. It seems to be true, since every time I've tried it, it always hits. I think I'll make it a special sweeper, since I only have Fuwaraido, and maybe a special wall too. How's this?

Yukinooh @ Leftovers
Energy Ball
Light Screen/Shadow Ball

Can't think of anything better.


Feebas Fanatic
NO NO NO A torterra's move set is...
-Giga Drain
-Frenzy Plant

That moveset helped me beat the Elite 4, 36 TIMES. Try it!


Feebas Fanatic
NO NO NO A ;389;'s move set is...
-Giga Drain
-Frenzy Plant

That moveset helped me beat the Elite 4, 36 TIMES. Try it! No offense intended to anyone. Though i like the Yukinooh move set...
Good Luck!!!
Move sets depend on nature, thats not a bad set if it has mixed nature.
NO NO NO A ;389;'s move set is...
-Giga Drain
-Frenzy Plant

That moveset helped me beat the Elite 4, 36 TIMES. Try it! No offense intended to anyone. Though i like the Yukinooh move set...
Good Luck!!!

Please, don't post unless you know what you're talking about.

Torterra @ Leftovers
~ Wood Hammer / Roar
~ Earthquake
~ Stealth Rock
~ Leech Seed

Tank. Stealth Rock hurts incoming Pokes, and when combined with the draining power of Leech Seed, it can really do damage to the opposition. Wood Hammer is a powerful grass STAB, but Roar can force switches and Stealth Rock damage. Wood Hammer's Recoil is a little is impactive because of Leech Seed and Leftovers healing. Don't use Wood Hammer and Roar together, because you don't want 3 or more attacks on this set, so always use Earthquake. Stealth Rock could be replaced with Roar, but I wouldn't recommend it. You need Leech Seed because Torterra has a lack of an instant healing move.

Edit: Oops. didn't realize this was a bumped topic. I apologize to the mods.
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Wow. This thread was really, really bumped. All the way back from 2006... BEFORE DP came out in America. ._.

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