Well, to answer your question, Scott, the main design is similar to Dragon Quest (which Shigesato Itoi [Series Creator] played in his childhood), but instead of a medieval setting, it's set in modern times, where a young boy who has psychic powers has to defeat a space alien who looks like an embodiment of death. In his quest, he meets a psychic girl, a scientific boy genius and a martial artist from the East.
Things tha make this RPG rock more than others?
-It's got FOOD!
-The battle scenario is psychodelic. Woo, look at the pretty colors!
-I think this is the first game where a mosquito makes you a hero.
-There are dozens of Beatles references.
-You can name your favorite thing. And your food. And your dog.
-The final boss has got one of the most unorthodox ways of defeat. Seriously. I won't spoil but it's interesting.
-Your main objective is to collect songs.
-There are Mr. Saturns.
So, you should look for it, as either the game itself or a ROM. Not telling where, though.