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Australia getting Battle Frontier episodes?


Well-Known Member
Okay, this is a question i've been wanting to ask for a while now.

..Okay, when will Australia be recieving the Season Nine eps of Pokemon? When Diamond and Pearl come out or later next year?

Please don't flame if you don't know what you are on about, you will end up getting flamed yourself..so don't bother..x.x

If anyone knows or something, or guess then that is fine also.



Well-Known Member
Since Youtube took like the whole lot of eps people have put up, I cannot watch them..so now I'd like to know where and when us Australians will get the episodes.


Coral Eye Trainer
From past series, it seemed that 10 starts playing the series when USA has shown 30 - 40 eps into the season, and since 10 airs pokemon 4 - 5 times per week we virtually finish the season at the same time (most of the time before USA finishes).


It's good to b back!
The episodes are so quick, U.S.A will have DP episodes in a year or a year and a half ^-^ ;435;


Well-Known Member
Something to look forward to then..I hope.

Wind Waker

Now that's Effulgent
They usually show one season a year and it starts in about March or April on channel ten then a couple of months later on cartoon network five episodes a week on both channels, that's why they air it later because last year, Au got ahead of the US, because of all those episodes a week.

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Hmm, should be interesting, but is there any date set in stone just yet?


Well-Known Member
US have nearly finished the season nine..so hopefully early next year we'll start showing them.


Leave my posts alone
If PUSA does different, then we'll be getting them a year after they started in the US.

Lol. I remember Pasta La Vista. I had already seen it (no clues! >> <<) and a week later, Aus aired it! Talk about crazy!


Well-Known Member
Pretty crazy isn't it?

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Well can someone PM when it does start airing because I might not know or forget.