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Australian Parliament-Bills club

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This club was approved by PsiUmbreon.​

Welcome to the Australian Parliament-Bills club!

The objective of this club is to create a bill (law to be passed), and debate if or if not it should be passed.

When you sign up, you will arrive in the House Of Representatives and if you a good enough debater, you will be given the rank of Senate (like a Mod [sort of]). The prime Minister (me) will then make a final decision if the bill should me passed or not.

I will create a banner for this club and hope you have fun with this debate/game club!

House of Representatives:


Prime Minister:

>Federal Member
~*Topaz Charizard*~

Bills Passed:

>BILL: How long should weekday working go for E.g. 6 hours, 4 hours.= 9 - 5

Bills Rejected:

>Should we have a ban on commercials during children's programs?

Have Fun!

bill - Should the legal driving age be increased?
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~╬TöpÃ¥z RîzÃ¥rdon╬~


I'll join! Can I be co-owner? (I've known you for 8 years, gimme SUMTHIN)



I believe we should have a ban because of the rise in obesity and parents spoiling their kids with the toys they see advertised. Also, if there we're no commercials during educational, their children would focus more on the program and not towards the advertisements.

~╬TöpÃ¥z RîzÃ¥rdon╬~

I believe we should have a ban because of the rise in obesity and parents spoiling their kids with the toys they see advertised. Also, if there we're no commercials during educational, their children would focus more on the program and not towards the advertisements.

Uh..*shifts eyes to rayjohn* yeah..heh heherrhem. Uh..YOU..hint hint

Anyway you're all into the program and these bluddy ads pop up. BUT!
If ads weren't there-WHO would pay for your programs?

I'm meant to be the federal leader

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Well, I have to agree, WHO would pay for our programs.

Anywho, Ads give us breaks from the program to continue on with what we are doing.

So The Majority wins, so the new law is.

Ads are to stay in childrens programs.
I would like to join this club actually. I've been learning about parliment in S.O.S.E and I live in Australia. I also like debating so i'd love to join in th discussion. Very interesting club idea by the way.

~╬TöpÃ¥z RîzÃ¥rdon╬~

Misty-Fan-forever you can certainly join! I'll just have to wait for rayjohn to edit the member list...I wish I could edit rayjohn's first post to save him trouble..(HINT HINT)

'What hours should working days be?'
Um..can you state the question clearer?

~*TC*~ over and out!

(I'm staying on)


~*Topaz Charizard*~ said:
Misty-Fan-forever you can certainly join! I'll just have to wait for rayjohn to edit the member list...I wish I could edit rayjohn's first post to save him trouble..(HINT HINT)

'What hours should working days be?'
Um..can you state the question clearer?

~*TC*~ over and out!

(I'm staying on)

Sorry, edits.

9 to 5 (8 hours) may seem reasonable, yet there are many boundaries such as childrens school, family issues, etc.

If only one person in the household is working, then it's a whole different story. 9 - 5 is the best time for shopping an shops to be open I believe, because it gives shoppers a good time to shop.

I believe we should stay with 9 - 5 (8 hours).


~╬TöpÃ¥z RîzÃ¥rdon╬~

I believe we should stay with 9 - 5 hours.
It's reasonable.

~*TC*~ over and out- - -
I agree. 9 am isn't too early and 5 isn't really that late. Depending on the distance between your household and where you work, when you leave and get back can be a fair distance but that's in the hands of the employee. I believe it should stay the way it is, is because many people (families on particular) have things planned out (e.g. a certain time to drop off your children to netball practice) So to avoid changes in plans I would say 9-5 is reasonable and should be kept as the regular working hours.

~╬TöpÃ¥z RîzÃ¥rdon╬~

Should the legal driving age be increased?

Hmm..yes & no..
NO. Cuz if you go to university you need to drive yourself there because your parents might work and can’y drive you there and when you’re there you need transport.
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