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Available Pokemon?


It's been bugging me for quite some time. How many available Pokemon do you think there will be? I think that they should include AT LEAST an obtainable 151 Pokemon in the Main RPG mode (if they even have an RPG mode - I don't think it's confirmed).

The problem with Colosseum and XD is there just isn't enough Pokemon. And the same goes for Stadium and Stadium 2. The only way to get the most out of your game is to have a handheld game to go with it - which is pretty stupid, IMO.

Oh yeah, and Johto Pokemon pwn. If it were up to me, every Johto Pokemon and their families (Evo's/Pre-evo's) should be included and catchable in the game.

Which brings me to another question - How do you think the Pokemon will be caught? I think the Shadow Pokemon Snagem gimmick will have died, but Genius Sonority will no doubt find a new, innovative way to catch Pokemon. I personally think something like the Pokespot system would be quite fun.

So yeah. Discuss.


Clamperl -Underrated
MY Perfect Game:

Pokemon Stadium and a GB/GBA/DS type RPG as well. I found shadow pokemon extremely boring and a great disappointment, especially after the two pokemon stadiums... I hope Genius Sonority won't let me down again x]

I think G/S/C pokemon should be available, the best of the best generation =D


I've a rough idea on a new catching method:

Rather than having Pokeballs to catch Pokemon, you're given a new type of gadget. It's essentially the same as a Pokeball, with one major difference - It has a "dial" on it. This dial can be set to multiple different frequencies (over 600 frequencies, about). Each Pokemon species in the game has a frequency. The closer the frequency of the Device is to the Pokemon's frequency, the better chance it has of being caught. If you are way off of it's frequency, it's about as powerful as a normal Pokeball. If you get it spot on, it's more powerful than an ultra ball. However, altering the frequency of a "device" takes a turn.

The frequency for each species is set randomly at the beginning of the game - That way, people couldn't search up the frequencies in a guide. You'd have to figure it out through trial and error.

There would also be a new style of "Pokespot". You lay down one of these devices, and set a frequency. Leave the spot, come back later, and there should be a (rarer than normal) Pokemon waiting at the spot for you to battle. The Pokemon that appears will be the Pokemon closest to that frequency that can be found in that area.

That may be a little confusing. But whatever.