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Avatar Glitch

So is there any way to prevent this? I thought it was just my stupid computer.


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Use Firefox :p

John Ray

England Rules!!!
Whats the difference between firefox and Internet explorer?

I don't know if this works but if you want to try it...

go to Control Panel, then go to Apearance and Themes, then go to Change Screen Resolution.

Try changing the screen resolution a bit.

Hope it helps. :)

John Ray

England Rules!!!
I have Broadband so its fast.

so has it worked? Try everyone of them and use which one is the best.


Well-Known Member

Yeah, it works if you have Opera.
Does it really matter if you can't see all the avatars without side scrolling a little bit?
It's not that the avatars are off the screen. It's that the 'Page Selection' bar is off the screen! I can live with the avatars that I can see.


Well-Known Member
Try to highlight the avatars to see if u can drag the iframe towards the right. This is html problem and sometimes glitches like this appear and there's no scrollbar for ya.

Edit: LOL ok, I tried to re-enact how you got the glitch, it happened to me too, but thank god I'm on WS resolution 1680x1050 and I still can see the page selection.
Try this:
1. Click on any radio button you can select.
2. Press TAB once. It should go all the way to the number 2 on the page selection.
3. Press TAB again to go to 3 on the page selection.
4. Press TAB again to go to > on the page selection.
5. Press TAB again to go to Last >>

Unfortunately you cannot trigger the Go to page...

Hope this helps. :)

P.S Mods might want to reflect this to the web admin and fix the issue...:p
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