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Avenger's fakemon requests!

Shop is closed
Hey there, this be my shop. I will scratch a fakemon for you if you either, give me a visual of it, or describe it to me thouroughly.
Here are some examples.

Only three people at a time and only one request per person please
Waiting list
Request away!

Also no pre-orders, period. You'll have to wait till the list has an open spot to request.
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I'll be your first customer!
Can you make three? if you can't i'll give you the first one. Can you make a Fire Lion With the mane being in fire. Make him an adult form. He is the normal color of a lion. Fire is the fire color i don't really know how to tell you that other then its like a normal lion. I have other request if possible ok
I'll take one, too! I want an Eeveelution, that has a completely black body, with Eevee ears with golden tips (the black part of normal Eevee ears are pink), golden stripes right above the paws, a long white tail like Articuno's, white wings, a big golden ~ on its back, and a Golden star on its forehead. Thanks!
You make fakemon, great, I will be here multiple times, probably..=P...

I would like to request a fakemon that would look like a ghost/water type. I have no further specifications, just use your imagination...
If you need an incentive, it will be for use in a game...


Well-Known Member
Could I request a normal fawn, which evolves to a normal and fighting gazelle ?
Peterrab, you are currently the fourth requester, i am only allowing three at once and you need more description. Agent Myst, you need to give me a description. Golden wolf, im confused...your request sounds more like a mix of multiple pokemon and it is kinda confusing.

Two spots are still open, whoever requests or fixes their request first will be put on the list.
Um...I left the description all up to you. It is easier on you, I would think, to leave specificity out...

Okay, basically, make it some sort of morbid-looking, literally-bony fish. I guess if you wanted to you could take a fish skeleton design and make it a bit more "pkmn-looking". After this point I leave it to you (I am never disatisfied...)

EDIT: Pff, my username is misspelled on the waiting list ><...
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Well-Known Member
A normal fawn which is kinda like bambi but with brown fur and some white spots on its back, and a normal/fighting gazelle which is like a massive Thomsons Gazelle but with brown fur and a red sash around its neck and big horns. Is this ok ?


Secret Gym Leader
I know I'm going to be your 5th...no wait 4th person to wait but I want you to make a pokemon its 1st evolution and 2nd evolution.
Species:Baby Panda
Color:Green and White
Description:It's ankles have a bushy mane-like grass bush around them.Also around its neck.Also I would like it sittingand the mane around its neck to be like a flower with green rims and yellow inside it.
1st evo:Full Grown Panda(Green,White and Purple ears and on all fours)
Descroption:Same thing like its neck and ankles but bigger.Also its tail is a little blossom thats purple as well.
Final evo:Full grown panda(Green,White,Purple and Gray,also on all fours)
Description:Same thing like ankles,neck(Bigger),ears and the blossom turns into a flower with a littlething coming out like a vileplume's does.Also on the shoulders of the legs I would like a armor plate there that's gray and also on the head thats covers top part of face(eyes and ears will show),jaw will be white and not covered with steel.
P.S. PM me of how you can tell me how to do it and if you can't do all do the first one.
Well, lowemon, its ur lucky day, also for myst! Cause i finished myst's request!

There ya go! Morbid enough for ya? BTW, can i use it as one of my fakes for my RPG? ill say that you designed it. Oh, and lowemon, ill make one of them at a time, okay? but if someone requests before there is another space open, then you'll have to wait for the other. Same for peterrab. If you two have a one that you want more than the other you better tell me quick.


Secret Gym Leader
I told you to pm or email me how to make them so I dont have to go to shops because I have an rpg as well.I need starters so Ill think them up then if you dont telle how to make them myself.P.S. can you post your link to your rpg? maybe we can become affilates!!!:D


A Vicious Weremoth
i'd like a preevolution of enpanda from the fake pokemon page... i figured it would be easy enough since you already have a pic to base it on, thank you X3


Well-Known Member
Can you make the gazelle first please ?


jw when it will be donehow long does it take i don't want to sound annoying but iam just wondering when can i expect it thanks

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
OKay I know the shop is closed but, I just want to put my request in when you have the time... The link is in my sig for my fakedex! So could you possibly do the first stage starter's for me? When you have the time.