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Average time to EV train


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
Ive jus decided to start EV trainin 4 the first time n decided to ask how long on average it takes ppl to EV train a full team?


< It's Passion Pink!
I EV trained a Torkoal in about an hour. Multiply by 6.

Twilit Dragoon

*omnious thunderstorm*
Using Macho Brace and Pokerus, I trained a Charmander in less than an hour.


Palace Maven Spenser
about an hour per poke, with only macho brace.

I don't bother with pokerus, I goofed up once with my mewtwo because it got the pokerus in the middle of training and I didn't know. So I don't train with pokerus anymore.


Well-Known Member
To breed for natures,train,and to get everything right, I'd say it will take you a week to get 6 perfect Lv100 pokemon.

But wait to EV train until D/P come out.


It took me about one and a half hours to fully-ev train my Zapdos with a macho brace because I keep losing count of the monsters it kills. Luckily I now have Pokerus so ev training will get easier.

I got tired of beating the E4 over and over again just to get to level 100 so I used the emerald cloning glitch on my rare candies. Getting to 100 is no longer a problem. x___x; (it's just breeding for great stats and natures that take a great amount of time)


< It's Passion Pink!
Did u use macho brace and/or pokerus?

To breed for natures,train,and to get everything right, I'd say it will take you a week to get 6 perfect Lv100 pokemon.

But wait to EV train until D/P come out.
If you're going to breed for IVs and natures, there's no real limit on how long it'd take. The longer you spend, the closer to perfect your IVs can become. You could spend as much as a week getting a triple flawless.

Also, I'd say that if you're going to breed for good IVs, that you don't bother waiting for D/P. In D/P, eggs hatch at L1, making it extremely difficult to judge their IVs based solely on their stats. >.>

Shiny Crobat

Well-Known Member
If you got a couple of training secret bases it doesn't tke long


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
unfortunately none of my m8s r in2 pokemon so cnt do the secret base things, n also ive only tried 4 natures n 2 get the moves, the iv's confuse me :p


Well-Known Member
shouldnt take to long with the macho brace or Pokerus or both. It only takes me a couple of hours with the macho brace