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Avoidable pokemons?


Move Puppet inc.
is there any pokemon you try to avoid from catching because they are too sucky or don't look cool, and you sometimes catch 'em just to complete the dex? i always avoid those annoying zigzagoons and the ZUBATS!!! ZUBATS MUST DIE!!! Crobats are cool though XD

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
^^ In fact, Zubats are great to train for Speed IVs.
Zigzagoon is great because of it's Pickup Ability.
As you see, every pokémon is useful in his own way...


Beginning Trainer
Please don't diss on zigzagoon. After he/she evolves it becomes the most strongest pokemon on my team right now. Its lv 67 wile all the others arn't even 50. I'm not saying they are are'nt annoying but they can be good.


Zubats rule, a zubat was my first shiny, now a crobat.
And who wouldn't love a cute and cuddley, bloodsucking bat...hmmm whats that tingling sensation at the back of my neck....
Besides it nearly halloween, and zubats should be part of that.
Usually i don't like the legenaries to much, i skipped the seafoam islands and still haven't gone back to catch the Articuno, shame, its one of the few legendaries i like....

Silver Mew

Mew Master
Zubats are good but are annoying when your looking for a Bagon in Meteor Cave. I dislike Tentacools no matter what. Even more since I was stung by a jellyfish before....


Well-Known Member
i like golbat but ya i dont like spinda they scare the **** out of me with there crazy eyes and his tetter dance


Well-Known Member
Spinda + Rattata

*Jean Grey*

Night Triumphant
I also hate to the infinite power Spinda, it looks like a f*ck*n b*tch, also Magikarp


Good at Life.
Tentacool. You can't surf anywhere without seeing like 20 of these ...


Well-Known Member
Tentacool, Zubat, and Pidgey (I hate Pidgeys!!!)


Well-Known Member
Tentacool gets annoying on water terrain and Zubat in Caves.


I am the game
For me its....no wait i use repels!


christian 4ever
all pokemon rock......................i nhave like 30 zizzagoons in my pc.....i feel bad if i dont catch them all.


Bullet Punch
Pokemon that are common and not very powerful are usually cosidered annoying, and so not used. I say that Zubat is actually quite good; Golbat is very important to my current Emerald team.
