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Awakening of the Legendary Pokemon

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darkpkmn fan1

Well-Known Member
Hehe, guess what i found. An old RPG i never got to submit. Well, i will post it now. Mind you, its old. I have changed it slightly.

Destruction. That is the best description of today’s world. People forced out of their homes. Pokemon habitats destroyed. And it all comes down to one pokemon. Aruseus. After the incident at ruins of aruseus, the incredible countdown began. The countdown to the end of the world. It all began when a mighty trainer named Lance discovered a large vault deep inside of the ruin. Upon entering, he was lead down to the last chamber, where the great mythical Arusues was. Once lance entered, aresues immediately took his chance and used lance to replenish his energy. After this, lance was never spotted again and now.....now the world is at its worst.

As soon as aruseus was free, he set about getting his own back and settling some old scores. First he looked upon the humans. The ones who trapped him down in the chamber so many years ago. Towns and cities where destroyed. People where forced to lie in the wild. Next, the pokemon received there punishment for helping the humans as forest fires swept the land and ruined habitats. And next, he set about destroying the world.

Trainers are now living in the wilderness and eating what they can find. Because of this, most pokemon have been forced to leave their trainers to fend for them selves. Pokemon are wandering the land looking for somewhere to live. But there is still some hope. The legendary pokemon who helped create this world are not leaving without a good fight.

The legendary pokemon have began to awake and are searching for their target. Aruseus. Not only have the legendary pokemon began to awake but also the rise of the once popular pokemon rescue teams.Mobbs of pokemon known as rescue teams have began to search the regions, looking for aruseus and will try there best to take him down. Let the hunt begin


Well, basically, pokemon are trying to take down aresues for what he has done. So, sign ups.

Firstly, You can be a legend but one per person.

Claimed legendary Pokemon

Mewtwo - Megadio26
Groudon - Prongs
Rayquaza - Darkpkmn fan1
PikaPower! - Deoxys
Sheimi - Canis Lupus

Next is the sign up sheet. Anywhere from one to three pokemon.



Description: ( Just describe the pokemon. To test how ell you RP)

Sample: (I have to add this)

Personality: (I forgot to put this in)

My sign up

Name: Rayquaza

Speices: Rayquaza

Describtion: Rayquaza. The legendary pokemon of the sky. He is a great long emerald dragon and has a sort of yellow ribbon line down its body. Its head has four great horns on it and he has a massive mouth with a sharp set of teeth. He has two large arms which he uses to attack his foes. The arms have a set of large talon like claws which could rip through the toughest of pokemon.

Personality: Rayquaza is a pokemon with a very short temper. The smallest disturbance can send him crazy and with his power, it is not advised that he is messed with. He usually is content with soaring around the worlds sky, but since the arrival of arusues, he is very angry. He now floats around the ground, perminantly angered, looking for his target. He will not stop or rest until he is found.

Sample: Daniel lay back in the long, soft plushie grass, listening to the sounds of the waterfall crashing down in to the lake as the sun shone on to his face through the tree tops of the Kanto forest. Dotaitos was busy scuffing his face in the ground. Dotaitos had been grazing in the grass but would usually like to browse in thick bushes in search of ripe berries and leaves. He occasionally grunted as he rubbed his face in the dirt.

"Ah, he seems happy" said Daniel as he sat up and looked of at is pokemon,Dotaitos. Daniel was about to put his head back down to sleep when a noise came from the forest. It was a sort of sound that happens when large pokemon travel through the forest. Dotaitos was to busy and didnt relize anything. Daniel, being the adventurous sort slowly stood up. He took a few small steps towards the tree's not getting too close. Suddenly, three large pokemon came up and reared there heads. One turned its large head back and made a call. More came out as they all walked towards the river. One of them, the largest one, rose its head above the others. "Kangaskhan" it called.

Daniel turned around to walk away, he was still a bit shakey. He turned around to be greeted by a large Kangaskhan on all fours walking up to him. The kangaskhan had most likely feared of Daniel and had decided to attack him. The kangaskhan stood up on to two feet and raised its fist. At this point, Dotaitos relized, and charged the kangaskhan. "Dotaitos" dotaitos shouted as he hit the kangaskhan with all of his body weight. The kangaskhan instantly hit the floor. "Dotaitos, give it a solarbeam" ordered Daniel. Dotaitos nodded his head and began charging then quickly released it all on the kangaskahn.

The kangaskahn seemed like it had little lft in the tank. Daniel whipped out a pokeball and launched it at the kangaskahn. Kangaskhan was taken inside the ball. With no energy left, there was no way it would escape. The light on the ball went off. Daniel, kept quiet and picked up the pokeball. He gathered his stuff and hopped onto dotaitos's back. The two quickly left the pack of kangaskahn
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Charizard Master
Name: Groudon
Species: Groudon
Description: Groudon, the titan of land. It`s body is bloddy red. Has 5 pairs of horns sticking out of his body, on either side. Groudon 4 claws on either arms can cut trew almost anything. Groudon has yellow eyes and 4 horns sticking out of his head.


Active Member
This seems fun. I guess I'll be a rescue team of some sort.

Team Name: Team Elements


Name: Seeder

Species: Venasaur

Description: Seeder is a Venasaur. He is a reptillian quadruped with green warty skin. His head is flat, with two ears, red eyes, and a large mouth with two fangs protruding from the top of each side. On his back is a humongous flower used to take in sunlight. The flower is perced on a pile of leaves, each facing one direction, north, east, souuth, and west. The flower is a pinkish red color, with white spots on the petels. It has a yellow center. He has three claws on each foot.

Name: Slash

Species: Charizard

Description: Slash is a Charizard, which is a bipedal reptile, with an orange body and tan belly. with two horns on the top of the head. He has serrated fangs, and two wings that enable him to fly (the membranes are blue). He has three claws on each hand and foot. His tail tip has a flame on it that burns ever so brightly.

Name: Shellshock

Species: Blastoise

Description: Shellshock is a Blastoise, which is a turtle- like pokemon with two cannons on his shell. His skin is an ocean blue color, while his shell is brown. His cannons are a stainless steel color. He shoots water out of these cannons. He has a small tail. He has three claws on his hands and feet.

(These pokemon once belonged to a trainer, but they had to be let go, as the trainer did not want them to get hurt. They want to find Arsues and stop it, so they can return to their friend.)


Name: Rucario

Species: Lucario

Description: Rukario is a fighting type Pokémon and has the abillity to see auras in all living things, Rucario is also very fast...

Canis Lupus

Well-Known Member
Name: Flower

Speices: Sheimi

Description: Sheimi is about 8 inches high, weighing about 4.6 pounds. It is a small green hedgehog-like creature, with a flower beside it's head. It's prickles are green, and have yellow dots in them. it has short legs, and a pointed snout. It is very cute, and when it curls up, it looks like a flower. It's body is pearl white, and when frightened, attacks with it's prickles. it may be cute, but learning strong attacks like Seed Flare and Energy Ball, is a force to be reckoned with.


Guess Who's Back?
Question: Aren't we supposed to be a Rescue Team? Just in case, I'm putting my 3 team Members. I'm Mew.

...Oh, and describing characters are my weak point.

Rescue Team Pirates

1. Myel

Species: Mew

Calm Mind, Psychic, Pulse Bomb, Shadow Claw

Desc.: Myel is a smallish, bipedal pink floating feline-ish pokemon, with light blue eyes. It has a pink tail with a rounded end. It has tiny arms and legs. It has a blue scarf around its neck, with a white skull on it; symbol of Rescue Team Pirates.

Sample: Myel looked around frantically, searching for Rei and Muu in the crowd of Pokemon. "Everyone, CALM DOWN. I know the earthquake was startling, but let's not panic." ...And yet, Myel panicked. "Rei?! Muu?!" Myel heard a call from somewhere in the crowd. "Myel? Where are you?" Myel moved people out of the way with Psychic and found them. Myel hugged them with his tiny arms and they left to their Rescue Team Base.

Personality: Optimistic and hyper. Myel never gets tired of flying around with Muu. Myel's favorite color is blue.

2. Rei

Species: Erureido

Psychic, Brick Break, Stone Edge, Focus Bomb

Desc.: Light blue and white skin (shiny), with an orange projection from its chest, and the same on the other side. He has a grey mohawk thing on its head. He has a blue scarf around his neck, with a white skull on it; symbol of Rescue Team Pirates.

Personality: Rei is a very calm Pokemon. When everyone is all crazy jazz, he calms them down. His favorite color is white.

3. Muu

Species: Muumajii

Psychic, Confuse Ray, Pain Split, Perish Song

Desc.: Deep purple Pokemon resembling a witch. Yellow and red eyes. She floats and has no legs or arms. At her waist are red gems. She has a blue scarf around her neck, with a white skull on it; symbol of Rescue Team Pirates.

Personality: Dark and pessimistic. She always manages to make people feel bad on accident, but she's a powerful Pokemon. Her favorite color is purple.
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Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Usually sign ups have;


And description that's only a scentence long in describing a pokemon, kinda hints they don't RP well...

Here's a TEST.

Name: Ryaki
Gender: Male
Personality: Ryaki is a hot headed pokemon most of the times, but he does have his calm moments when he's by himself in a quiet spot. Though he has a temper, Ryaki is kind hearted. He just doesn't show it very well, or very often. Ryaki also has a fear of water, and water types, though he does his best to ignore it and hide it from others. And he gets a tad possessive over what he deems his possesions.

Species: Entei

Description: Ryaki stands at an intimidating hieght of six feet or more. Towering over Arcanine, even if he isn't as long as one. Half his face is covered in an iron like mask that is either their as protection, or punishment. Cold, nearly cruel black eyes look out from twin eyeholes in the mask as it seems his mouth is twisted into an eternal snarl, showing off menacing, and large fangs. His large, canid/feline like body is covered in a sleek, shiny reddish-brown coat, while his paws are dusky grey. Four great iron shackles are attached to his legs, just above each paw and are worn from age. And attached to his head is a regal, nearly cloud like mane that flows and shifts with every gentle breeze.

Then if you want to have a test of their RP prowess.

Sample RP:

Ryaki looked about his territory, his eyes hard as he sought to seek out what had dared invade what was his. A deep growl rumbled in his throat as he padded forward silently yet swiftly. Large grey paws sinking into the spongy moss covered ground slightly with each step. Then he caught it, the scent of the invader. The growl cut to silence, even though he was mad at the presence. Ryaki did not want to allow it time to hear him and escape.

Tensing his muscles, the great beast like pokemon crouched, stubby ears pricked as he listened, and waited. Then when he heard the enemy pokemon get closer, he pounced! Springing out of the foliage with a great roar, the Entei slammed into the much smaller, and very surprised Charmeleon. The fire lizard yelped in fear before and tried to scramble away as he picked himself up from where he tumbled, but it was too late to get away without a lesson as Ryaki roared his displeasure, and tackled the poor pokemon, sending it sliding, only to recive a mighty thwack from one of Ryaki's massive paws.

Crying in pain as the attack left the Charmeleon with three slashes down his side, the pokemon pushed himself up, and fled from the spot, leaving Ryaki's territory in near lightning speed. Looking smug, the Entei sat down and began to clean his paw clean of blood from the scuffle. He hadn't been intent on killing the Charmeleon. Only in using it as a further reminder of why he was king of this forest.

That is an RP sample, even if short. The RP plot is kinda bleah- doomsday because of a god pokemon that created the world deciding to destroy it by absorbing everyone's energy? And why would pokemon abandond their trainers so quickly? Overall it just doesn't make sense, your plot I mean.

Canis Lupus

Well-Known Member
Okay, I took my sign-up from before and modified it.
Name: Flower

Speices: Sheimi

Description: Sheimi is about 8 inches high, weighing about 4.6 pounds. It is a small green hedgehog-like creature, with a flower beside it's head. It's prickles are green, and have yellow dots in them. it has short legs, and a pointed snout. It is very cute, and when it curls up, it looks like a flower. It's body is pearl white, and when frightened, attacks with it's prickles. it may be cute, but learning strong attacks like Seed Flare and Energy Ball, is a force to be reckoned with.

Sample: "Pidgey!" the small bird yelled at Flames. "You used Ember!" Joseph exclaimed with glee. "Bah, forget the Torchic, go for the person!" the grunt yelled. The Pidgey, too angered to listen, dove at Flames. "Flames! Ember on Pidgey!" Joseph ordered. Flames spat out another fire, engulfing the Pidgey. "PIDDD! Jay..." it cried, fainting. Joseph recalled Flames, eager to see the grunt's next Pokemon. "Grr... Go Swablu!" the grunt yelled. The small cloud-like Pokemon came out. "Then go Veil!" Joseph yelled, throwing Veil's ball into the air. "Ralts!" Veil yelled. "Swablu! Use Peck on that annoying trainer!" Swablu dove for Joseph. Veil turned, and seeing his master about to be attacke, became enraged. "Raalts!" he cried, glowing blue. The Swablu began to glow blue as it was stopped in mid-air. It was swung aside with a cry rom Veil. "Ralts!" Swablu hit a stalgmite, and fell to the ground. It got up, and began to sing. "Swa..Swa swa swa, swa swa swa..." it began, but abruptly stopped as it grew blues, and it's mouth shut. Thanks a lot! Joseph thought with joy. Ralts! Veil responded to Joseph."Alrigh, finish Swablu off with another Confusion!" Joseph yelled, swinging his arm out. Swablu started to float, and hit the trainer, knocking him flat. "You did it!" Joseph cried, turning around to see Raijon's battle.

Personality: Flower is the nicest Sheimi (and the only one) in the world. She is kind to everyone, even those who are mean to her. She sees the best in everyone, even those who are bad. This brings her a disadvantage, because she sees bad people as good. She is very optimistic, and she tries to make everyone around her happy. Flower is happy to help out her fireds, and anybody that needs help. If she sees someone hurt, she immediately tries to heal them. When Flower met Darkrai, whe saw the best in him, and was kind. Darkrai, took this as an advantage, and used her. Arseus, noticed this, and began using her as well. Flower found out with Darkrai, but didn't notice Arseus. When she notcied, it had been 10 years, and she turned to get him back.


Description:Zapdos is 5'03" and weighs 116 LBS.It is a large yellow bird with jagged wings and the wings are divided into 3 parts.The top and bottom parts are yellow but the middle part is black.Its "tail" has an outer part(yellow) and an inner part(black).It has light orange talons and the rim of its head is jagged.Its eyes have a black ring around them and its beak is the same color as its talons.The beak is also very long.

Sample:Zapnitex awoke,startled by the sudden noise.There were humans outside HIS power plant. He saw out the window across from him, a huge yellow thing with a huge sphere attached to it was out side.The humans entered not noticeing in for he was on a pipe attached to the ceiling.Zapnitex let out a screech to scare the humans,they looked up and saw him they yelled a few words and then one of them sent out a yukinooh.Zapnitex instantly unleashed a drill peck attack.The yeti creature was wounded but had the strength to fire a beam of ice.Zapnitex was very cold and had some frostbite but not cold enough to be frozen, he blasted the yukinooh and the humans through the roof with thunderbolt.Next he zaped the machine with the black sphere attached to it.Finally he went back into the power plant and warmed him self up next to the main generator.

Personality:Zapnitex is very solitary.Knowing what to do and when to do it.However he is not the friendliest legendary and would rather work alone than with others.He also hates humans with a passion,why?No one knows.He hates arseus for making him and less powerful than other legendaries.
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It's electric!
Name: Oscar

Species: Mightyena

Description: Oscar stands at 3' and weighs 79 pounds. He is smaller than the average Mightyena, due to the fact that he was the runt of the litter. He has a scar across his cheek from a Scyther attack. His tail measures a foot in length. Oscar has very sharp teeth due to his frequent use of them. He has very muscular legs since he is almost always running. His figure is very slim, but is hard to tell because of all his fur.

Sample: Keith dashed through the forest as fast as his legs to carry him. He took a quick glance behind him to check on his pursuers' progress. The grunt's Crawdaunt was moving slower each second, but his Skarmory was closing in on Keith. Keith thrust his hand into his pocket, pulled out a PokeBall, and activated it. He tossed the PokeBall behind him.

"Go Lightning. Help me out!" he called.

The ball hit the ground and flashed a brilliant white light. The light disappeared, and a Magnemite took it's place. The air crackled with electricity. Keith halted and whipped around to face his PokeMon.

"Use Thunderbolt!" he shouted. Small sparks of electricity danced across Magnemite before a long beam of lightning shot out it. The Thunderbolt hit Skarmory dead on and knocked it out of the air. The Skarmory fell down and hit the Crawdaunt that just caught up. The two PokeMon struggled to get untangled before rising to their feet. Keith knew this would be the battle to save his life.

"Zap Cannon!" he screamed to his little Magnemite. The Magnemite shot a black ball surrounded in electricity at the two PokeMon. The attack hit it's mark, knocking out both PokeMon. Keith returned Lightning and continued running. There were more PokeMon out to get him, and he couldn't afford to rest.

Personality: Oscar is a loner, but he will team up with others when needed. He respects PokeMon that pity a foe, but disrepects PokeMon that show no mercy. He is well disciplined and more in tune with nature than most PokeMon. As a Poochyena, he had to witness the death of many friends. Most were under the wrath of humans, so he is a bit misanthropic. He is loyal and values friendship and family above all else. Oscar has a determined attitude, and will often fight PokeMon that are much bigger and more powerful than he is.

Miss Rarity

A rarity to come by
Heheheheh... Had to stop myself from turning the description into an Encyclopedia entry.... Here's my sign up, I hope I get accepted...
Name: Mewtwo

Species: Mewtwo

Description: Mewtwo is a large bipedal feline like pokemon. It has a dark aura around it and can cause fear into those who stare into its glowing eyes. Mewtwo is about 6 ft. 7 in. and weighs in at 269 lbs. Mewtwo has a cord from the back of its head to its back, it was integrated into the design to increase blood flow to its large brain. Mewtwo has three large spheres on the tips of its three fingers. These help for the perception of the world and manipulation of objects with its telekinetic powers. Mewtwo’s skin is a pale gray, the only part of its body that isn’t a deathly pale grey is its tail which is a dark purplish color. Mewtwo’s tail helps give him balance and can serve as a deadly weapon due to the many muscles and bone that it is made up of. Mewtwo has a hard chest plate over its chest to protect its large heart which pumps most of the blood to Mewtwo’s brain. Mewtwo has powerful legs though it rarely uses them due to its ability to achieve flight through its psychic abilities. If ever needed Mewtwo can stick to walls with its feet. Its two front toes are the only part of its body that touches the ground, though it rarely has to. On the backs of its feet it has large spheres not unlike the ones on its hands. These also help channel psychic energy which is the reason why only the two front toes touch the ground.

Gender: Technically Mewtwo is genderless but he and others refer to him as a male.

Personality: Mewtwo is a very cold pokemon he shows no emotion to people, Mewtwo deep down inside cares very much for his friends. Mewtwo is very calm and patient so he is rarely angered. Mewtwo always underestimates his opponents and sees everyone as inferior to him. Mewtwo is very witty and questions several things. Mewtwo has a philosophical mind and doesn’t do thing without a purpose. Once Mewtwo is angered he is a force to be reckon with, with his vast arsenal of psychic abilities he can defeat most opponents. Deathly afraid of bug type pokemon, become very timid and scared around Bug-types which is his one major weakness.

Sample: Damien started getting closer and closer to the other trainers and then Gengar jumped from behind him and pulled him back. “Oof!” Damien said as he fell behind the tree. ‘Thanks…” Damien said looking at Gengar. Damien got up and started to see what was happening behind the tree. He saw the trainer with the Shiny Charizard and Totodile capture and name the Tatetopusu. “Hmmm…” Damien said analyzing the situation. “Politoed!” a Politoed said jumping out of the lake. “A Politoed!” Damien said as it came out. Damien pulled out his pokedex and pointed it at the Frog Pokemon. ‘The curled hair on Politoed's head is proof of its status as a king. It is said that the longer and more curled the hair, the more respect this Pokemon earns from its peers. If Poliwag and Poliwhirl hear its echoing cry, they respond by gathering from far and wide.’ The pokedex said in its robotic voice.
“Oh my goodness! We can’t let it yell out or we’ll be attacked by a bunch of Poli’s!” Damien said. The Politoed inhaled and its chest puffed out, it was about to let out its cry. “Oh, no you don’t! Gengar stop it!” Damien said. Gengar shot out from behind Damien and Shadow Punched Politoed. Politoed flew backwards and fell into the water. Politoed jumped back onto the land and it Bounced into the air. Politoed was high in the air. Gengar looked up and saw the Frog Pokemon’s outline in the sky. Politoed landed on Gengar’s head and bounced off. “Gengar!” Gengar said holding onto his head. “Gengar, use Night Shade!” Damien commanded. Gengar transfixed his gaze onto Politoed and Rays of darkness shot out of his eyes. “Poli-” the Politoed said as the darkness shot him in the stomach. “Politoed!” it said and unleashed a Hydro Pump attack. Gengar flew backwards and hit a tree. “kekekekeke” Gengar said painfully as he got back up. “Gengar, hang in there! Use Shadow Ball!” Gengar immediately hurled the sphere of darkness toward Politoed.
The blob of darkness took a jagged path toward Politoed. Politoed inhaled and shot a blast of water toward the ground, creating a Mud Bomb. The Mud smacked into the dark sphere. The force of the Shadow Ball destroyed the Mud Bomb and it shot into Politoed. Politoed flew backward, fell into the water, and floated back up on his back. “Go Net Ball!” Damien said and he threw the Net Ball at Politoed. The ball shook twice and then the center lighted up with a dinging sound. “YES! We caught Politoed!” Damien said and he and Gengar jumped up into the air.
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Well-Known Member
This looks interesting.

No.1 Name: Deoxys

Species: Deoxys

Description: ( I am doing separate forms, I don't know why :D )
Deoxys, in its normal form, is a humanoid shape. Its arms form a double helix, with two strands colored red and blue. Its head is similar to a short, rounded obelix, with two shapes that are similar in shape to aeroplane wings. Its legs are like stretched out cones, that are similar in the joint positioning to a humans.

The Attack form (OOC: My personal favorite) is, in most respects similar to normal form. The only differences are the arms ( the helix's have been split, and the individual strands are now pointed slightly.), the head shape (the points on either side have been pulled back, and the shape has been stretched and pulled back slightly.), the chest has been colored black, and the at the joint on the legs, there is a pointed cone.

The Defense form is like the Attack form, however the tentacles have been flattened, and joined into two arms on either side. The head shape has been converted into a dome. The legs have been rounded off, and the cone on the leg joint has been converted into a dome.

The Speed form is similar to the Attack form, but one tentacle has disappeared from either side, the red on the right, the blue on the left, and the remaining one has been stretched and shrunk into a single cord. The legs are the same, excepting the color, which is now black, and the cones have been shortened by about 50%.

However, every form has two things which are kept in all forms. In the center of the chest, there is a purple crystal, and the main colors are red and blue.

Personality: Deoxys's personality changes with it's form. In normal form, Deoxys has a basic, good-natured temperament, but in Attack form, it has a quick temper, and usually acts before it thinks. The Defense form is determined, and never gives up, no matter what the odds. The Speed form is a competitive, yet cautious character. Every form is courageous, and intelligent.

No.2: Name: Firefowl.

Species: Blaziken.

Description: Firefowl is your average Blaziken, around 2 meters tall, knows heaps of fire moves, except for two things. This Blaziken had been granted with mild Psychic energy, and is best friends with a Deoxys. Firefowl had been walking through a cave, when it came across a glowing crystal. He picked it up, and took it back to his (literally) volcanic home. He made sure that the crystal got the utmost care. During the night, the crystal began glowing so brightly, that Firefowl was nearly blinded. A Deoxys came out from the crystal, asking Firefowl questions through telepathy. 6 years of telepathy has given Firefowl mild Psychic energy. They decided to form a rescue team after two years, and are a Lucario ranked two-man rescue team.1

Example: Chris ran through the bush, his Totodile just keeping up. They had been racing for a while now, competing in the Trainer-Pokemon marathon. They had to run from Pallet Town, to Vermillion, via Viridian, Pewter and Cerulean City. They had only started 33 minutes ago, and had their first break. They have to stop every 30 minutes. The Rules said so. They were racing against 2 others, Micheal, who had a Charmander, and David, who had a Treecko. The winner would receive an exclusive item, made by the famous Silph Co. There were rumors saying that the item would be some kind of new device for scanning Pokemon. He didn't really care, he just wanted to beat Mike and Dave. All three had been rivals since the day they were born. He was beating them both barely. Chris was running at speeds as fast as a Spearow flying, when he and his Totodile fell down a hole in the ground. Chris was screaming, when he suddenly hit the ground with a force like a Rhydon hitting the ground at 30 miles an hour.

Chris was knocked out, and woke up to see his Totodile staring at a large blue lake. He got up, and tried to find out what Totodile was staring at. Then, after a while, the most incredible thing happened, right there, before his eyes. The pool lit up with a radiance that rivaled the sun. A large blue Pokemon rose from the pool, and he gasped. It was the legendary Pokemon Kyogre. He took a few steps back gaping at the marvel he was seeing. Kyogre hovered, and began to stare at Chris. He was raised up and out of the cave, then placed gently on the ground. He stood there for a moment, then began to continue the race. He remembered that one scene in the cave for the rest of his life.

Good huh? :D


Charizard Master
Name: Groudon

Speices: Groudon

Description: Groudon, the titan of land. It`s body is bloddy red. Has 5 pairs of horns sticking out of his body, on either side. Groudon 4 claws on either arms can cut trew almost anything. Groudon has yellow eyes and 4 horns sticking out of his head.

Sample: Prongs woke up in the morning and saw that his parents where out. He got dressed and after eating something went to his friends place to have a pokemon duel. He took with him his 2 most precious pokes, Charizard and Swellow. This pokes had been with him since the beginning of his journey. Charizard was his first pokemon, a Charmander given to him by his father and after just one day of his journey he caught a Taillow that after some battle evolved into Swellow and from there on this pokes were in Prongs`s team forever. Prongs fought many battle and won many, but he never could win the Pokemon League, he tried in Kanto but was beaten in the quarter-finals, he tried in Jhoto but ion round 2 he was out, he tried in Hoenn and here he had the best result, semi-finals, where he was beaten by a friend of his. Prongs`s team was formed out of: Charizard, Swellow, Heracross, Dragonite, Houndoom and Umbreon. Dragonite was a gift given to him by his father before he past away. After some more minutes Prongs arrived at his friends`s house, he knocked one time, no respons, he tryied again, still nothing, after some more minutes his friend opened the door:
"Oh, hey Prongs, sorry it took so long, had a bit of work so did u bring your pokes?" asked Jack
"Yup, have them here, ready for battle, let`s go to the arena and have that fight k?" Prongs
"Ok, just let me get my pokes and i`m ready for you" and Jack starter running upstairs and after taking 2 of his pokes joined Prongs on his road to the arena.

Personality: Groudon loves to fight and never refuses a fight. He hates to be second and will do anything to win. Groudon, when not in a fight, is a very happy and caring pokemon. Groudon doesn`t like other pokemon types, and would do anything for his fire type friends. He think that fire should be the only type for pokemons. Groudon hate pokemon that brag and when they fight they don`t show anything, he likes to fight only worthy adversaries.


Guess Who's Back?
I edited mine and gave all of my people a personality. ^^
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