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Awakening of the Legendary Pokemon

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Musical Mayhem

~Simple and Clean~
Can I reserve Articuno? I'll have my sign up some time tomarrow or today.


Well-Known Member
Just a question. When is the RPG starting?

Umbreon Rider

Tolkien fan 4 eva

Speices: Umbreon

Description: This male umbreon is avarage sized with unusually big rings. The tip of his tail is semi-chewwed off from a larger umbreon when they fought for the prettiest Umbreon of The Pack. His claws are somewhat sharper...

Sample: Luneir lunged at Dusots, the 'alfa male' of The Pack. His attempted take down was rewarded with a Psybeam. Dusots took advantage of Luneir's distraction, and bombarded our the young umbreon with several bites. "Ahh my tail!" screamed Luneir, falling to the ground. A piece of jet black skin dropped right near him, blood on it's edges.

Personality: Luneir is playfull, but with a complete hate for areseus(he killed Luneir's trainer causing him to join The Pack) He would do anything to help his fellow poke'mon and is a secret admirer of Mew.

Shadow Espeon

Roserade Fan
Species: Kyogre
Description: Kyogre is a Blue and white orca with large fins that look like wings, and a bird like tail. Like Groudon, Kyogre has those lines, but instead of blue the lines are red. It also has two dorsal fins on it.
Gender:Technically Kyogre is genderless, but others refer to her as female
Personality: Kyogre is very gentle and is not known to attack unless she is attacked first. She cares for all water types and baby pokemon. She is also known to stop the worst droughts. She is also very calm, but can sometimes get angry and cause floods and tsunamis.
Sample: " Skitty, use Assist!" Katie called to her Skitty. Her Skitty shot a web out of it's mouth. The String Shot was from her Spinarak. "How do I use this," Katie said, " Oh yeah, Skitty use Ice beam." The Ice beam froze the web. "Now, Use Doubleslap Skitty!" The Skitty slapped the web, Shattering the web in a dazzleing display. "Times up." Said the judge. Katie just won the Hoenn Grand Festival."Yes!" Katie shouted
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Name: Ruga

Species: Diaruga

Description: Ruga is a Small male diaruga who has extra large ears to help him hear things. He has no spikes on his back as he was attacked by a Aruseus when he was young. Because of this he is not as strong and has a weak spot on his back.

Sample: Ruga jumped at the Hiidoran and used a Dragon Breath at the fire type legendary. Hiidoran then used Fire Fang and bit Ruga. Ruga shouted in pain then used a Dragon Claw hitting Hiidoran hard who fell and hit his head. Hiidoran then used a flamethrower but it blocked by a protect."HA" Ruga said. Ruga then leaped through the air almost looking like he was flying at the hiidoran using slash. Hiidoran fainted making Ruga very happy and danced around.

Personality: Ruga is a kind, but can be fierce when in a battle. He loves almost all pokemon other then Aruseus as he killed Ruga's mother and took off Ruga's spikes on his back. Ruga's goal in life is not to kill Aruseus but to change his ways.

Name: Fukamaru

Species: Shiny Fukamaru

Description: Fukamaru is a small new hatced baby that doesn't know much about battling but wants to become the ultimate pokemon when he is older. He was born with a deformed Ear (the gun looking thing on the side of his head.) and cannot hear very well. He was picked on by his older brothers and sisters when he was hatched just because of this.

Sample: Fukamaru charged at Snorlax with a Dragon rage his newly learned move, but Snorlax dodged and used a tackle squishing Fukamaru. Fukamaru struggled for air then bit Snorlax. Snorlax released a deep yelp as he jumped back. Then Fukamaru used another dragon rage which hit fainting snorlax.

Personality: Fukamaru is a young pokemon that has picked up the mean ways of his siblings. Fukamaru has conviction that he will become the ultimate pokemon some day on the ultimate trainers team. But now he wants to help with the problem at hand.
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Well-Known Member
Erm... I hate to be rude, but when is the RPG starting? I know I asked this before, but I am just a tiny bit annoyed. Just a tiny bit.
Ok, I'll try again with just one.

Name: Fukamaru

Species: Shiny Fukamaru

Description: Fukamaru is a small new hatced baby that doesn't know much about battling but wants to become the ultimate pokemon when he is older. He was born with a deformed Ear (the gun looking thing on the side of his head.) and cannot hear very well. He was picked on by his older brothers and sisters when he was hatched just because of this. His yellow stripe was green as another birth defect.

Sample: Fukamaru charged at Snorlax with a Dragon rage his newly learned move, but Snorlax dodged and used a tackle squishing Fukamaru. Fukamaru struggled for air then bit Snorlax. Snorlax released a deep yelp as he jumped back. Then Fukamaru used another dragon rage which hit fainting snorlax.

Personality: Fukamaru is a young pokemon that has picked up the mean ways of his siblings. Fukamaru is also greedy and does everything for himself. He doesn't like other pokemon and gets in alot of arguements. Even with his mean ways he wants to stop the world so he will survive.

Will it work now. I edited the personality.
Oh, Is the rest of it ok? Here's another Sample.

Sample: "Go Sharktay" Jack said as he released his Fukumaru. "Use Water Gun" Sharktay released water out of the guns on the side of his head. "Pidgey dodge" Jack's rival said. "Use Take Down" Jack said as pidgey just dodged the water. "Ok. Gust Pidgey" His rival said. "Fukumaru jump up and use water gun into the gust to make it spin and hit Pidgey"...

Is that what you mean?
Name: Flora

Speices: Leafia

Description: Charming, Beautiful, a pink lily behind her ear. She loves the spring. Her body is surounded by flower petals of cherry blossems. In fall, the cherry blossems are replaced by the fallen leaves.

Sample: "Right!"said Flora, contacting her trainer through a telekenitic bond they have."Flora! use razor leaf!"Crystal demanded, and Flora jumped at the beastly manectric, firering tons of shimery leafs at the beast."Bulls-eye!"Crystal jumped up in down in joy and happiness.

Personality: Sweet, kind, willing to share her food findings with the weaker. She is quite cheerful, and loves to play with the young eevee that she looks after. Though, she will be feirce if a trainer aproches, and if any untrustworthy pokemon comes by, you can be sure Flora will be on there trail.


Borderline Troll
Note: This will be my first RPG. Ever. I'm going to try this at least.

Nickname: Pakuria

Pokemon: Parukia

Pakuria is Very large. His height of about 13 feet was by far inaccurate, a misread of ancient text. Pakuria is actually 25'08", and weighs 1,094 pounds. Pakuria Is a light purple color, with a gray face, spine crest, hands, and feet. Also, pink lines run from his tail, arms, and body, as well as a pink V on his neck. His arms are 8'11" at full length, and have a disk-like shoulder blade, and has a pearl in thier centers. His arms also appear to have frills on them, possibilly giving him his part-water element on his apperance's part. He has a fierce looking face with 36 sharp 1 pound teeth in his mouth. Also, he has bulky legs, and, though bulky, usually bend under Pakuria's huge girth. they have three bulky claw nails at the end. He also appears to have wings, though he cannot use them to fly.
(Note: in the description, I'm sorry if you only use the metric system, but I feel more comfortable doing it in feet and pounds.)

"Espeon, Night Shade to finish him off!" The blond haired tan trainer called as a light purple fox-like creature fired a dark lightning bolt from a jewel on it's forehead. The large horned creature, which appeared to have rock armor, on the other side was hit by the blow, after already have been weakened quite a bit before. It was blown back a good 3 feet, and then began to wobble. after a few seconds, it fell down, fainted. "Rhyhorn, no!" Said the younger boy trainer on the other side, returning the beast to a red and silver sphere in his hand. He wore a yellow cap and a white sleeveless shirt, as well as red baggy pants that seemed a few sizes too large for the skinny 4'09" boy. He also had a fair complexion with lavender eyes, a small nose, short brown hair, and seemed to have one front tooth slightly bigger than the other. "I lost again!" He said remorsefully looking at the Rhyhorn's pokeball. The blond woman walked over to him with a friendly grin on hrr face. She had a tan complexion, long blond hair, indigo eyes, stood 5'04", and a slightly chubby figure, but not what one would call "fat", simply "well-fed". "You just need more practice." She said supportivelly to the boy. "All I do is practice! I live, sleep, eat, and breath Pokemon! But I still lose...". The woman smiled as she rose from eye level from the boy. "Well, I've spent years training Espeon," refering to the purpe fox creature she had just battled with, " and you've just begun. It's amazing you could get a Pokemon as rare as rhyhorn at such a young age. You have potential!" She finished with a grin. "You really think so?" The boy asked horefully. "I know so." She told him with a wink.

While fierce, Pakuria is just a big softy inside. He cares for every living thing and personally uses his powers to keep the Universe intact to keep them safe. However, Aruseus upset him by causing, on purpose, horrifying damage to the enviorment. He Comes down from his space sanctuary to try to put the voice of reason into the mind of Aruseus.

I hope that's enough. Remember: My First RPG, just incase I seem like a newb, that's because I am (at this anyways)


UlTImaTe pIkAChU!
Q, wondering if you need a real sample from another RPG or just something I thought up of.

Name: Diaruga

Speices: Diaruga

Description: Diaruga is a massive 17' 9" Pokemon, topping the scales around 1500 lbs. Diaruga is a midnight blue color with sky blue stripes running down his neck, legs, torso and tail. Diaruga also has small(relative size) light grey wings and a spikey steel shell with a blue Diamond in the middle on the base of his neck.. His tail is a enormous 6' long. Diaruga has spikes down his neck, and steel plating covering his face. The steel plating gives Diaruga's face a maskish appearence, with red eyes in the middle.

Diaruga is primarily composed of steel plating, with more organic substances(there are nerves in the steel, but no tissue, etc.) inside it's armor. Also, Diaruga's 4 limbs have 3 steel claws each, and are very large and wide to support Diaruga's massive weight.

Diaruga has the power to control time, drawing upon the energy from it's Diamond to alter, distort, and even travel through time. However, since Aruseus' dark influence has spread, Diaruga no longer can travel through time, and it's massive power on the universe has been weakened greatly by Aruseus, however Diaruga still has strong fighting ability and spirit.

Sample: The Pikachu, picked on for his small size and weakness by the other Pikachu, finally could not take it. His true power was awaken in a flash of sparking blue electricity and blinding light. Pikachu stood in the middle of the formation, with the bullies surrounding him.

"You can call me...Shining Pikachu."

Pikachu's appearence had drastically changed, from being a small Pikachu, now he was far stronger and muscular, and coloration had changed from yellow and brown to a electric blue replacing the yellow, and yellow replacing the brown.

The others rushed to get him with various disorganized attacks, but Pikachu appeared above the gang and where he had just been.

"Like my speed? I saving this trick especially for you thugs."

Pikachu unleashed a massive bolt of blue lightning upon the terrified bullies, and fried them all. Now only the ringleader, a young Raichu remained standing.

"Good", Raichu said. "Very good. You might even be able to dent me."

"Not dent. Beat. For good", Pikachu said.

Pikachu rushed the Raichu, who promptly dodged and used a massive Thunderpunch, knocking Pikachu five feet away, then Raichu shot a massive Hyper Beam. As the smoke cleared, Pikachu was left barely standing.

"Time to finish this", Raichu said.

However, both of them used Volt Tackle at the same time, and a massive explosion ensued. As the smoke cleared again, a massive blast destroyed their home forest. Pikachu and Raichu rushed to their home, but found everyone else dead. They were the last survivors. As they looked up, the dark Team Rocket flew off.

"I guess we're friends now, Pikachu", Raichu said.

"I guess so. Those guys are gonna pay real hard."

Personality: Diaruga is a relatively secretive, laidback Pokemon, with a protective nature. Diaruga has seen many things happen during his long, long years as the guardian of time, but nothing as savage and destructing as Aruseus' power and dark nature.

Diaruga keeps his secrets, and has incredible fighting spirit and prowess when disturbed, but prefers to not get into a fight, but still get his way by scaring his enemy. However, if they still want to fight, Diaruga's time distortion powers, coupled with special fighting attacks can seriously damage enemies. However, Diaruga considers his power to pale to the might of the Pokegod, Aruseus.
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Space Dwelling Dragon

Well-Known Member
This RPG sounds interesting.

Name: Magma
Speices: Hiidoran
Description: Magma has a dark red skin with yellow and gray spots over it. His underside is a dark gray color seperated into four plates.He is 5´7 tall and weighs at a 948 Lbs. His red eyes with small black pupils make him look intimidating if you stare right at him. His head has a metal forhead with two horns(?) sticking out, and a small oval steel stone right over that. His mouth has five small stones which are used for teeth. He walks on four legs with steel bands around them.

Sample: Alex was on his way back to town when he spotted this odd looking tree. He knew it was not a Sudowoodo so he punched it, and a guy about Alex´s age was hiding there and came out. ·What the heck! Why did you wake me up?" Alex was confused, it was an odd looking tree but there was only a guy sleeing there. "Return Ditto." So that is why it was odd, it was only a Ditto.

"Why were you sleeping there in the first place? There is a Pokemon Center just over in that town. Anyways, what´s your name?"

"That´s for me to know and you not to find out." Then he grabbed Alex´s wrist. " I´m stealing Pokemon, now give me your Pokemon! Or battle, if you lose you give them to me."

"So that is why you were sleeping here." Alex had his pokeball in his hand behind his back already. "Alright, I choose to battle."

"He He! Prepare to lose punk! Go, Weavile!"
"Weeeeavileeeeeeee..." Weavile´s endless eeeeeee kind of creeped Alex out.

" Go, Mukkuru!"

"Weavile use Beat Up!"

Bam Bam Mukkuru fell to the ground but got back up. "Mukkuru, let it attack until you´re weak!"

"Huh? Fool! Weavile, use Ice Punch!" It hit Mukkuru pretty rough but he´s still standing.

"Mukkuru, now use Endeavor!" Mukkuru attacked and is almost knocking out Weavile. "Now Mukkuru, use Brave Bird!"

"Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Mukkuru knocked out Weavile in two hits, Alex was impressed by Mukkuru´s power.

Personality: Magma is quite, shy, and secretive. He likes to have his own privacy once in a while, and if you disturb him he will atack. But that rarely happens. When Magma fights, he never gives up. Magma can be brave at times, but that is only when he is having adventures. Once you get to know Magma, he´ll start being more talkative and friendly. When one of his friends is in danger, he is always there to help. Many secrets he keeps is what has happened in his past. Magma hardly ever lies, only when he needs too. Overall, Magma is a really great guy to hang around with, but he gets frustrated when he is annoyed.
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