Q, wondering if you need a real sample from another RPG or just something I thought up of.
Name: Diaruga
Speices: Diaruga
Description: Diaruga is a massive 17' 9" Pokemon, topping the scales around 1500 lbs. Diaruga is a midnight blue color with sky blue stripes running down his neck, legs, torso and tail. Diaruga also has small(relative size) light grey wings and a spikey steel shell with a blue Diamond in the middle on the base of his neck.. His tail is a enormous 6' long. Diaruga has spikes down his neck, and steel plating covering his face. The steel plating gives Diaruga's face a maskish appearence, with red eyes in the middle.
Diaruga is primarily composed of steel plating, with more organic substances(there are nerves in the steel, but no tissue, etc.) inside it's armor. Also, Diaruga's 4 limbs have 3 steel claws each, and are very large and wide to support Diaruga's massive weight.
Diaruga has the power to control time, drawing upon the energy from it's Diamond to alter, distort, and even travel through time. However, since Aruseus' dark influence has spread, Diaruga no longer can travel through time, and it's massive power on the universe has been weakened greatly by Aruseus, however Diaruga still has strong fighting ability and spirit.
Sample: The Pikachu, picked on for his small size and weakness by the other Pikachu, finally could not take it. His true power was awaken in a flash of sparking blue electricity and blinding light. Pikachu stood in the middle of the formation, with the bullies surrounding him.
"You can call me...Shining Pikachu."
Pikachu's appearence had drastically changed, from being a small Pikachu, now he was far stronger and muscular, and coloration had changed from yellow and brown to a electric blue replacing the yellow, and yellow replacing the brown.
The others rushed to get him with various disorganized attacks, but Pikachu appeared above the gang and where he had just been.
"Like my speed? I saving this trick especially for you thugs."
Pikachu unleashed a massive bolt of blue lightning upon the terrified bullies, and fried them all. Now only the ringleader, a young Raichu remained standing.
"Good", Raichu said. "Very good. You might even be able to dent me."
"Not dent. Beat. For good", Pikachu said.
Pikachu rushed the Raichu, who promptly dodged and used a massive Thunderpunch, knocking Pikachu five feet away, then Raichu shot a massive Hyper Beam. As the smoke cleared, Pikachu was left barely standing.
"Time to finish this", Raichu said.
However, both of them used Volt Tackle at the same time, and a massive explosion ensued. As the smoke cleared again, a massive blast destroyed their home forest. Pikachu and Raichu rushed to their home, but found everyone else dead. They were the last survivors. As they looked up, the dark Team Rocket flew off.
"I guess we're friends now, Pikachu", Raichu said.
"I guess so. Those guys are gonna pay real hard."
Personality: Diaruga is a relatively secretive, laidback Pokemon, with a protective nature. Diaruga has seen many things happen during his long, long years as the guardian of time, but nothing as savage and destructing as Aruseus' power and dark nature.
Diaruga keeps his secrets, and has incredible fighting spirit and prowess when disturbed, but prefers to not get into a fight, but still get his way by scaring his enemy. However, if they still want to fight, Diaruga's time distortion powers, coupled with special fighting attacks can seriously damage enemies. However, Diaruga considers his power to pale to the might of the Pokegod, Aruseus.