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Awakening of the Legendary Pokemon

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darkpkmn fan1

Well-Known Member
Ok, Im back.

Accepted: darkjigglypuff, Space Dwelling Dragon, DSlite

Rejected: i dont know 2 A.K.A. quilava lover, ?Latias? because of your samples being to short.


UlTImaTe pIkAChU!
Holy hell, I thought this RPG died!


Short Haired Sephiroth

<-Rules. Period
Name: Kyogre

Speices: Kyogre

Description: Kyogre has a deep blue color, with red lines that run all across it's body without a definite form. It's Head is adehered to his torso, he has no neck, resembling a whale. His eyes are small red dots, that can barely be seen in his face. He has sharp teeth resembling the ones of an Orca. His fins are a lot like a couple of huge hands, but are strangely oval. The end of his fins are divided in the end, forming some kind of flat fingers. Kyogre's tail is divided in two sections that are completely identical and simetrical. His tail end's in divided sections, just like in the hands.


Kyogre rested quietly in his cavern, sleeping. An earthquake shook the ground, and therefore the sea. Kyogre awakened, "How is it possible that groudon does not stay quite for three milleniums!" He yelled, though the words didn't get to much people. Only enough the understand what had happened.

Kyogre swam swiftly outside the cave, into the dark bottom of the sea. For him, it was a paradise. Filled with exhuberating life, and though calm. Kyogre's fins moving caused a whirlwind, which raised a Huntail from the his lurking. The Huntail looked up to Kyogre paralyzed, and said, "In what way can I be of assistance, Grand Lord of the Seas" Kyogre looked at it with a bit of amusement, "Your a loyal creautre of the seas, Huntail, and you shall be rewarded..." He said, his voice was gentle, though strong.
Kyogre looked towards the surface, "If Groudon has awakened, then there is a serious disturbance in the surface, and until it ceases, I will not be able return to my slumber. Go and bring me news!" He said, firmly. Kyogre emmited a faint sound, melodic but peircing. He swam towards his cave. The dark bottom of the sea relaxed, as Kyogre entered his den. And pokemon looked at the entrance, mumbling, "If Kyogre is awake, something really bad is going on..."

Personality: Very polite. Gentle and firm in his voice. He hates to be trated as an equal, specially by Groudon. He does not enjoy the company of other pokemon, but prefers the lonelyness of his domains. Kyogre does not become angry easily, being patient and wise. His longevity has given him enough knowledge to feel the worlds pleads when it's in pain.
Kyogre has seen the land, and refuses to take part on it's activities, he lives for the sea and only for it.

Will enlarge if necessary


Borderline Troll

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Name: Darkrai

Speices: Darkrai

Description: Darkrai, standing at 4'11" at 114 lbs. doesn't sound like a horrid opposition but it is. The pokemon's skin is a black shroud that is translusent. The pokemon's skin is a smooth as silk as you touch it. Darkrai's eyes are turquoise that can pierce anyones heart and put them into sorrow. It's head has a silky, shroud of white that waves is the night wind. It's collar contains nightmares of people have died and suffered a horrible time in their lives. Darkrai's dark powers cannot be rivaled by any other dark pokemon. This pokemon can create the darkest of energies bu simply lifting it's hand. This power is called Dark Hall.

Sample: "Next up for his 5th appeal is Brendan" Brendan was going to use his Steelix, Gaia, who is pretty big. He is a bit worried she won't fit on the Stage

"Go Gaia, begin you're appeal with Sandstorm!" The Premier Ball opened with sand bursting out of it. The sand was whiping and whirling around in the contest hall that it felt like you were in a desert. The pokeball opened unveiling a Steelix that was visible by the shining steel it is covered with.

"Now Gaia stop the Sandstorm" The sandstorm had subsided leaving a desert of sand. The Steelix was shining but not enough.

"Gaia use Sunny Day" Gaia followed it's order's. Gaia's Steel skin became a mirror. It reflected the audience and the bright sun. The people were blinded
by the display of Gaia's skin they had to close there eye's!

"Gaia use the secret weapon combonation" The Steelix dove into the sand using Dig. All the audience saw was the bumps of Steelix. Then all of a sudden two more solid Steelix had appeared!!! Steelix had used her Subtitute move. Then three Steelix risen from the sand. The sand was sliding off of there smooth metallic skin. The audience was amazed at the solid copies!! Then all the Steelix's were in a perfect triangle and preformed Sandstorm one more time. Next, simultaneously, the Steelix lifted there heads up waiting for the trainer's command

" Now use Hyper Beam" Brendan called out. Then the 3 Steelix chared up a yellow ball the sand from the Sandstorm was swirling around the yellow mass of energy. Finally the Steelix shot out the Hyper Beams. The sand was released making a circle at the base of the Beams. The beams then meet making a orb of energy.

"Now use Iron Tail, Gaia" 2 of the 3 steelix disapeared and Gaia came rushing toward the energy ball. Her tail was pure white as she hit the energy ball . The energy ball broke out and made glitter. The glitter was falling down as if it were confetti. Finally Gaia bowed down to let Brendan on her head. Brendan bowed on her head. Finally Brendan slid down her back and returned Steelix and walked of stage. The Crowed was yelling and clapping in anticapation of his 6th and final appeal before he switches his team

~From Serebii Contest League.

Personality: Darkrai is a pokemon you wouldn't like to disturb. He would destroy you in a matter of seconds. However, this is only during the day, at night, it's a different story. Darkrai becomes a much more personable. Since it is the darkness pokemon, it loves the dark. However, he is still very rude at night. This rudeness comes from the suffering it has to create so, it can get very annoyed at a pokemon quickly. But, his attitude becomes very different around other legendaries. When it is socializing with legends, he is much nicer so, he doesn't make himself look like a total idiot by his peers.


Khajmer's Back Baby!
Excellent, no one's taken Mew. Alright, I call it.

Name: Mew
Species: Mew
Description: Mew is a fairly small Pokemon, about a foot in height and only about 8 pounds in weight. It is curious in that it has a body resembling that of a rabbit, being long and round, while it's head resembles that of a cat, with it's pointed ears, big eys, and rounded nose. It also has a long cat-like tail, and is covered in a short coat of pink fur.
Personality: Mew is a very playful and mischievous sort of Pokemon, but it always knows when play time is over and the battle starts. If it's ever in any real danger, Mew will surround itself in a pink bubble in order to protect itself, and take up a fetal position.
RP Sample: "Hello." Nate called out nervously into the empty room. "Is someone in here?" Nate made his way into the room. It was simple in comparison with the rest of the apartment. The walls were unpainted wood, as was the floor. The only contents of the room were a reading lamp, a simple chair, a small cupboard, and, standing on a podium at the back of the room, a thick book bound in black leather. These were all by the walls of the room. The middle was just... empty space. The floor looked very shiny, as though it had been washed a thousand times, but there was one thing that Nate could not ignore, no matter how hard he tried. Here and there there were bloodstains in the midst of the floor. In an attempt to ignore them, Nate made his way over to the book. He picked it up, and immediately dropped it from it's sheer weight, and the thud masked the sound of the door closing behind him, and locking. Nate was so interested in the book, he didn't even notice that the door was no longer open. He picked the book back up, this time ready for the weight of it, and sat down, turning on the light. He opened the book and read the first page. It said quite simply "The Book of Shadows." He flipped to the next page, and, for no reason at all, read the words out loud, in a kind of half-whisper. "I call now, through space and time, I call from the stars, what is rightfully mine, with these words, I pull them free, my birthright, what belongs to me." A bright light suddenly engulfed Nate, and he blanked out. When he came to, he was in his bed, back in his apartment, and relaxed. "It was all just a dream." He sighed. Then he looked around and saw, clear as day, the book, podium and all, in his bedroom.

Space Dwelling Dragon

Well-Known Member
Alright! Thanx for accepting me!
(When does this RPG start?)


Well-Known Member
Can I edit my Sign-Up seeing as we haven't started yet?


Parukia Hunter
Can I have Kyogre reserved please? If so, here:


Kyle the Kyogre is a magnificent sight. Fishermen smile after a hard day's work to see him bathe in the sunlight. The glowing flippers are brighter when he is happy, while they fade when he is depressed. Standing at a towering 14 fett tall, he is a force to be reckoned with.
Kyle looked around, smelling danger everywhere. He knew something was about to happen. He could see shadows in the water, but what? Suddenly, he knew what it was. A large chunk of land rose up from his favorite grotto, revealing a digusted, waterlogged Groudon.
"Danger from the outside. The Camerupt are clogging volcanoes, and turning land to sea!" Groudon begn to weep.
"Alright, I'll help. But only if you declare a truce with me."
"Fine, suit yourself."
Groudon pounced on Kyle, who in turn, swam deeper, drowning Groudon.
"Brother, I don't want to do this." pleaded Kyle.
"More lies!"
Groudon swiped a claw at Kyle, giving him a nasty gash.
"I sorry." said Kyle.
Then he took off into the deep.

Kyle is a kindhearted and loyal person. He never wants to hurt anyone, although is sometimes forced to. He is often seen trying to break up fights with other legendaries. Ever since his seas began to dry up, though, he has blamed his brother, Groudon, and reluctantly joining the fight against Aruseus.

-Thank you-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EDIT: Oh, wait. Sorry. Kyogre's taken. In that case, can I reserve Crecelia(Kureseria)?


Crecelia is a bright colored Pokemon. Pink Yellow and Blue, mostly. Most of her is made up of rings. With a dragon-like head, she has many round edges. Although she has small eyes, they have a lot of depth. She is often seen flying around so fast, that you can only see a rainbow blur. Artists continue to try and correctly paint her, and they all fail. In short, she is beautiful and colorful.

A peaceful lake. Maybe not, thought Crescent. The world is cuurently full of many dangers.Suddenly, a rustle in the leaves is heard. Crescent decides it is a bad noise, and hides. Suddenly, a beautiful Dragonair flies in.
"Oh, I'm so beautiful, I bet I'm even prettier than a Crecelia!"
Oh, how foolish you are, young lady...said Crescent.
"I'm sorry, your majesty..." The young Dragon shivered.
Fine. I will give you a fair chance at your life. we will have a contest, and whoever wins will choose a punishment for the other.
"F-f-f-f-f-fair enough..." she stuttered.
So, the contest began. Crescent turned a dull, old Poochyena into a beautiful Mightyena. As the little dragon was about to do her turn, a beam of lightning hit Crescent and she became paralyzed.
You did this...didn't you?
Why I should just go and-
But suddenly, Crescent was transported to a headquarters to be asked something important...

Crescent is a very interesting character. She is very vain, and jealous of anyone who is better than her at anything. She wanted to control all water, but Kyogre got there first. For that, she applied a series of scars to his body, using red-ot coals. She has yet to learn to accept the true abilities of others. And yet, she is beautiful, majestic, and kind at times.
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