Can I have Kyogre reserved please? If so, here:
Kyle the Kyogre is a magnificent sight. Fishermen smile after a hard day's work to see him bathe in the sunlight. The glowing flippers are brighter when he is happy, while they fade when he is depressed. Standing at a towering 14 fett tall, he is a force to be reckoned with.
Kyle looked around, smelling danger everywhere. He knew something was about to happen. He could see shadows in the water, but what? Suddenly, he knew what it was. A large chunk of land rose up from his favorite grotto, revealing a digusted, waterlogged Groudon.
"Danger from the outside. The Camerupt are clogging volcanoes, and turning land to sea!" Groudon begn to weep.
"Alright, I'll help. But only if you declare a truce with me."
"Fine, suit yourself."
Groudon pounced on Kyle, who in turn, swam deeper, drowning Groudon.
"Brother, I don't want to do this." pleaded Kyle.
"More lies!"
Groudon swiped a claw at Kyle, giving him a nasty gash.
"I sorry." said Kyle.
Then he took off into the deep.
Kyle is a kindhearted and loyal person. He never wants to hurt anyone, although is sometimes forced to. He is often seen trying to break up fights with other legendaries. Ever since his seas began to dry up, though, he has blamed his brother, Groudon, and reluctantly joining the fight against Aruseus.
-Thank you-
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EDIT: Oh, wait. Sorry. Kyogre's taken. In that case, can I reserve Crecelia(Kureseria)?
Crecelia is a bright colored Pokemon. Pink Yellow and Blue, mostly. Most of her is made up of rings. With a dragon-like head, she has many round edges. Although she has small eyes, they have a lot of depth. She is often seen flying around so fast, that you can only see a rainbow blur. Artists continue to try and correctly paint her, and they all fail. In short, she is beautiful and colorful.
A peaceful lake. Maybe not, thought Crescent. The world is cuurently full of many dangers.Suddenly, a rustle in the leaves is heard. Crescent decides it is a bad noise, and hides. Suddenly, a beautiful Dragonair flies in.
"Oh, I'm so beautiful, I bet I'm even prettier than a Crecelia!"
Oh, how foolish you are, young lady...said Crescent.
"I'm sorry, your majesty..." The young Dragon shivered.
Fine. I will give you a fair chance at your life. we will have a contest, and whoever wins will choose a punishment for the other.
"F-f-f-f-f-fair enough..." she stuttered.
So, the contest began. Crescent turned a dull, old Poochyena into a beautiful Mightyena. As the little dragon was about to do her turn, a beam of lightning hit Crescent and she became paralyzed.
You did this...didn't you?
Why I should just go and-
But suddenly, Crescent was transported to a headquarters to be asked something important...
Crescent is a very interesting character. She is very vain, and jealous of anyone who is better than her at anything. She wanted to control all water, but Kyogre got there first. For that, she applied a series of scars to his body, using red-ot coals. She has yet to learn to accept the true abilities of others. And yet, she is beautiful, majestic, and kind at times.