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Awesome New Pokémon Battle Revolution Gameplay Video!!!

Hero of Legend

Advanced Missingno.
Awesome New Pokémon Battle Revolution Gameplay Video!!!


Here's a rundown:

- Features Lucario, Cherimu, and Rentorer!

- Lucario uses Pulse Bomb, while Cherimu uses a wicked Grass Thunder like attack.

- Sunny Day is still visible in-between turns!

- The Announcer is heard in all his glory!

- Faints are shown and are shown until the Pokémon is actually DOWN!

- I'm not sure about the cries, it was very difficult to hear because of the very loud crowd around the TV and Camera.


Psychic Breeder
This video is so tight! Thanks! Look at cherimu use solarbeam!


I own the 5th gen
well that sucks... Rentoraa used Thunder Fang (which could've potentially been the only direct-striking attack in the whole clip), and it missed. Not only that, but it looks as though there aren't going to be dodging animations afterall. -_- And why the hell are they treating Solar Beam like Thunder now?
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Psychic Breeder
-_- And why the hell are they treating Solar Beam like Thunder now?

Cause their badass like that alright?
No but really I reall like that animation it looks amazing


Holy ****, that solarbeam animation was AMAZING.

And Lucario! OMG! IT'S LUCARIO! :D
Simply incredible, they FINALLY recall their pokemon back into the POKEBALL and not into thin air, very excited about the game!


PokeTrainer Miki
i can't wait for this, it's gonna be great, at least the trainers now seem to command the pokemon!


Boulder Trainer
I know, so what is it - lets hope it hasn't been put back in Japan.

I searched for Diamond/Pearl on the same site to see if it was the Japanese date, and I got this for it.. very odd.

Pokemon DS (NintendoDS)
Publisher: Nintendo
Release Date: Jun 05, 2007
Latest: 1UP NEWS (Oct 03, 2006)

I hope someone is just making these dates up, cos they dont' make sense.
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Cherimu had such a big head, its cute. Got to see Lucario in action. What was that second attack it used after Pulse Bomb?

And to whoever said Solarbeam looked dumb, I agree. It was always fine being a ray of light shot from the mouth. Makes ya wonder what other attacks have been changed animation-wise.


Boulder Trainer
It has terrible information, it can't be anything else. I just assumed that both were US dates, but there's no way Revolution would be released b4 D/P. Delaying the game in Japan to February is a bit much as well, if it was meaning that, then why put June 07 for D/P. Heh.

That video doesn't load well for me, it gets so far (after the message at the beg) then stops.


Queen of Charizards!
THERE LIES. Maybe Nintendo.com has released teh date for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.