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[B]¿Hello? I,m new to the Serebiforms.com :D :D[/B]


Rarely-Used Avatar
¿Hello? I,m new to the Serebiforms.com :D :D

And I hop 2 have a goods time hear :D :D :D

Or, rather, I hope ?*Virulent Tsunami*? has a good time here....Perhaps I should say ~*Commander Blizzard*~, though, since that's what his name ought to be. You see, CB tried to log in as ?*Virulent Tsunami*?, obviously his current name, and it rejected him. For whatever reason, the Server logged him out, and he can't Log back In. The system doesn't seem to accept the Approximately marks. So, the reason for my existence is to notify the Admins of this problem, and ask for a name change for ?*Virulent Tsunami*?. His request is ~*Commander Blizzard*~, which the system should accept, seeing as there are no excessively foreign symbols in that name. Thanks for reading :)

And hello to the Serebiiforums public, just for the sake of modelling this post in the semblance of a welcome message :p



Rarely-Used Avatar
Thanks for replying to my message :D I hope my grammers are okay; my friend CB helped me right that message because English isn,t my first language and I'm not very good at it lolol xD



Have fun, follow the rules, make friends, and don't spam. Pm me if you have questions or if you want to be friends.


Main screen turn on!
Hello, nice to meet you. I hope you make lots of friends.


Well-Known Member
Nice to meet you. ^^