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99%?!?! And I didn't get him?! @#(#$#_)$)(*#)(*)(#*%()*_#*(%)(#*)(*#%()#*)(*#%()*%_(*#)(*)(%#_(*$%$#%$%#^%$#%#$#$%#$%$%#%$#_)*(_)()*#$(*%#%_)($~ Ya thats what I say...
99%?!?! And I didn't get him?! @#(#$#_)$)(*#)(*)(#*%()*_#*(%)(#*)(*#%()#*)(*#%()*%_(*#)(*)(%#_(*$%$#%$%#^%$#%#$#$%#$%$%#%$#_)*(_)()*#$(*%#%_)($~ Ya thats what I say...
bring a high level pokemon with IQ energey saver, or use tight belt. I recomend articuno, and partner meganium. use powder snow with articuno on the huge monster houses to wipe them out easily.
Then, once you're near the stairs on the 98 floor(going to 99), switch to meganium as leader and send articuno back. thats how i got lugia, atleast.
Get this. Last night, I made it to the end of Silver Trench...FINALLY, and I only had Swampert with me, holding a Friend Bow. I beat Lugia with two Ice Beams, and he didn't join me. I am the unluckiest person ever.