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B_F's fakes



Since I want to keep all my (future) fakes in this thread, that's the name. Even though there's only one here so far. >_<

Dusclops from EX: Telekinetic Disturbance, a set I'm making with a friend. Just wondering what you people think. It should be a rare holo, but I don't have Photoshop, so I can't do anything about that. And yes, I drew that. (PS. Please ignore the last word hanging off, I had no space left, and had already anchored the Poké-Body.) Here's some theory, strategy, and stuff.
Pokémon Ruby data: DUSCLOPS's body is completely hollow - there is nothing at all inside. It is said that its body is like a black hole. This POKéMON will absorb anything into its body, but nothing will ever come back out.
Hence the picture of Dusclops summoning a Black Hole.
Pokémon Emerald data: It is thought that its body is hollow with only a spectral ball of fire burning inside. However, no one has been able to confirm this theory as fact.
Hence the whole Fire base of this card.
Etheral Flame: Dusclops' etheral ball of flame is further strengthened for every little etheral flame (i.e. Flame Sprit Counter) in play. Applying the damage after Weakness and Resistance is just a balancing attempt.
Flame Aura: Dusclops summons a minature etheral ball of flame and sends it to a Pokémon. That Pokémon's attack now involves that small flame, making its attack a fire attack. Discarding a (R) Pokémon is merely a balancing cost.
Will o' the Wisp: Dusclops sends its own etheral flame at the opponent. There is a chance that the spirits of the Fire Pokémon in play may aid it further (only a little though; we don't want Etheral Flame making it too broken now, do we?).

Dusclops really is a one-card combo. It doesn't have special synergy with anything, really. Here's what I could find: (Cards are listed in the latest metagame that they are/were in.)

HL-on metagame
Any Pokémon with a (G) or (M) weakness: Making that Pokémon an (R) type using a Flame Spirit Counter allows it to do large damage first, although I don't know why you wouldn't use Dusclops instead. Obviously the bigger damage the Pokémon would normally do, the more the damage would result as after weakness.
Dual-Types: A three-typed Pokémon has lots of chances to trigger weakness.
Raticate - Fire Red Leaf Green: Not a great combo, but discarding a Pokémon and bringing it back is nice.
Pokémon Retriever - Team Rocket Returns: Same as above.

Ru/Sa-on metagame
High Pressure System - Dragon: By placing a Flame Spirit Counter on a Pokémon with a Retreat Cost of (C) or more, High Pressure System can lower that retreat cost for you. Very handy if that Pokémon had a Retreat Cost of (C), as that Pokémon would now be retreating for free.

Note that I use GIMP, a free graphics editor, which doesn't allow for text boxes. D: I had to paste in each line separately.
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Le Poke. *pokes*
Not bad at all! But you have to use the tutorail, get the right fonts and now a lil' more of TCG vocabulary!



Uh... That's Gill Sans, condensed as Fangking says...
EDIT: Oops, I missed his condensation edit. >_>

I know about the vocab now; ol' Dusclops here was entered in a competition.
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I don't know!
nice card. a bit complicated, but cool. 7/10


sorry bud, but it needs alot of work, ur positioning is terrible..

the pokebody is in the right position but not justified but still well done if done in paint..

HP font looks funny, may be like .5 size too small or something..

also, good note is if a move is too long that it makes the symbols go out of the boxes, chances are its good enough to be by itself.. will-o-wisps isnt needed in other words.. also will-o-wisps is already an attack, increase your originality by making up your own move names.. flame aura is very wordy, so is will-o-wisps.. If you're not using a fire/psychic deck ur gonna have to use the 'flame aura' before yopu can attack in order to do any damage..

Art's really good and I am impressed with a good 'paint job' so ill throw in some bonus points



MAJINX24 said:
sorry bud, but it needs alot of work, ur positioning is terrible..

the pokebody is in the right position but not justified but still well done if done in paint..
My graphics editor doesn't allow for it. Not everyone can afford Photoshop, you know... -_-;
HP font looks funny, may be like .5 size too small or something..
Odd, I followed Fangking's tutorial as much as my program allows...
also, good note is if a move is too long that it makes the symbols go out of the boxes, chances are its good enough to be by itself.. will-o-wisps isnt needed in other words.. also will-o-wisps is already an attack, increase your originality by making up your own move names.. flame aura is very wordy, so is will-o-wisps..
I'm trying to make this Dusclops follow closely to what we know about Dusclops's "RL" abilities, so to speak.
If you're not using a fire/psychic deck ur gonna have to use the 'flame aura' before yopu can attack in order to do any damage..
And that's the entire point. Not every card fits in every deck...
Art's really good and I am impressed with a good 'paint job' so ill throw in some bonus points

Thanks. =)


Judges confer! :pokemon gather and talk rapidly:

;123; Hi! I'm Scythrower and I rate this card a 4.5/5. That's because positioning is off in some places. Other than that, awesome!

;383; I'm Shattergrounds and I give this card a 4.5/5. What Scythrower said.

;386-a; I'm Cyberspace and I call it a 3.5/5. There is a lot of Fire involved in it, so I think it should be a Psychic/Fire type instead of a pure Psychic type.

;197; I'm Darkheart and it's a 3.5/5 to me. Don't worry, we understand your limitations. Cyberspace pointed out what I wanted to say, BUT: You gain an extra .5 for the BEST FAKE CARD ARTIST WITH THEIR LIMITATIONS AWARD!

;386-a; That's also the Amethyst Ribbon...

;197; I see you're in attack mode today.

:X_secretOrre_X: I do that so they won't interrupt me. You card in average is a 4.5/5. This is because the judges marks averaged 4 plus the Amethyst Ribbon from 1 judge for a total of 4.5 points. A peaceful—

;197; SHH! You'll jinx us!


;197; With all due respect, X_secretOrre_X.


X_secretOrre_X said:
Judges confer! :pokemon gather and talk rapidly:

That's because positioning is off in some places. Other than that, awesome!
Yep, you already know why. =P
;383; I'm Shattergrounds and I give this card a 4.5/5. What Scythrower said.
;386-a; I'm Cyberspace and I call it a 3.5/5. There is a lot of Fire involved in it, so I think it should be a Psychic/Fire type instead of a pure Psychic type.
Ok, since you don't seem to know much about Dusclops, I'll post the theory up in the first post. BTW, has it occurred to you that Dusclops with a Flame Spirit Counter on it is (P)(R) anyway? =P
;197; I'm Darkheart and it's a 3.5/5 to me. Don't worry, we understand your limitations. Cyberspace pointed out what I wanted to say, BUT: You gain an extra .5 for the BEST FAKE CARD ARTIST WITH THEIR LIMITATIONS AWARD!
And yeah, puppet talking is rather annoying..

Kyrouge Masta

Oh my sweet jeasus X_secretOrre_X,

What sort of rating is that? I'm sur that bass_fort found it very infomative and helpful, anywayz here is a proper rating...

Placing: 8/10
Orginallity: 9/10
Brokenness: 6/10
Ussablitly (i.e. to many enerygy types): 7/10
Grammer: 9/10
- points: -4 for incorrect font
+ points: none
Totals: 35/50 (70%) 7/10

All round score 7/10

King Shuckle

Don't be daft
Besides the original placement and font issues, I give you a 7/10. Improvement is the key. Perhaps someone could write a GIMP tutorial.


My main problem with GIMP is the fact that it doesn't have text boxes! I had to type in each line separately and join them all into one layer. -_-;;

Basically, GIMP isn't good for making fakes, although it beats MS Paint any day. On the other hand, my GIMP knowledge is better now than it was before, so I might consider creating another card sometime. If you wanted me to write a tutorial, I'd be more than happy to.
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I just tried another good free image editor called 'ultimate painter' and its Paint but has a bunch of enhanced features that come in handy for making fake cards, the website is http://www.ultimatepaint.com

also, sorry if I come off as a hard ***/marker earlier.. thats just the way I am..

Quilava Krazy

Don't overuse smiles or use smiles for no reason

My overall rating= 5.7

Attack 1:3.1
Attack 2:2.0
Attack 3:5.2
Types:1.1 [Make it a Psychic/Fire type]
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Why bother making it (P)(R)?

a) It's a normal Dusclops.
b) Flame Aura makes it a (P)(R) anyway.