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Back in the pokenewbie days...

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Here you can post funny things you thought or made back when you were a newbie at pokemon.

I thought that unown would learn some cool moves at lv.100, i thought that if different pokemon learns the same move, they will do iot at the same level.

I cant remember more now, but maybe i will do later.


I was only a newb during RBY... I put Thunder/Thunderbolt, Hydro Pump/Surf, and Fire Blast/Flamethrower together on a moveset. Now I don't do that anymore. :D

When GSC came around I thought Celebi was a ghost type at first. I also thought that catching Unown in exact alphabetical order would unlock something.
in R/B/Y i used a masterball on a pikachu because i thought it was good and legendary since Ash had it lol


Leave my posts alone
I remember hearing that Charizard evolved into Charcoal at Level 100.

I DO remember I used to think Electric dealt not damage to Rock-type Pokemon, not Ground.

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
I thought that if you beat the E4 20 times without saving you'd get Mew. But I proved myself wrong... after a pointless amount of battling.


Friendly POKéMON.
Heh, I once taught the HM Cut to my Mudkip back when I first had Ruby. I kept wondering why it didn't do OHKOs like all my other moves...

And there was a time when I Fainted Groudon in utter frustration and then saved. I was thinking that Groudon's position would just change and I'd have another shot at it. I did get Kyogre after that, but I had to start the game over to get access to all the legendaries :p.


So Zetta Slow!
my first version:Gold...I didn't know what to do at the start when the professor asks: who are you...so I write "trainer"..hehe...and when they asked what's your rivals name I write "?????" since I really don't know who's he...hehehe...when they asked what's your pokemon's nickname I always wrote pkmn so all of my pokemon's name are the same...hehehe
...the funniest part...I went at the top of the tower where Ho-oh was and I fought it/her/him...then when it's HP was very low and I didn't quickly thought that I could catch, I ran and it/she/he flew away...then I SAVED the game!!...hehehe...
...I used my masterball on a misdreavous...hehehe
...I never knew that you could go over the water by using surf...when I need to go to an island I was searching the towns/cities for a boat/ship then I found out that there was an HM surf...it took me a week to find that out...hehehe
...when it was my first time to use fly I thought that I was going to fly over the cities then I found out that it just like a teleport...hehe
my second version:Blue...my firends told me that there was a mewthree...so I hunted it for 4 days...after some months I realized that it wasn't real...hehehe
my first version:Gold...I didn't know what to do at the start when the professor asks: who are you...so I write "trainer"..hehe...and when they asked what's your rivals name I write "?????" since I really don't know who's he...hehehe...when they asked what's your pokemon's nickname I always wrote pkmn so all of my pokemon's name are the same...hehehe
...the funniest part...I went at the top of the tower where Ho-oh was and I fought it/her/him...then when it's HP was very low and I didn't quickly thought that I could catch, I ran and it/she/he flew away...then I SAVED the game!!...hehehe...
...I used my masterball on a misdreavous...hehehe
...I never knew that you could go over the water by using surf...when I need to go to an island I was searching the towns/cities for a boat/ship then I found out that there was an HM surf...it took me a week to find that out...hehehe
...when it was my first time to use fly I thought that I was going to fly over the cities then I found out that it just like a teleport...hehe
my second version:Blue...my firends told me that there was a mewthree...so I hunted it for 4 days...after some months I realized that it wasn't real...hehehe

lmao XD i beleved Mewthree too


jenni is 14 :(
I was only a newb during RBY... I put Thunder/Thunderbolt, Hydro Pump/Surf, and Fire Blast/Flamethrower together on a moveset. Now I don't do that anymore. :D

i did the same thing. on my blastoise no less lol.

and if i caught a pokemon, i'd rename it for the final evolution so it wasn't in all caps.
for instance, if i caught MAGIKARP, i changed it to Gyarados so when he evolved it wouldn't be ALL CAPS.
i remember my friend going "how the hell do you have a fearow already?"
but now i just don't care... i can't even be bothered to nickname ones i plan to use in my party

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Polursine said:
I DO remember I used to think Electric dealt not damage to Rock-type Pokemon, not Ground.
That would be logical.
tehbesto said:
I also thought that catching Unown in exact alphabetical order would unlock something.
Me too! :)

AJ Flibble

I believed that Magikarp would learn something good at L100. Luckily I never tested this.

I also believed that Seismic Toss and Metronome were amazing moves.


Stabby McStabface
Before i know this forum, i think Rock is immune to Electric, quite a pain...

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
Before seeing the first movie I had only seen pictures of Mew and Mewtwo, and was under the impression Mew that evolved into Mewtwo. The same thing happened when I saw pictures of Pokemon Heroes, and thought Latias evolved into Latios >_>

And before playing R/B/Y I had a poster of all 150 Pokemon, and thought that every Pokemon evolved, I used to sit there and point to which Pokemon evolved into what (also didn't realise they were in a particular order). I can't remember most of them, but I do remember thinking Mr. Mime evolved into Jynx, and Jynx into Electabuzz.

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
I also thought that an evolution line could be any number of pokemon. I made an evo AND a pre-evo of muk, and i made a baby form of bulbasaur.

I also thought pikachu was #001
i had a charizard with fire blast, flamethrower, fire spin and ember

same principles with my other pokemon too :eek:

I also belived that Marill (who I thought was called Pikablu) was in the game after you spoke to bill 100 times
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Well-Known Member
My Pikachu on Yellow had the moveset Thunder, Thunderbolt, Thundershock and Thunder Wave. Plus my very first Sneasel on Silver had Faint Attack and Blizzard.

Crappy movesets.I also thought I couldn't talk to Nurse Joy because of the counter between you.

And I named me and my rival A h and Gary because of the Anime, but that wasn't too bad.

She loves to kill and she kills for love...

Sorry, got a song stuck in my head.


I had a Pikachu with Flash, Thunderbolt, Thundershock, and Thunder Wave.

I thought that if you talked to the girl on the roof of the Celdaon Department Store, you would get Flareth.