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Back into pokemon


New Member
Ok... well here it goes :eek:
I used to be obssessed with pokemon years ago, before the 3rd gen pokemon games came out but when gold/silver/crystal was out. Used to watch the show and everything :p
But then I kinda lost interest in it, well now I suddenly have this urge for pokemon again :p
I bought emerald but it all seems so weird, and I try and reach up stuff and theres like 400 new pokemon etc...
So what do you guys think is the best way to get back into pokemon and understand it all again? I only really remember a little from silver but mostly red/blue/yellow
And I started playing firered :eek: (nice remake)


-swampert used gasp!
you mean you don't know about ANY of the,3rd and 4th gen pokemon? oh dear lol.

first off,if you don't know about any knew pokemon,then go to serebii (not the forums,but the actual site) and look up the pokedex,have a look at the new pokes. if you want, read the pokemons stats, and pokedex entrys,that will help you remember more about them.

playing your emerald game may help you know more about the new stuff in pokemon.

serebii also has info on episode's and such if your intrested in that

and btw, there is precicely 493 pokemon around now
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Wow. If I would of done that, then get back in, I would feel lonely and held back because everyone would be years ahead of me :( lol. Well study hard! You got to everything in 3rd generation so you can learn 4th Generation

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
That happened to me as well. I suddenly got back into playing it after years of disliking Pokémon.

My advice is just to play the games and find out all the new features for yourself. If you can't think of anything else to do in the games then a quick browse of the main site will give you more things to do. You've certainly missed a lot :)


I dropped my balls
What worked for me is play the game once or twice without any internet help, and then come back. It's more fun, because you figured alot out yourself, but you can still look everything up you want to know. That way, it wont all be new.

Ho-oh Tamer

Well-Known Member
Yeah I also lost interest after the second gen but I never hated it like most of the other people I know. I started playing sapphire and I didn't know anything about the ne pokemon and it was so different compared to the other games. I needed to start new games a couple of times because I didn't train my pokemon very well and I gave them crappy movesets but after a while I learned all the names and types by just practicing.


Strawberry fields.
I went through the same thing, and I just recently got back into Pokémon (as of this year). I bought Emerald, and I was actually quite disappointed at first, but then I bought Fire Red and I found my old Silver editions, and that got me right back on track. I catch up on the show on Youtube, and I just recently ordered the first season on DVD.

It feels like I'm 14 again, and that a damn good feeling.


Pitch Black Soul
wow, I really shouldn't tell you anything because my sis did the same thing and within a two months, she was out! She hated it again! So just sit back and wait till ya' hate it again!
After I beat Sapphire for the umpteenth time, I lost intrest in pokemon and got into Invader ZiM. After looking on DA, I saw some art by an IZ aritist of Perap, Tamanta, and Buoysel, which led me here. And I got into pokemon again after a two year hiatus (stopped in 2004, began again in 2006). But I still like every little thing I got into during that period of time.

It's awesome liking pokemon again, I feel happier then I used to be.
When you say that u know nothing bout 3rd and 4th gen would be like removing a piece of my mind and then placing it bak in after many years. Anyway, get as much research as you can on the new gen and try to get your pokemon spirit get kicked back into gear. :D
I had that experience, and it lasted two years. I was playing the 3rd gen in 04, and stopped until January of 06. Then I got the urge to play again. It was hard getting back into it, but it was also fun.

I'm sure that you will get used the games again. Try going on serebii.net to see the new pokemon.


Salingerian Phony
I got tired of taking on the Elite Four over and over during the 3rd generation, so I stopped playing for around two years or so. Then I decided to start playing it again (I took a smilar hiatus from the TCG earlier, and look at me now--sucking at large official tournaments), and I couldn't get enough of it for some odd reason. I got another team to Level 100, and I have another one on its way right now.


Advice: Don't read those lame pokemon annuals, I only have them for the Pokedexes. Read all the information on the main site and you shouldn't be far off.


Pitch Black Soul
sigh, I guess its no use telling you its hopeless


Cyro Trainer
This happened to me. I was in love with pokemon in 1st gen. Later when the second one came, i lost interest. Then before the anime started for the 3rd gen, i got back into it.
Actually, Serebii.net got me back into pokemon. i always use to look on the main site to see any news. So, thanks to Serebii!
