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back to it.


Magikarp trainer
man,i gotta say,i think pokemon will always be with me. im 18 years old and i have like pokemon ever since it came here. i must have been 7 or 8 or maybe 9 when i got a gameboy color and pokemon red version. i used to be obsessed with everything pokemon. through middle school tho,i stoped liking it.but i always had love for it. it seemed like everyone who liked it grew out of it and forgot about it.not me. i still have all my cards,my games,i just recently bought emerald version. im glad that pokemon is still around.thanks everyone for keeping the series alive.its fans like us,the true fans,that will never stop liking what we love.;352;
Well, I thought Idve grown out of Pokemon by now, but I still like it. I do think NetBattle and SPPf are key factors as to why I still like Pokemon today. But I havent even thought once of quitting so I may like it for a lot longer.


I have always liked pokemon, even if my friends don't admit it, they secretly do also. i don't share my love of pokemon with people becuz they're usually makin fun of it


Cyper King
true, true


Heart & Soul...
Man I sure feel old here...
anyways, pokemon changed my life,
and killed mt emo-ness.
Shall shatoshi tijari's work live forever!


Strawberry fields.
I'm nineteen, and I'm still hooked on Pokémon. I don't watch the show as obsessively anymore, but I do watch it if I come across it on TV.