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Bad Rumour

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there is a rumour going around that in the english anime the last time we see Ash will be in the Battle Frontier i dont really believe IMO wut about u guys?


Thank you, SPPf! :)
A) DP has already started in Japan and Ash is still in. It's been known for months.
B) Why the hell would the dub be any different? What, are they going to digitally paint over Ash in every scene and replace him with the DP male hero?
A) DP has already started in Japan and Ash is still in. It's been known for months.
B) Why the hell would the dub be any different? What, are they going to digitally paint over Ash in every scene and replace him with the DP male hero?

no, people said its just gonna end with just repeats or nothin :/ but i honestly dont believe it i just want ur opinions if u think its gonna end


Well-Known Member
You orbably mean as in stop making a dubbed version of the anime. I wouldn't guess too far early in the season, we still have a good chunk of Battle Fronteir to get through before even thinking about DP.


I dont think it will happen they would have probley said something by now before airing battle frontier.


Well-Known Member
Oh my lord...Are you stupid or something? No offense...heh. Well you shouldnt believe every rumour you hear, should you....?


I dont know why theres a thread on this and where did he hear this crazy rumor and if it was true serebii would have posted it or annouced it duhhhh.


Well-Known Member
DP anime series will probably air in the U.K in two years time.


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
The Pokemon anime still makes a lot of money from the amount of people watching it.

Do you really think they are going to give up all of that when a new series is already been shown in Japan?
[sarcasm] oh yes it's absolutly true, btw did you hear 4kids plans to releace uncut bilingual DVDs of One Piece with different voices and everything [/sarcasm] to put it simple, NO!

The Power of Pika

Way Past Cool!!
The rumours not true because we would have heard about it from PUSA about now. Also the fact that Pokemon still hitting number 1 even with the voice changes really makes it unlikely.
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