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Badge and Obedience correlation.


Well-Known Member
About the Gym badge correlation with a traded Pokemon's obedience towards its trainer, about how many badges do you need in order for a traded Pokemon to be obedient? Is there a level-per badge?

Ie. 1st Badge = Obedient from level 1-10 and so on.

I just started a new Emerald game earlier today, and at around level 11-15 with 1 badge, the Hoenn starter Pokemons started to refuse to obey commands, and sometimes act on their own. (They were traded from another cart).



Well-Known Member
yea,you just need to get more badges,but the pokemon you orginally had from the begining of the game will still obey you no matter what level you lvl it up too


Well-Known Member
Thanks, wanted to make sure. I thought it might be because it was due to their happiness dropping after trading or something else. I'm guessing the levels are:

1st Badge - 1-10
2nd Badge - 11-20
3rd Badge - 21-30
4th Badge - 31-40
5th Badge - 41-50
6th Badge - 51-60
7th Badge - 61-70
8th Badge - 71-80
Post Elite-4 - 80-100

Ah, oh well. I knew starting with all the starters had some sort of catch. :) I will keep this in mind when D/P come rolling around.


I like spaghetti
No, it's not every badge that does it, only some of them, but I don't know which ones they are, sorry... do you still have your manual?


echospace obsessive
Ithink its

Tate and Liza/Jaun+Wallace:1-100