About the Gym badge correlation with a traded Pokemon's obedience towards its trainer, about how many badges do you need in order for a traded Pokemon to be obedient? Is there a level-per badge?
Ie. 1st Badge = Obedient from level 1-10 and so on.
I just started a new Emerald game earlier today, and at around level 11-15 with 1 badge, the Hoenn starter Pokemons started to refuse to obey commands, and sometimes act on their own. (They were traded from another cart).
Ie. 1st Badge = Obedient from level 1-10 and so on.
I just started a new Emerald game earlier today, and at around level 11-15 with 1 badge, the Hoenn starter Pokemons started to refuse to obey commands, and sometimes act on their own. (They were traded from another cart).