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Hive Trainer
Since the Pokemon Special website is down I have to ask this. Is there a picture anywhere of any or all of the badges of Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn?


Well-Known Member
u could try a google search


Look at JONNO.FRESH's reainer card in his signature if you want to see all badges from 3 regions.


I think he means to get pics from manga about the badges. Sorry if I sound confusing.

Edit:like JONNO.FRESH said, maybe google will help.
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Pyramid Brandon

You may also want to try to look at the screencaps for the anime on Serebii's website. He usually tries to get at least 1 screenshot of the badge, and if the episode where Ash beats the Leader and gets the badge isn't good, try the following episode. Usually the following episode starts out with Ash looking at his new badge in close up view.

P.S. If this doesn't help, PM me. I usually have a drawing of all of the badges around me and can send you what they look like. I use the anime, games, and miscellanious merchandise to get the correct views.


Hive Trainer
I saw a picture a while ago on the kanto gym badges and they looked different than the anime gym badges. I was thinking maybe the Johto badges were shown at any time. I know that the Hoenn badges were shown at some time. I was wondering if maybe somebody had a scan of any of those.


The manga gym badges and anime ones are the same, unless you're referring to the Orange Island badges, which never appeared in the manga.


Raiden Maximus
And anime&manga gym badges=gameboys ones, except the gameboy ones don't have colours.


Well-Known Member
pikadon92 said:
And anime&manga gym badges=gameboys ones, except the gameboy ones don't have colours.

The manga ones don't either...


Hive Trainer
No they aren't. I remember distinctly a picture of the Kanto badges that had a different Orange Badge than the Anime.

Magi of all

Ono's manga had badges made for it and some of them looked different. Special badges all look the same though


And anime&manga gym badges=gameboys ones, except the gameboy ones don't have colours.
they have colors in the GBA and GBC ones.
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