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Balance of Power! (346)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Balance Of Power!

Its time for Ash's 5th Gym Battle in Hoenn. He finally has more than 3 Pokémon so it wont be a repeat of his last battle against Norman. Slakoth, Vigoroth and Slaking are his opponents. Will Ash Win?

Visit The Episode Guide



~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
Petalburg gym match was one of the best...but of course now...this 7th gym badge battle will be excellent...

Pikachu and Grovyle did well...i really like how well Pikachu did...and then Grovyle with Overgrow...was EXCELLENT...

Factory Head Noland

It was a great battle! I really liked the battle between Pikachu and Vigroth also the battle between Grovyle and Slaking.

Space Skitty

Hoenn Champion
Norman is one of my favorite Gym Leaders so it'll be nice to see him again. The battle is very exciting. Interesting to see the use of abilities.


I also can't wait to see the dubbed version of this, I want to know how well Norman took his defeat ;)

Plus Max's reaction to the loss... especially since leading up to it he kept saying that Ash would lose.

Also wouldn't mind hearing why Brock told May not to take sides.

Factory Head Noland

Lol, I bet it will be something like "If You're Slaking, You Lose!" which is a 2 meaning title.


I can't wait to see this episode!! Grovyle and Overgrow will be a treat to see. I heard Pikachu also uses Static?


Old Coot
Haruka wasn't the one taking sides. Masato was, and he was upset over Haruka not being completely in favor of her father. The main reason being that taking sides would be a disappointment in the end for one of them, and if they took complete favor of Senri, Satoshi would doubt that his friends have faith in him.


Well-Known Member
Yeah Caroline even set a good example for her kids regarding this. She didn't seem to care who won, she just wanted to see a good battle. AFAIK anyway...someone who knows more Japanese might end up correcting me though. :p


Old Coot
You would be right, Geo. That's basically the gist of what she said. It didn't matter who won. As long as the battle was good and they both did their best, that's all that mattered.


Yeah I remember Max taking sides while reading the summary (so I understand that), it's just Brock mentions something about how May shouldn't say anything... after she calls out to Ash (something encouraging) so that's why I was wondering why.

King Shuckle

Don't be daft
My Predicted Dub Titles:
~Loosin' Your Balance (In meaning of the Balance Badge)
~Everything is Back to Norman (Everything is back to normal)
~Stop Slaking Off! (Stop Slacking off)

charizard trainer #1

Ready to lose???
Reading the episode guide was exciting watching it must be even better. Can't wait till it airs

Shiny May

I've seen it. Great actions and I think all of Ash's pokemon put up a great fight.
Grovyle was really amazing and I like how Max reacted. It was a realistic reaction and May was cheering for Ash that was good and when she realised she gave some wrong advice to Ash was also funny !!

A great gym battle. One of the best I think, the beginning wasn't good for Ash but he came back strong.
This was the best of all Hoenn gym battles!
The one with Winona comes in on a close second.

We have yet to see Ash vs Ardan, which I don't doubt that it'll be highly spectacular, and probably better than this one.


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
Hmmm, This seems like an interesting eppy we battle Norman in here eh? I here some abilities come into play here....like to see that. Well I'm waiting to see this one and the slaking off seems like the best ;\